To find better ways of producing nano-composite materials, IMDEA Materials participates in a large scale collaborative project led by the European Space Agency with the European Commission, universities from Europe, Russia and Australia, and industrial companies such as EADS, Fiat and Volvo. This ExoMet project is under way with a €20 million investment from public and private sources. The team is looking at improving how the grains are refined as well as at various ways of mixing the nano-particles in the metal melt. The latter includes powerful ultrasound, which creates bubbles in molten metals that could separate the nano-particles. Further, magnets could be used to stir the liquid. Finally, passing the liquid metal through two screws would break up the clumps and mix it at the same time. Products from these materials are expectedly lighter, stronger, more supple and durable, offering many advantages for engines, satellites and portable devices.