Effect of twin boundaries on the strength of body-centered cubic tungsten nanowires
The sensitivity of the microstructure and properties to the peak temperature in an ultrafast heat treated low carbon-steel
The effect of soaking time after ultrafast heating on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of a low carbon steel
Effect of grain orientation and local strains on void growth and coalescence in titanium
Microstructure-based modelling and Digital Image Correlation measurement of strain fields in austenitic stainless steel 316L during tension loading
Analysis of the interface and mechanical properties of field-assisted sintered duplex stainless steels
High strain rate tensile behavior of a quenching and partitioning (Q&P) Fe-0.25C-1.5Si-3.0Mn steel
Exploring the microstructure and tensile properties of cold-rolled low and medium carbon steels after ultrafast heating and quenching
Cerda, F. M. C.; Schulz, B.; Celentano, D.; Monsalve, A.; Sabirov, I.; Petrov, R. H.
Microstructure, mechanical properties and aging behaviour of nanocrystalline copper-beryllium alloy
Lomakin, I.; Castillo-Rodriguez, M.; Sauvage, X.
Microstructure and compression strength of Co-based superalloys hardened by gamma ‘ and carbide precipitation
Carton-Cordero, Marta; Campos, Monica; Freund, Lisa P.; Kolb, Markus; Neumeier, Steffen; Goeken, Mathias; Torralba, Jose M.
Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of a quenched and partitioned steel during drop weight impact and punch testing
Xia, Peikang; Sabirov, Ilchat; Molina-Aldareguia, Jon; Verleysen, Patricia; Petrov, Roumen
Controlling the high temperature mechanical behavior of Al alloys by precipitation and severe straining
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Castillo-Rodriguez, M.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Huang, Y.; Langdon, T. G.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
The effects of pre-deformation on the creep aging behavior and mechanical properties of Al-Li-S4 alloys
Hu, Libin; Zhan, Lihua; Liu, Zhilin; Shen, Rulin; Yang, Youliang; Ma, Ziyao; Liu, Ming; Liu, Jian; Yang, Yingge; Wang, Xun
Effect of SPD processing on mechanical behavior and dynamic strain aging of an Al-Mg alloy in various deformation modes and wide strain rate range
Valdes-Tabernero, M. A.; Sancho-Cadenas, R.; Sabirov, I.; Murashkin, M. Yu; Ovid'ko, I. A.; Galvez, F.
A theoretical study of the structure-property relations in ultra-fine metallic materials with fractal microstructures
Sabirov, I.; Yang, C.; Mullins, J.; Hodgson, P. D.
Indirect improvement of high temperature mechanical properties of a Mg-based alloy Elektron2l by addition of AIN nanoparticles
Daudin, R.; Terzi, S.; Mallmann, C.; Martin, R. Sanchez; Lhuissier, P.; Boller, E.; Pacureanu, A.; Katsarou, L.; Dieringa, H.; Salvo, L.
Influence of 3D connectivity of rigid phases on damage evolution during tensile deformation of an AlSi12Cu4Ni2 piston alloy
Bugelnig, Katrin; Sket, Federico; Germann, Holger; Steffens, Thomas; Koos, Robert; Wilde, Fabian; Boller, Elodie; Requena, Guillermo
Effect of water conditioning on the fracture behavior of PA12 composites processed by selective laser sintering
Seltzer, Rocio; Martin de la Escalera, Federico; Segurado, Javier
Three-dimensional investigation of grain orientation effects on void growth in commercially pure titanium
Pushkareva, Marina; Adrien, Jerome; Maire, Eric; Segurado, Javier; Llorca, Javier; Weck, Arnaud
Assessment of homogeneity of the shear-strain pattern in Al-7 wt%Si casting alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Orozco-Caballero, A.; Garcia-Infanta, J. M.; Zhilyaev, A. P.; Ruano, O. A.; Carreno, F.
Analysis of crystallographic slip and grain boundary sliding in a Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at%)-0.8 vol%TiB2 alloy by high temperature in situ mechanical testing
Munoz-Moreno, R.; Ruiz-Navas, E. M.; Boehlert, C. J.; Llorca, J.; Torralba, J. M.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
From the TRIP effect and Quenching and Partitioning steels concepts to the development of new high-performance, lean powder metallurgy steels
Torralba, Jose M.; Navarro, Alfonso; Campos, Monica
Microstructural design in quenched and partitioned (Q&P) steels to improve their fracture properties
de Diego-Calderon, I.; Sabirov, I.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Fojer, C.; Thiessen, R.; Petrov, R. H.
Load partition and microstructural evolution during in situ hot deformation of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn alloys
Canelo-Yubero, David; Requena, Guillermo; Sket, Federico; Poletti, Cecilia; Warchomicka, Fernando; Daniels, John; Schell, Norbert; Stark, Andreas
Grain size versus microstructural stability in the high strain rate superplastic response of a severely friction stir processed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
Orozco-Caballero, Alberto; Alvarez-Leal, Marta; Hidalgo-Manrique, Paloma; Maria Cepeda-Jimenez, Carmen; Antonio Ruano, Oscar; Carreno, Fernando
Local and global measures of the fracture toughness of metal matrix composites
Sabirov, I.; Kolednik, O.
Evolution of the microstructure, texture and creep properties of the 7075 aluminium alloy during hot accumulative roll bonding
Hidago-Manrique, P.; Cepeda-Jimenez, C. M.; Orozco-Caballero, A.; Ruano, O. A.; Carreno, F.
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties in a low carbon steel after ultrafast heating
Castro Cerda, F.; Goulas, C.; Sabirov, I.; Papaefthymiou, S.; Monsalve, A.; Petrov, R. H.
Hot deformation behavior and workability characteristics of AZ91 magnesium alloy powder compacts-A study using processing map
Jabbari Taleghani, M. A.; Torralba, J. M.
Effect of anisotropic microstructure of a 12Cr-ODS steel on the fracture behaviour in the small punch test
Altstadt, E.; Serrano, M.; Houska, M.; Garcia-Junceda, A.
Microtomographic investigation of damage in E911 steel after long term creep
Sket, F.; Dzieciol, K.; Borbely, A.; Kaysser-Pyzalla, A. R.; Maile, K.; Scheck, R.
Anisotropy of uni-axial and bi-axial deformation behavior of pure Titanium after hydrostatic extrusion
Moreno-Valle, E. C.; Pachla, W.; Kulczyk, M.; Savoini, B.; Monge, M. A.; Ballesteros, C.; Sabirov, I.
Global and local deformation behavior and mechanical properties of individual phases in a quenched and partitioned steel
de Diego-Calderon, I.; De Knijf, D.; Monclus, M. A.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Sabirov, I.; Foejer, C.; Petrov, R. H.
Influence of the high pressure torsion die geometry on the allotropic phase transformations in pure Zr
Zhilyaev, A. P.; Galvez, F.; Sharafutdinov, A.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Development of constitutive relationship and processing map for Al-6. 65Si-0.44Mg alloy and its composite with B4C particulates
Gangolu, S.; Rao, A. Gourav; Sabirov, I.; Kashyap, B. P.; Prabhu, N.; Deshmukh, V. P.
Influence of strain rate on the twin and slip activity of a magnesium alloy containing neodymium
Dudamell, N. V.; Hidalgo-Manrique, P.; Chakkedath, A.; Chen, Z.; Boehlert, C. J.; Galvez, E.; Yi, S.; Bohlen, J.; Letzig, D.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
On the relation between the microstructure and the mechanical behavior of pure Zn processed by high pressure torsion
Srinivasarao, B.; Zhilyaev, A. P.; Langdon, T. G.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Effect of microstructure on fatigue behavior of advanced high strength steels produced by quenching and partitioning and the role of retained austenite
de Diego-Calderon, I.; Rodriguez-Calvillo, P.; Lara, A.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Petrov, R. H.; De Knijf, D.; Sabirov, I.
Influence of texture on the recrystallization mechanisms in an AZ31 Mg sheet alloy at dynamic rates
Dudamell, N. V.; Ulacia, I.; Galvez, F.; Yi, S.; Bohlen, J.; Letzig, D.; Hurtado, I.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Deformation behavior of a high strength multiphase steel at macro- and micro-scales
de Diego-Calderon, I.; Santofimia, M. J.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Monclus, M. A.; Sabirov, I.
Three dimensional (3D) microstructure-based modeling of interfacial decohesion in particle reinforced metal matrix composites
Williams, J. J.; Segurado, J.; LLorca, J.; Chawla, N.
Effect of Nb additions on the microstructure, thermal stability and mechanical behavior of high pressure Zr phases under ambient conditions
Zhilyaev, A. P.; Sabirov, I.; Gonzalez-Doncel, G.; Molina-Aldareguia, J.; Srinivasarao, B.; Perez-Prado, M. T.
Nanostructured aluminium alloys produced by severe plastic deformation: New horizons in development
Sabirov, I.; Murashkin, M. Yu; Valiev, R. Z.
New low carbon Q&P steels containing film-like intercritical ferrite
Santofimia, M. J.; Nguyen-Minh, T.; Zhao, L.; Petrov, R.; Sabirov, I.; Sietsma, J.