Every month, we welcome new members of the IMDEA Materials team. Here, you can find a short profile of our most recent additions, including their upcoming role with IMDEA Materials and their educational and professional background.

My name is Muhammad Mehdi, and I am from Pakistan. My academic journey commenced with an undergraduate degree in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering from Dawood University of Engineering and Technology.
After that, I pursued the MS leading to Ph.D. program at the University of Science and Technology in the Hydrogen laboratory of Korea Institute of Energy Research. There, I was involved in investigating the impact of irregular power supply by renewable energy sources on embedded water electrolyzers, using electrochemistry techniques and advanced materials characterizations.
Following this, I worked on the development of various stable metal oxide/hydroxide-based electrocatalysts through corrosion engineering strategy and their scale-up for commercialization. These findings also led to a publication in Advanced Energy Materials journal and funding acquisition from the UST-Young Scientist+ Research Program.
As a postdoc, I have now joined the Bio/Chemo/Mechanics of Materials group at IMDEA Materials Institute, led by Prof. Javier LLorca, to work on developing electrocatalysts for OER, HER, and ORR by strain engineering strategy. Outside the lab, I enjoy engaging in sports, sightseeing, and cultural activities, where I often make new friends.

I am Soheila Ebrahimi, a Ph.D. graduate in condensed matter physics from the University of Guilan in Iran.
My doctoral research was focused on the investigation of mixed metallic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and their resultant nanostructures, focusing on their utility as electrochemical electrodes and photocatalysts.
After my graduation, I had the privilege of undertaking a postdoctoral researcher position at the Inorganic Chemistry Department of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), where I joined the European project named Solid-state Potassium-Ion batteRIes for safe and susTainable energy storage (SPIRIT). In this role, my responsibilities were the preparation and investigation of Prussian White and carbon as cathodic and anodic materials for potassium ion batteries (KIB).
Recently, I joined as a Postdoctoral researcher within the Multifunctional Nanocomposites Group led by Dr. Juan José Vilatela at IMDEA materials. My current research endeavors are dedicated to the development of nanostructured free-form electrodes with high areal capacities for Li ion batteries.

My name is Wsewolod Warzanskyj, but everyone calls me by my diminutive, Lodyk. I studied Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, specializing in Materials Engineering.
I have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the topic of my thesis was the study of the thermal stability of residual stress fields induced in Ti-6Al-4V by LSP treatment.
I am happy to join the Multiscale Materials Modeling group led by Prof. Javier Segurado for the development of a CP model and the generation of synthetic microstructures for FFT simulations from experimental EBSD data. I will also work on simulating of the polycrystalline response of flat samples using CP-FFT.
In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, going to the gym, running, practicing Ludosport, playing video games and watching movies and TV series.

My name is Pedro Sánchez and I am from Madrid, Spain. I am higher technician in Administration and Finance with an accounting vocation.
Two years ago I did my internship at IMDEA Materials and I have come back now to work in the Institute’s accounting department.
I usually enjoy spending time with my family and practicing different sports.