Bayesian inference of high-dimensional finite-strain visco-elastic-visco-plastic model parameters for additive manufactured polymers and neural network based material parameters generator
Analysis and design of bistable and thermally reversible metamaterials inspired by shape-memory alloys
Dimensionally reduced nonlinear solids with general loads and constitutive laws: Theory and finite element formulation for rod-like bodies
Dimensionally reduced nonlinear solids with general loads and constitutive laws: Theory and finite element formulation for rod-like bodies
High-fidelity computational micromechanics of first-fibre failure in unidirectional composites: Deformation mechanisms and stress concentration factors
Comment on Influence of the Lode parameter and the stress triaxiality on the failure of elasto-plastic porous materials by K. Danas and P. Ponte Castaneda Response
Danas, Kostas; Ponte Castaneda, Pedro
A numerical framework to analyze fracture in composite materials: From R-curves to homogenized softening laws
Herraez, M.; Gonzalez, C.; Lopes, C. S.
Numerical simulation of the ballistic response of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics
Martinez-Hergueta, F.; Ridruejo, A.; Gonzalez, C.; Llorca, J.
A novel high symmetry interlocking micro-architecture design for polymer composites with improved mechanical properties
Haldar, Sandip; Sain, Trisha; Ghosh, Susanta
Modelling of the mechanical behavior of polyurethane foams by means of micromechanical characterization and computational homogenization
Marvi-Mashhadi, M.; Lopes, C. S.; LLorca, J.
Notch effect in failure of fiberglass non-woven materials
Chen, Yinglong; Ridruejo, Alvaro; Gonzalez, Carlos; Llorca, Javier; Siegmund, Thomas
A multiscale micromechanical model of needlepunched nonwoven fabrics
Martinez-Hergueta, F.; Ridruejo, A.; Gonzalez, C.; LLorca, J.
Effects of internal pore pressure on closed-cell elastomeric foams
Lopez-Pamies, Oscar; Ponte Castaneda, Pedro; Idiart, Martin I.
Modeling cyclic deformation of inconel 718 superalloy by means of crystal plasticity and computational homogenization
Cruzado, A.; LLorca, J.; Segurado, J.
Anisotropic finite-strain models for porous viscoplastic materials with microstructure evolution
Agoras, M.; Castaneda, P. Ponte
Deformation and energy dissipation mechanisms of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics: A multiscale experimental analysis
Martinez-Hergueta, F.; Ridruejo, A.; Gonzalez, C.; LLorca, J.
Effect of interface fracture on the tensile deformation of fiber-reinforced elastomers
Moraleda, Joaquin; Segurado, Javier; Llorca, Javier
A constitutive model for the in-plane mechanical behavior of nonwoven fabrics
Ridruejo, Alvaro; Gonzalez, Carlos; LLorca, Javier
The effect of particle shape and distribution on the macroscopic behavior of magnetoelastic composites
Galipeau, Evan; Ponte Castaneda, Pedro
Micromechanisms of deformation and fracture of polypropylene nonwoven fabrics
Ridruejo, Alvaro; Gonzalez, Carlos; LLorca, Javier
Influence of the Lode parameter and the stress triaxiality on the failure of elasto-plastic porous materials
Danas, K.; Ponte Castaneda, P.