- J. Zhang; J. Liu; A. Souslov; M.T. Pérez-Prado, J. Segurado; M. Haranczyk, J. Christensen - Buckle-Barrel Correspondence Based on Topological Polarization Conversion in Mechanical Metamaterials. advanced materials , 2025. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202415962
- D.W. Liao; J.Y. Zhang; S.C. Wang; Z.W. Zhang; A. Cortijo; M.A.H. Vozmediano; G. Guinea; Y. Cheng; X.J. Liu; J. Christensen - Visualizing the topological pentagon states of a giant C540 metamaterial. nature communications 15, 2025. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-53819-9
- J. Christensen; M.R. Haberman; A. Srivastava; G. Huang; G. Shmuel - Perspective on non-Hermitian elastodynamics. applied physics letters 125, 2024. DOI: 10.1063/5.0224250
- B. Hu; Z. Zhang; Y. Liu; D. Liao; Y. Zhu; H. Zhang; Y. Cheng; X. Liu; J. Christensen - Engineering Higher-Order Topological Confinement via Acoustic Non-Hermitian Textures. advanced materials , 2024. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202406567
- J.P. Zheng; L.Y. Zheng; S.Y. YU; S.L. Yang; X.C. Sun; L. Liu; M.H. Lu; Y.F. Chen; J. Christensen - Focusing Micromechanical Polaritons in Topologically Nontrivial Hyperbolic Metasurfaces. advanced materials , 2024. DOI: DOI10.1002/adma.202311599
- H.X. Li; J.J. Liu, Z.X. Chen, K. Wu; B. Liang; J. Yang; J.C. Cheng; J. Christensen - Superwavelength self-healing of spoof surface sonic Airy-Talbot waves. nature communications 14, 2023. DOI: DOI10.1038/s41467-023-43379-9
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- Hu, BL, Zhang, ZW, Yue, ZC, Liao, DW, Liu, YM, Zhang, HX, Cheng, Y, Liu, XJ, Christensen, J - Anti-Parity-Time Symmetry in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Sonic Lattice. physical review letters 131, 2023. DOI: DOI10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.066601
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- J. Feilhauer, M. Zelent, Zhiwang Zhang, J. Christensen, and M. Mruczkiewicz - Unidirectional spin-wave edge modes in magnonic crystal. apl materials 11, 021104 -021104 , 2023. DOI: 10.1063/5.0134099
- Anastasiia O. Krushynska , Daniel Torrent , Alejandro M. Aragón , Raffaele Ardito , Osama R. Bilal , Bernard Bonello , Federico Bosia , Yi Chen , Johan Christensen , Andrea Colombi , Steven A. Cummer , Bahram Djafari-Rouhani , Fernando Fraternali , Pavel I. Galich , Pedro David Garcia , Jean-Philippe Groby , Sebastien Guenneau , Michael R. Haberman , Mahmoud I. Hussein , Shahram Janbaz , Noé Jiménez , Abdelkrim Khelif , Vincent Laude , Mohammad J. Mirzaali , Pawel Packo , Antonio Palermo , Yan Pennec , Rubén Picó , María Rosendo López , Stephan Rudykh , Marc Serra-Garcia , Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres , Timothy A. Starkey , Vincent Tournat and Oliver B. Wright - Emerging topics in nanophononics and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials: an overview. nanophotonics 2 Issue 4, 2023. DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2022-067
- Milan Cajić, Danilo Karličić, Johan Christensen, Sondipon Adhikari - Tunable topological interface states in one-dimensional inerter-based locally resonant lattices with damping. journal of sound and vibration 542, 117326-117326, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117326
- J. Shi, C. Liu, C. Guo, H. Chu, X. Liu, J. Christensen,Y. Lai - Broadband Acoustic Metaveils for Configurable Camouflage. physical review applied 18, 064064 -064064 , 2022. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.18.064064
- López, María Rosendo; Zhang, Zhiwang; Torrent, Daniel; Christensen, Johan - Theory of holey twistsonic media. communications materials volume 3; 99, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s43246-022-00320-9
- René Pernas-Salomón, Li-Yang Zheng, Zhiwang Zhang, Penglin Gao, Xiaojun Liu, Ying Cheng and Johan Christensen - Theory of non-Hermitian topological whispering gallery. npj computational materials 241, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41524-022-00934-0
- Zhiwang Zhang, Penglin Gao, Wenjie Liu, Zichong Yue, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu & Johan Christensen - Structured sonic tube with carbon nanotube-like topological edge states. nature communications 13-5096, 2022. DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32777-0
- Penglin Gao, Yegao Qu, Johan Christensen - Non-Hermitian elastodynamics in gyro-odd continuum media. communications materials 3, 74-74, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s43246-022-00297-5
- Zhiwang Zhang, Penglin Gao, Wenjie Liu, Zichong Yue, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu & Johan Christensen - Structured sonic tube with carbon nanotube-like topological edge states. nature communications 5096, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32777-0