Funding: Regional Government of Madrid, Technology 2018 call
Region: Madrid
Project period: 2019 – 2022
Principal Investigators: Jon Mikel Molina Aldareguia (
MAT4.0-CM is a research program in intelligent manufacturing of advanced materials for energy, transport and health, with the aim of promoting the additive manufacturing of metallic materials and high performance compounds.
MAT4.0-CM consists on a plan of basic research on additive manufacturing of components of advanced metallic alloys and polymer based composite materials, with zero defects and high mechanical performance. In parallel, it will develop the necessary technological tools to help companies in the region implement the “Industry 4.0” strategy in the field of advanced manufacturing. The program has 6 specific objectives:
- The design of new materials, optimized for additive manufacturing, including their sustainability (light alloys, high temperature alloys, composite materials).
- Knowledge generation in material-process-microstructure relationships in new additive manufacturing processes in metals.
- The topological optimization of the structure of polymer-based composite materials by means of new 3D printing techniques.
- The establishment of new advanced characterization techniques, tailored to the specifications of additive manufacturing.
- The development of online monitoring strategies for additive manufacturing, as the first step to develop adaptative and smart manufacturing processes.
- The development of new adaptative and smart manufacturing strategies based on online monitoring and advanced process simulation, applying data mining and artificial intelligence.
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