Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyectos: Adquisición de Equipamiento Científico-Técnico 2021
Region: Spain
Project period: 2021 – 2023
Project IP: Federico Sket (
Funding for the acquisition of a high resolution X-ray tomograph that allows the installation of in-situ devices for testing within the equipment. The equipment will have flat panel type detectors and detectors with optical magnification to reduce the effect of working distance on resolution. In addition, it will be equipped with the added ability to perform diffraction contrast tomography (laboratory-based DCT).
The equipment will be useful in a wide field of applications allowing non-destructive 3D inspection of the internal microstructure of the object, by absorption contrast, with some degree of phase contrast, and by diffraction contrast (laboratory-based DCT: applicable to crystalline materials).
The field of application of the equipment is very broad, covering materials, geology, medicine, engineering, art, etc. Through the use of in-situ devices, it is also possible to have access to the evolution of the microstructure over time when the materials are subjected to deformation, temperature application, infiltration, chemical reactions, etc. (all of them possible with cells developed at IMDEA Materials). Such equipment will allow to renew the actual X-ray tomograph, with the unique added capability of diffraction contrast tomography.
“Este equipamiento es parte del proyecto EQC2021-007073-P, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”