Slip transfer and crack initiation at grain and twin boundaries during strain-controlled fatigue of solution-hardened Ni-based alloys
Grain growth competition and formation of grain boundaries during solidification of hcp alloys
Revisiting the precipitation mechanisms of Guinier-Preston zones, η′, and η precipitates in Al-Zn-Mg alloys
Assessment of slip transfer criteria for prismatic-to-prismatic slip in pure Ti from 3D grain boundary data
Accurate prediction of the solid-state region of the Ni-Al phase diagram including configurational and vibrational entropy and magentic effects
Morphological stability of solid-liquid interfaces under additive manufacturing conditions
Twin suppression by atomic scale engineering of precipitate-matrix interfaces
Accurate determination of active slip systems for improved geometrical criteria of basal-to-basal slip transfer at grain boundaries in pure Mg
First-principles analysis of the Al-rich corner of Al-Li-Cu phase diagram
Convective effects on columnar dendritic solidification – A multiscale dendritic needle network study
Atomic scale interactions of basal dislocations and twin boundaries with ultrathin precipitates in magnesium alloys
Deformation mechanisms of Mg-Ca-Zn alloys studied by means of micropillar compression tests
Multiscale prediction of microstructure length scales in metallic alloy casting
Nanoindentation of Amorphous Carbon: a combined experimental and simulation approach
Nanoindentation of Amorphous Carbon: a combined experimental and simulation approach
Prediction of the Al-rich part of the Al-Cu phase diagram using cluster expansion and statistical mechanics
An analysis of the influence of the precipitate type on the mechanical behavior of Al – Cu alloys by means of micropillar compression tests
Dislocation-particle interactions in magnesium alloys
Multiscale modelling of precipitation hardening in Al-Cu alloys: Dislocation dynamics simulations and experimental validation
Effect of Al content on the critical resolved shear stress for twin nucleation and growth in Mg alloys
Interactions between basal dislocations and beta(1)’ precipitates in Mg-4Zn alloy: Mechanisms and strengthening
Influence of the stress state on the cross-slip free energy barrier in Al: An atomistic investigation
Gas atomization of gamma-TiAl Alloy Powder for Additive Manufacturing
Precipitation during high temperature aging of Al−Cu alloys: A multiscale analysis based on first principles calculations
An atomistic investigation of the interaction of dislocations with Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Cu alloys
Origin of the low precipitation hardening in magnesium alloys
Growth competition between columnar dendritic grains – Cellular automaton versus phase field modeling
Pineau, A.; Guillemot, G.; Tourret, D.; Karma, A.; Gandin, Ch. -A.
Understanding the high temperature reversed yield asymmetry in a Mg-rare earth alloy by slip trace analysis
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Prado-Martinez, C.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Thermal-field effects on interface dynamics and microstructure selection during alloy directional solidification
Song, Y.; Tourret, D.; Mota, F. L.; Pereda, J.; Billia, B.; Bergeon, N.; Trivedi, R.; Karma, A.
An analysis of the influence of grain size on the strength of FCC polycrystals by means of computational homogenization
Haouala, Sarra; Segurado, Javier; LLorca, Javier
Mechanical properties of metal-ceramic nanolaminates: Effect of constraint and temperature
Yang, L. W.; Mayer, C.; Li, N.; Baldwin, J. K.; Mara, N. A.; Chawla, N.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Llorca, J.
An atomistic investigation of the composition dependence in SiGe alloys during Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth
Payet, Anthony; Sklenard, Benoit; Barbe, Jean-Charles; Batude, Perrine; Tavernier, Clement; Gergaud, Patrice; Martin-Bragado, Ignacio
Tuning the magnetic properties of pure hafnium by high pressure torsion
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Beltran, J. I.; Hernando, A.; Garcia, M. A.; Yndurain, F.; Zhilyaev, A.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Selective oxidation-induced strengthening of Zr/Nb nanoscale multilayers
Monclus, M. A.; Callisti, M.; Polcar, T.; Yang, L. W.; Llorca, J.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.
Quasi-atomistic modeling of the microstructure evolution in binary alloys and its application to the FeCr case
Dopico, Ignacio; Castrillo, Pedro; Martin-Bragado, Ignacio
Multiscale modeling of defect formation during solid-phase epitaxy regrowth of silicon
Prieto-Depedro, M.; Romero, I.; Martin-Bragado, T.
Microplasticity-based rationalization of the room temperature yield asymmetry in conventional polycrystalline Mg alloys
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Origin of the reversed yield asymmetry in Mg-rare earth alloys at high temperature
Hidalgo-Manrique, P.; Herrera-Solaz, V.; Segurado, J.; Llorca, J.; Galvez, F.; Ruano, O. A.; Yi, S. B.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Influence of grain boundaries on the radiation-induced defects and hydrogen in nanostructured and coarse-grained tungsten
Valles, G.; Panizo-Laiz, M.; Gonzalez, C.; Martin-Bragado, I.; Gonzalez-Arrabal, R.; Gordillo, N.; Iglesias, R.; Guerrero, C. L.; Perlado, J. M.; Rivera, A.
Anisotropy, size, and aspect ratio effects on micropillar compression of Al-SiC nanolaminate composites
Mayer, C. R.; Yang, L. W.; Singh, S. S.; Llorca, J.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Shen, Y. L.; Chawla, N.
Multiscale modelling of the morphology and spatial distribution of theta’ precipitates in Al-Cu alloys
Liu, H.; Bellon, B.; LLorca, J.
Understanding size effects on the strength of single crystals through high-temperature micropillar compression
Soler, Rafael; Wheeler, Jeffrey M.; Chang, Hyung-Jun; Segurado, Javier; Michler, Johann; Llorca, Javier; Molina-Aldareguia, Jon M.
Void growth in copper during high-temperature power-law creep
Dzieciol, K.; Borbely, A.; Sket, F.; Isaac, A.; Di Michiel, M.; Cloetens, P.; Buslaps, Th; Pyzalla, A. R.
Effect of indentation size on the nucleation and propagation of tensile twinning in pure magnesium
Sanchez-Martin, R.; Perez-Prado, M. T.; Segurado, J.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.
Precipitation strengthening and reversed yield stress asymmetry in Mg alloys containing rare-earth elements: A quantitative study
Hidalgo-Manrique, P.; Robson, J. D.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Effect of lamellar orientation on the strength and operating deformation mechanisms of fully lamellar TiAl alloys determined by micropillar compression
Jesus Palomares-Garcia, Alberto; Teresa Perez-Prado, Maria; Mikel Molina-Aldareguia, Jon
Prominent role of basal slip during high-temperature deformation of pure Mg polycrystals
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Carreno, F.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Origin of the twinning to slip transition with grain size refinement, with decreasing strain rate and with increasing temperature in magnesium
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Effect of grain size on slip activity in pure magnesium polycrystals
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Determination of the mechanical properties of amorphous materials through instrumented nanoindentation
Rodriguez, M.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Gonzalez, C.; LLorca, J.
Ballistic performance of nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystal steel
Frontan, Jaime; Zhang, Yuming; Dao, Ming; Lu, Jian; Galvez, Francisco; Jerusalem, Antoine
Measuring the critical resolved shear stresses in Mg alloys by instrumented nanoindentation
Sanchez-Martin, R.; Perez-Prado, M. T.; Segurado, J.; Bohlen, J.; Gutierrez-Urrutia, I.; Llorca, J.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.
High temperature micropillar compression of Al/SiC nanolaminates
Lotfian, S.; Rodriguez, M.; Yazzie, K. E.; Chawla, N.; Llorca, J.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.
Three-dimensional investigation of grain boundary-twin interactions in a Mg AZ31 alloy by electron backscatter diffraction and continuum modeling
Fernandez, A.; Jerusalem, A.; Gutierrez-Urrutia, I.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of a Mg AZ31 sheet at dynamic strain rates
Ulacia, I.; Dudamell, N. V.; Galvez, F.; Yi, S.; Perez-Prado, M. T.; Hurtado, I.
Twinning and grain subdivision during dynamic deformation of a Mg AZ31 sheet alloy at room temperature
Dudamell, N. V.; Ulacia, I.; Galvez, F.; Yi, S.; Bohlen, J.; Letzig, D.; Hurtado, I.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Influence of interface mobility on the evolution of austenite-martensite grain assemblies during annealing
Santofimia, M. J.; Speer, J. G.; Clarke, A. J.; Zhao, L.; Sietsma, J.
In situ analysis of the tensile and tensile-creep deformation mechanisms in rolled AZ31
Boehlert, C. J.; Chen, Z.; Gutierrez-Urrutia, I.; Llorca, J.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Understanding the high temperature reversed yield asymmetry in a Mg-rare earth alloy by slip trace analysis.