
Biaobiao Yang receives the Acta Student Award

Biaobiao Yang has received the Acta Student Award for his primary contribution to the paper: B. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Li, M. Barnett, J. LLorca – Suppressed transformation of compression twins to double twins in Mg by activation of non-basal

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Javier LLorca receives the 2024 Morris Cohen Award from the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS). This award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the science and/or technology of materials properties.

The award was given to Prof. LLorca “for his contributions to unveil the link between microstructure and mechanical properties in a wide variety of structural materials by means of multiscale modelling strategies and nanomechanical characterization techniques”.  The formal presentation of

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Diego Schaefer defended his master thesis entitled “Computational study of gold surfaces to assess the influence of elastic strains and coverage on the adsorption energies of relevant adsorbates for the hydrogen economy” on January 25th at the Technical University of Madrid

The master thesis was carried out during the research initiation fellowship of Diego in the Bio/Chemo/Mechanics of Materials group and was supervised by Dr. Valentin Vassilev and Ms. Carmen Martínez. The thesis was graded with 10/10 by the committee.

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