Seminar of Dr. Efim Borukhovich – “Incorporating elastoplastic models in phase field”

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


In material science modeling, phase field is the method of choice when morphology of the observed system is to be modeled. This full field approach is able to capture the microstructure of interest regardless of its complexity. The possibility of being coupled with models from diverse physical disciplines as thermodynamics or mechanics increases its value even further. The purpose of the presentation is to give an initial picture of, first, what the phase field method is in its main features, and second, which questions are to be answered combining phase field with other physical models considering the possible pitfalls. The coupling strategy used for combining a plasticity aware finite deformation framework to the phase field software OpenPhase will be presented. As an example for interaction effects arising by combining several models, a composition dependent elasticity scenario will be sketched. Finally, a combination of phase field with the Navier – Stokes equation will also be introduced that allows modeling of deformation processes without the quasi static mechanical equilibrium assumption. The latter approach will be depicted at the example of a sintering.

Short Bio:

Dr. Efim Borukhovich
I studied physics in Germany, at the RuhrUniversity Bochum from 20052010. In 2010 I got my M.Sc. degree at the department for computational plasma physics and upon its completion, in 2011 I started my Ph.D at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Material Simulations (ICAMS), also in the RuhrUniversity Bochum, in the Department for Scale Bridging Thermodynamic and Kinetic Simulation supervised by Prof. Ingo Steinbach. During my Ph.D. I was mainly involved in developing the open source phase field software OpenPhase focusing on implementation of multicomponent diffusion and finite deformation solvers. In 2016 I obtained my doctoral degree with the thesis titled “Consistent coupling of geometrically nonlinear finite deformation with alloy chemistry and diffusion within the phasefield framework”. Few months later I came to Prof. Annika Borgenstam’s material science group in the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. My current working project deals with the process of sagging during solid phase sintering with the special focus on the influence of sintering powder morphology.