
IMDEA Materials Institute has well-equipped laboratories with the-state-of-the-art facilities for organic and inorganic synthesis, polymer processing, fire testing, and mechanical and thermal analysis, which provide a necessary and strong support to carry out the study on advanced polymer materials, composites and nanocomposites. In addition, some other related instruments such as atomic force microscope (Park XE150), scanning electron microscope (EVO MA15, Zeiss), X-ray computer-assisted 3D nanotomograph (Nanotom, Phoenix), FIB-FEGSEM dual-beam microscope (Helios NanoLab 600i, FEI), RAMAN micro-spectroscopy system (Renishaw PLC), X-ray diffraction ((Empyrean, PANalytical)) and transmission electron microscope (TEM)  are also available on the measurement platform of IMDEA Materials institute.


Fire Testing

Cone calorimeter FTT Dual
FAA Micro Calorimeter
Micro combustion calorimeter
Horizontal/Vertical Flame Chamber
Horizontal / vertical burning test chamber
Oxygen Index
Oxygen Index FTT
Optris MT-CF3
Through-fire pyrometer Optris MT-CF3
ConeTools (Simulated SBI/RCT Tests)
Torch and Grit fire testing (UL 2596)
Mechanical behaviour in fire
Melting Behavior of Fusible Materials (UN/ECE Regulation No.118, Annex 7)

Thermal Analysis

Thermo gravimetric analysiser (TGA) TA Q50
Differencial Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) TA Q200
Rheometer TA 2000
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) TA Q800
Melting Flow Index KINSGEO KJ-3092
Rheometer Anton Paar MCR 702e Multidrive (IMDEA Materials platform)
Thermal constants analyser HOTDISK TPS 2500S
Thermal Camera For Ultra-high Temperature Measurement InfiRay AT31UZ

Organic and Polymeric Synthesis

Chemistry Lab
Reaction control unit equipped with chilling system
Vacuum oven Thermo Scientific vt 6060 p
Rotary Evaporators HEI-VAP ADVANTAGE with vaccum bump and chiller
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) Nicolet IS 50
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) Waters 1525, 2489, 2414
Density Balance JA203M
Freeze dryer SCIENTZ-12N

Inorganic Synthesis

Planetary ball mill TOB-XQM-2L
Hydro/solvothermal autoclave reactor series
Centrifuge Eppendorf Centrifuge 5804
High pressure autoclave
High Speed Mixing Machine
Laboratory Bead Mill ELE ESW-10
Programmable covention oven Thermo Scientific OMH100
Ultrasonic processor Vibrcell 75115
Ultrasonic processor Vibrcell 75115
Tube Furnace MTL GSL 1100X

Polymer Processing

Extruder BARBENDER KETSE 20/40
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 320C
Three roll mill EXKAT 80E
Hot Press FONTJNE TP 400
Microcompounder Xplore MC 15 HT
Mini-injector Xplore IM12
Internal Mixer
Electrospinning setup Nanon-01a
Filament Maker 3devo Precision 450
Fused filament fabrication printer Ultimaker S5 (IMDEA Materials platform)
Stereolithography (SLA) Printer Phrozen Sonic Mini 8k
Fused granulate fabrication printer Direct3D (IMDEA Materials platform)
Planetary centrifugal mixer THINK MIXER AER 310
Micrometer adjustable film applicator BIUGED BGD 209/2 with automatic film applicator
Automatic Film Applicator Zehntner ZAA 2300
Laser engraving, cutting machines Epilog ZING 16/24 (IMDEA Materials platform)
Spin coater Ossia (IMDEA Materials platform)
Resin infusion kit for FRPs (IMDEA Materials platform)
Resin transfer molding setup for FRPs (IMDEA Materials platform)
CNC router (IMDEA Materials platform)

Microstructural Analysis

SEM EVO Microscope (IMDEA Materials platform)
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Helios NanoLab 600i (IMDEA Materials platform)
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Talos F200X (IMDEA Materials platform)
Laser particle size Analyzer Bettersize ST
Laser particle size analyzer Bettersize ST
SEM Thermofisher Apero 2S (IMDEA Materials platform)
saxspoint 5.0
SAXS laboratory beamline SAXSpoint 5.0 (IMDEA Materials platform)
Litesizer 500
Size analysizer Anton Paar Litesizer 500 (IMDEA Materials platform)
CT computed tomography machine Phoenix Nanotom 160NF (IMDEA Materials platform)
ICP-OES Thermo Fisher iCAP Pro (IMDEA Materials platform)
Optical microscope Nikon ECLIPSE LV100ND (IMDEA Materials platform)
Optical profilometer KLA Tencor D-500 (IMDEA Materials platform)
Atomic Force Microscopes Park Systems XE-150 (IMDEA Materials platform)
Raman microscopes Renishaw inVia (IMDEA Materials platform)
Drop shape analyszer Kruss DSA30 (IMDEA Materials platform)

Mechanical properties

Charpy impact test
Universal testing frame Instron 8084 with digital image correlation system (IMDEA Materials platform)
Nanoindenter Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter (IMDEA Materials platform)
Drop Tower Impact System CEAST 9350 (IMDEA Materials platform)

Electrical & energy storage properties

Digital multimeter KEYSIGHT 34465A
Battery testing system NEWARE BTS with UPS power system
Precision LCR meter IET 1920
Lab-made TENG testing machine
Humidity chamber for battery testing
Standford SR570
Low-noise current pre-amplifier Standford SR570
DC Power Supply Tektronix PWS2721
Analog Function Generator TG550 (IMDEA Materials platform)
Multichaneel Potentiostat Biologic VSP 300 (IMDEA Materials platform)