Prof. Dr. Eugenio Oñate assumes Chairmanship of the Board of Trustees at IMDEA Materials Institute

  • Former Chairman, Prof. Dr. Manuel Doblaré, has stepped down from the role but will continue as a member of the board and the Institute’s Scientific Council.
  • Prof. Dr. Oñate has been involved with IMDEA Materials since its founding more than 15 years ago.

IMDEA Materials Institute has announced a significant change in its leadership, with Prof. Dr. Eugenio Oñate assuming the role of Chairman of the Board of Trustees, succeeding Prof. Dr. Manuel Doblaré.

Prof. Oñate, a renowned expert in computational mechanics and advanced materials and an Emeritus Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, has been involved with IMDEA Materials since its founding in 2007.

His extensive background includes being a founding director of CIMNE (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering) in Barcelona, where he is currently a Distinguished Senior Researcher, and holding numerous prestigious positions in the field of engineering.

Prof. Oñate’s deep connection with IMDEA Materials spans over 15 years, during which he has been a member of its Scientific Council.

Reflecting on his new role, he expressed his commitment to further enhancing the Institute’s global standing while also consolidating its world-class research team, ensuring that IMDEA Materials continues to be a world leader in advanced materials research.

“In recent years, I have seen the Institute strengthen its position as a world reference in research on the search and study of advanced materials for numerous applications in engineering and other applied sciences,” stated Prof. Oñate.

“Presiding over its main management body will allow me to further understand its needs and objectives from within, with the excitement of being able to help further increase its international prestige, if possible,” he added.

Prof. Oñate’s vision includes increasing societal awareness of the Institute’s contributions and strengthening relationships with national and international research centers, universities, and industry partners.

Prof. Dr. Manuel Doblaré, the outgoing Chairman, led the Board during a particularly challenging period marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. His tenure saw the Institute adapt to telework and navigate significant political changes.

Despite these challenges, Prof. Doblaré highlighted a number of milestones achieved during his tenure, with the most important being the Institute securing the María de Maeztu seal of excellence, a recognition that has facilitated several key initiatives at the Institute.

He also reflected on the creation of the Health Materials Division and the establishment of the first IMDEA Materials spin-off company, Floatech, among other notable achievements.

Looking to the future, Prof. Doblaré is optimistic about the Institute’s direction, believing that Prof. Oñate’s extensive experience and deep understanding of IMDEA Materials will be invaluable.

“Prof. Oñate has extensive experience in leading large centers of excellence, he knows IMDEA Materials perfectly, and he knows how to help improve similar centers,” affirmed Prof. Doblaré.

“My only small piece of advice would be to interfere as little as possible in the day-to-day operations of the Institute. Its management and staff know the strategy, objectives, and reality of the Institute better than anyone, so the role of the Board of Trustees, and its Chairman, is essentially to be ready to support when needed,” he added.

As he steps down from his role as Chairman, Prof. Doblaré will continue to contribute to IMDEA Materials as a member of the Board of Trustees and of the Institute’s Scientific Council.

You can find the complete list of our current Board of Trustees members, here: