Funding: Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI, CIEN programme), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Grupo Antolín
Partners: National consortium led by Grupo Antolín. IMDEA Materials Institute collaborates with Grupo Antolín
Region: Spain
Project period: 2015 – 2017
Principal Investigators: Drs. Carlos González ( and Claudio Lopes (
This collaborative R&D project, led by Grupo Antolín with the participation of other companies from the automotive sector, aims at developing a new modular concept of advanced seat, removable, with ultralight structure obtained by more efficient and flexible transformation process, and with electrification for security and comfort functions.
The main role of IMDEA Materials´ team in the project is to develop a physically based numerical methodology based on the finite element method to analyse the mechanical behaviour of the seat materials. The final aim is to use and integrate the model into a commercial finite element code to analyse dynamic loadings.

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