Funding: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades). Technological Platforms call
Region: Spain
Project period: 2019 – 2020
Project IP: Miguel Ángel Rodiel (
The main purpose of the Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials Spanish Technological Platform (MATERPLAT) is fostering and promoting innovation in the Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials R&D&I Spanish System, by building a framework of encounter and collaboration between the different agents of the Company, Science and Technology Spanish System.

As the final objective of MATERPLAT is the improvement and increase of the competitiveness of the collective of Spanish agents it is also essential to address nowadays global scenario.
Therefore, one of the main goals of MATERPLAT comprises gaining international relevance, in such a way that the platform can act as a channel that fosters R&D&I collaborations between its members and institutions from other countries, allowing the Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials Spanish sector to acquire a larger dimension.
MATERPLAT offers to entities external to the platform, its dissemination channels as well as a set of collaborative tools including a section to disseminate collaborative projects for a given call, that are in need of a partner of specific characteristics.
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