BIOMET4D featured at the 19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference in Madrid

BIOMET4D researcher, Dr. Jon Molina from IMDEA Materials Institute, has highlighted the BIOMET4D project as part of his keynote address at last week’s European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC19) in Madrid.

Dr. Molina’s presentation was focused on the 4D printing of metallic alloys toward novel shape morphing medical devices.

Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have reinvented many areas of product development. Inthe medical field, the ability to promote patient personalization has become a key factor. AM technologies allow the manufacturing, based on medical images, of models for surgical planning,surgical guides and even, implants and porous scaffolds for tissue regeneration.

BIOMET4D was highlight one example of how researchers are aiming to develop the next generation of smart” medical devices, obtained through the emerging concept of 4D printing, amd which are capable ofundergoing progressive metamorphosis according to surgical procedures, biological integrationand/or healing processes.