Seminar of Dr. Wenqing Yan from the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering in ETH Zurich (Swiss), entitled “Oxygen-Tolerant Radical Polymerization Techniques and Macromolecule Design for Industrial Applications” – on June 27th, 2024, at 12:30 pm, in the Seminar Room.


By utilizing innovative polymerization techniques involving zero-valent metals and UV light, we have developed radical polymerizations that exhibit low dispersity, high monomer conversion rates, exceptional oxygen tolerance, and minimal catalyst content. These advancements are crucial for streamlining production processes, reducing costs, and decreasing environmental pollution during the synthesis of polymers.
Moreover, by tailoring the design of macromolecular structures, we have achieved customized modifications in the physicochemical properties of macroscopic materials. This includes adjustment to wettability, friction coefficient, protein repellency, ionic selectivity, and phase change characteristics, all of which are significantly important for producing materials with superior performance, meeting specific application needs, exploring new fields, and reducing environmental pollution.