Patent details
Spanish patent granted
Concession number
ES2935558 B2
De-Yi Wang, Xiang-Ao, José Sánchez del Río, David Patrizi, Alejandro Ureña, Antonio del Bosque, María Sánchez, Xoan Xosé Fernández
IMDEA Materials Institute, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Priority date
27 September 2022
Transfer opportunity
License of technology
Smart face mask with self-powered sensors capable of monitoring vital parameters such as respiration rate and characteristics of respiration pulses and wirelessly transmits those IoT protocols to a telemedicine platform.
The pandemic produced by Sars Cov 2 (Covid 19) has made necessary the use of face masks in a multitude of situations.
It is common that, in hospitals or nursing homes, there are people who spend a long time wearing the mask. These people, due to their age or special vulnerability, should be constantly monitored to check their health and ensure that they are breathing correctly.
Smart masks currently in the market normally depend on external power sources and are physically robust and rigid.
IMDEA Materials, UPM and URJC have developed a mechanism to incorporate in sanitary masks like FPP2 sensors sensitive to mechanical deformations. These sensors are self-powered by the patients’ breath, capable of monitoring the breathing rhythm and transmitting those signals to a telemedicine application.
Knowledge & Technology Transfer Department, IMDEA Materials Institute
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