Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 795658)
Partners: IMDEA Materials Institute
Project period: 2019 – 2021
Project Coordinador: Supervisor: Prof. Javier Llorca (; Fellow: Anxin Ma (
According to the Europe police (EV5V-CT94-0375) Magnesium alloys are potential metals to be progressively introduced in
structural components in many areas, especially in transport to reduce weight and achieve required CO2 reductions. As the
deformation and failure mechanisms of Mg alloys are very complicated owing to basal slip, prism slip, primed slip and
twinning, there lack reliable continuum level constitutive models for engineering application. This project will solve one of the
most challenging open questions of Mg alloys, i.e. the influence of twin formation and persistent slip bands on the fatigue
crack nucleation and growth by using rigorously scale-bridged models and in-situ experiments. Molecular dynamics,
dislocation dynamics, phase field, nonlocal crystal plasticity finite element as well as cohesive zone method will be used to
study twin nucleation, twin growth, persistent slip band as well as fatigue crack, respectively. The outcome of this
interdisciplinary research proposal will be published in high impact peer-reviewed journals and at international conferences.
The approach and the code developed in this proposal will improve the predictive power of Integrated Computational
Materials Engineering concerning Mg alloy industry. The applicant will transfer his expertise and his international connection
in the field of multiscale modelling to the host institute. He will work with researchers of the host institution to prompt new
areas of research that can attract new funding. At the same time, he will receive regular training on transferable skills. All
these activities will enlarge the portfolio of skills of the applicant and will ensure further development of his career.
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