Internal initiatives (awards)

Innovation and creativity are at the heart of IMDEA Materials and in order to encourage it amongst our researchers and technicians, Innovation Awards and Imaging Contests are celebrated every year.

Innovation Awards

Candidate/s have to show novel and original ideas in the form of a proof of concept (PoC) (TRL3 and above), demonstrating the viability of a technology at laboratory scale with potential impact in the industry or society. The PoC can be: material, device, manufacturing process, transformation process, software, etc…

The best project will receive an economical award of 15.000 Euros, which must be spent in further developing the winning proof of concept within the research group/s of IMDEA Materials.

Imaging Contests

One of the most common traditions of the IMDEA Materials Institute after New Year is the Imaging Contest, open to any employee or student of IMDEA Materials.

The competition is normally divided in three categories (Materials Characterization, Materials Simulation and Open Subject), and awards are given for the best image in each category. Later, those images are published at prominent locations in
the corresponding annual report, website and maybe even in some rooms of the building.

Below you can access more information about the previous editions of these awards and their winners.