IMS&CPS: Innovative Material Synergies & Composite Processing Strategies
IMDEA Materials Institute contribution to the project includes the development of methodologies to model electrical conductivity and light impact performance for hierarchical nano-engineered fibre reinforced composites and the assessment of fire properties.
IMS&CPS: Innovative Material Synergies & Composite Processing Strategies
- Partners: The research consortium is led by COEXPAIR S.A. (Belgium), and comprises EADS France IW, Nanocyl S.A., Alstom, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav, a.s., Composite Testing Laboratory Ltd, Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH, University of Cambridge, Queen Mary&Westfield College, University of London, Insa-Lyon, SLCA, ESAIT, Quickstep GmbH, Eurocarbon, FIDAMC and IMDEA Materials Institute.
- Funding: European Union, 7th Framework Programme (Cooperation, NMP Theme)
- Region: Europe
- Project period: 2010– 2013
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Carlos González