FFTMAD (Fast Fourier Transform based homogenization code, MADrid)

Software details

Software authors

Javier Segurado, Sergio Lucarini

Intellectual Property Rights

Copyright © Fundación IMDEA Materiales and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. All rights reserved

Transfer opportunity

Software license


S. Lucarini and J. Segurado., “On the accuracy of spectral solvers for micromechanics based fatigue modeling”, Computational Mechanics, 2018.

Software description

FFTMAD is a software tool for computational homogenization based on the Fast Fourier Transform. The software aims to obtain the response of any heterogeneous material, as composites, polycrystals or celular materials, by simulating the behavior of a Representative Volume Element of the microstructure. The code is remarkable more efficient in CPU time and memory allocation than Finite Element homogenization.

FFTMAD includes preprocessing tools for microstructure generation of composites and polycrystals. Any constitutive equation can be used for the behavior of the materials by either a material subroutine Abaqus-UMAT or a pre-programmed model as elasticity, hyperelasticity, elasto-plasticity and crystal plasticity. FFTMAD solver is parallelized in GPUs or threads and includes different schemes for linear and non-linear problems. Postprocessing is done using python tools and Paraview.

FFTMAD is programmed as a Python project including NumPy, SciPy, PyEVTK, PyFFTW, and PyCuda libraries as well as home made subroutines in Fortran. A simulation in FFTMAD is performed by simple scripts defining the RVE, materials, load histories and postprocessing options.

FFTMAD capabilities

License types

The following licenses are available for FFTMAD:

Type of License Duration Price (€) Support
Free version for academic purposes
1 year extended automatically unless otherwise agreed
Paid version (academic institutions)
1 year
6 hours/year included
Paid version (industry)
1 year
6 hours/year included

Relevant publications

[1] On the accuracy of spectral solvers for micromechanics based fatigue modeling.

Sergio Lucarini, Javier Segurado

Computational Mechanics, Volume 63, 2019, 365–382. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-018-1598-1

More information

For more information on the capabilities of FFTMAD, see our webinar entitledFFT based simulations for capturing microstructure effect on the mechanical response of metals”, taught by Prof. Javier Segurado: https://bit.ly/3NXdxrT


Knowledge & Technology Transfer Department, IMDEA Materials Institute

email: techtransfer.materials@imdea.org

telephone: +34 91 5493422