Every month, we welcome new members of the IMDEA Materials team. Here, you can find a short profile of our most recent additions, including their upcoming role with IMDEA Materials and their educational and professional background.

My name is Valerio Lampitella, I am from Naples, Italy. I graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Naples, where I then pursued a Ph.D. in Industrial Production Engineering Technology. I have joined IMDEA Materials as a Postdoctoral Researcher and I will be working on the multiscale simulation of the Binder Jetting 3D printing process.
In my free time I like to play videogames or read a good sci-fi book.

My name is Sabina Lachowicz-Wisniewska, and I am a food and human nutrition scientist from Poland. I hold a B.Eng. and M.Sc. in Food Technology and Human Nutrition from Rzeszow University (Poland), as well as a B.Sc. in Dietetics from the Polish Institute of Dietetics.
I pursued my Ph.D. at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in the field of Food Technology and Nutrition, where I focused on developing improved technology for producing chokeberry juice with a high content of biologically active compounds, while minimizing sedimentation and turbidity.
A year ago, I completed my habilitation thesis at the Institute of Rural Health, which centered on the identification, stability, and bioavailability of bioactive compounds in functional products with targeted health benefits.
Currently, as a postdoctoral researcher, I have joined the Computational and Data-driven Materials Discovery Group at IMDEA to further develop my skills in the design of delivery systems. At IMDEA, my work involves enhancing the bioavailability of beneficial polyphenolic compounds, including anthocyanins, in food through advanced materials engineering and machine learning.

Hi, I am Lianchao Wang, a new Postdoctoral Researcher in Dr. Johan Christensen’s Acoustic and Mechanical Metamaterials research group. I was awarded two Ph.Ds. in Mechanics from the Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté and Harbin Institute of Technology last year. After that, I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Hong Kong’s City University. My research is focused on metamaterials with tunable static or dynamic mechanical responses.

My name is Luis Calero, a Biomedical Engineer from Universitat Politècnica de València. I am currently studying a Master in Industrial Design Engineering at the Carlos III University of Madrid.
I have previous experience both in titanium implant manufacturing and in the design of maxillofacial guided surgery systems. I have joined IMDEA as Research Support in the Computational and Data-Driven Materials Discovery group led by Dr. Maciej Haranczyk.

My name is Petronela Chovancová. I am from Slovakia. I did my undergraduate studies at the Hague University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands) in Chemical Engineering. Currently, I am still pursuing the double Master’s degree at the Technical University of Madrid in cooperation with Tampere University (Finland) in Materials Science and Engineering.
At IMDEA Materials, I will work in the Computational and Data-Driven Materials Discovery group led by Dr. Maciej Haranczyk as a research assistant. The focus of the research is the processing and characterisation of nanocomposite materials incorporating 2D materials.
Moreover, I am a big fan of badminton games and hiking, as I enjoy the passion of sports and peace from nature. Happy to meet all of you in IMDEA!

Hello. My name is Jinyi Huang. I hold an MMed. in Surgery from Shandong Second Medical University in China. I have come to IMDEA Materials Institute to join the Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine research group under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Patterson.

My name is Yidi Li, and I am from China. I am now working towards a Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering at Central South University.
As a member of the Bio/Chemo/Mechanics of Materials group led by Prof. Javier LLorca, I will spend one year at IMDEA Materials (supported by the China Scholarship Council) to analyse the performance of Zn/Mg multi-materials manufactured by additive friction stir deposition.

My name is Vittoria Squartecchia, and I am from Italy. I hold both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano.
As a Ph.D. student, I am part of the BIOMEND project, which is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme. At IMDEA, my research focuses on the computational design and performance simulation of bioabsorbable metallic endoluminal devices, under the supervision of Prof. Javier LLorca and Dr. Damien Tourret.

My name is Henry Summers, and I am from the state of Michigan in the United States. I completed both my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering at Michigan Technological University, with the latter relating to the effects of thermal treatment on the mechanical performance of zinc-based alloys for bioresorbable stents under both static and dynamic loading scenarios.
I am excited to have joined the Sustainable Metallurgy group here at IMDEA as a predoctoral researcher where I will be studying high temperature deformation of additively manufactured aluminum lattice structures.
In my free time, I enjoy outdoor sports such as skiing, mountain biking, and road cycling, as well as hobbies including cooking, reading, and hiking.

Hello. My name is Shaui Tang. I hold an MMed. in Basic Science of Stomatology from Shandong Second Medical University in China. I have come to IMDEA Materials Institute to join the Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine research group under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Patterson.

I’m Sreelakshmi Vinod from India. I hold an integrated M.Sc. in Chemistry from Pondicherry University followed by a Master of Technology from Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala.
In my previous research, I have worked with organic synthesis and characterisation of flame retardant polymers. Currently, I’m pursuing a Ph.D. at IMDEA Materials under Dr DeYi Wang in HPPN group. My research is on flame retardant polymers.