Project details
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Unión Europea. PRTR
Project coordinator: IMDEA MATERIALES
Project period: 01/07/2023 – 30/06/2025
IMDEA Materials' researchers
Sound waves are ever so present in our daily lives. They govern compression and rarefaction of air molecules from the sweetest of music
to the most unbearable noise levels. The flagship material to provide unprecedented control over sound by taking up the smallest possible
amount of physical space is the so-called metasurface that is the flat counterpart to the bulky metamaterial.
The Cyphochilus beetle has developed bright white coloration to camouflage among white fungi thanks to the irregular nano-structure of
their scales. The diffusive reflection of light from all observation angles has inspired design of sound diffusers to broaden the soundscape
and spaciousness in rooms, and have lately been realized using metasurfaces. Likewise, until now, intricate spatial acoustic structures
could only be shaped using complex technology, yet metasurfaces have proven highly useful as well in promising areas such as biology
and medicine to craft sound fields for acoustic holograms and imaging way beyond the diffraction limit.
Regrettably, there is a snag. Acoustic damping in the form of viscous and thermal losses is ubiquitous and hampers the efficiency of the
metasurface performance. In order to counteract on the damping and to guarantee highly effective sound control, I intend with this project
to focus on loss-compensation through the incorporation of thermoacoustic gain. The aim of NoDiSonics is to explore the horizons of
possibilities by decorating the inner metasurface walls with carbon nanotube films, which when electrically loaded can generate the lost
acoustic energy. I expect that the successful realization of NoDiSonics has the potential to revolutionize the ability to structure sound in
three dimensions by using ultrathin materials that are immune to vischothermal losses. Particularly, I set the objectives to fully understand
thermoacoustic loss restraint, to design loss-free sonic holograms for contactless matter manipulation, to achieve high resolution imaging
below the diffraction limit, and to create highly efficient lossless sound diffusion.
NODISONICS is a individual project.

Funded by

Ayuda CNS2022-135706 financiada por MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, “Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.