IMDEA Materials welcomes largest cohort of MSU students yet as part of ongoing research collaboration

IMDEA Materials has recently welcomed the latest group of students from Michigan State University (MSU) as part of the continuing research and educational collaboration between the two institutions.

This year’s intake of MSU pre-graduates is the largest to date, with 10 students set to spend the next three months in Madrid involved in several of the Institute’s ongoing research projects.

All 10, Zackary Zeller, Jacob Porath, Lily Reinke, Alexandria McKee, Srinidhi Swaminathan, Alex Duke, Brody Stack, Jessica Salinas, Seneca Kail and Teancum Piekkola, will be working hand-in-hand with IMDEA Materials researchers.

That includes Material Science and Engineering junior Piekkola, who has joined the RECOIL3D project alongside Dr. Pedro Díaz Payno, with the aim to repair and regrow cartilage by utilizing 3D printed scaffolds with harvested cartilage cells.

You can find out more about Piekkola’s research stay in Spain at the MSU website, here.

The research exchange form part of IMDEA Materials Institute’s collaborations with foreign universities, in particular with Michigan State, a relationship which has now been ongoing for more than a decade.

MSU’s Carl Boehlert, Assistant Professor of Materials and Science, is currently completing a stay as a Visiting Researcher at IMDEA Materials, while MSU researchers including Dr. Kendell Pawelec have previously given invited seminars at the Institute.

The current student exchange is another example of IMDEA Materials’ efforts to encourage international collaborations and research initiatives among young scientists, not only from Spain, but from around the world.