Board of Trustees

The main governing body of the Institute is the Board of Trustees. The Board includes representatives of the regional government de Madrid (7), permanent trustees designated by other public research institutions (2), universities and research centers of Madrid (4), scientists with an international reputation in Materials Science and Engineering (5), industrial enterprises (5) as well as independent trustees (1). The industrial enterprises are committed into a long-term partnership with the Institute to develop research lines in collaboration.

The current configuration and members of the Board of Trustees are as follows:

Chairman of the Foundation

Eugenio Oñate

Prof. Dr. Eugenio Oñate

Emeritus Professor (UPC) / Senior Distinguished Researcher (CIMNE)

Vice-Chairman of the Foundation

Emilio Viciana Duro

Mr. Emilio Viciana Duro

Vice President, Councillor for Education, Science and Universities.

Permanent Trustees (Regional Government)

Emilio Viciana Duro

Mr. Emilio Viciana Duro

Vice President, Councillor for Education, Science and Universities

Dr. Ana Ramírez de molina

Vice-councillor for Universities, Research and Science
Patronato Photo 1

Dr. Marina Pilar Villegas Gracia

General Director of Reseach and Technological Innovation
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Mrs. Barbara Fernandez-Revuelta

Deputy General Director of Research

Mr. Daniel Rodríguez Asensio

Vice-councillor for Economy and Employment

Mr. José de la Sota Rius

Coordinator of the Area of Investigation, Development and Innovation

Permanent Trustees designated by other Public Research Institutions


Prof. Dr. José Luis Ocaña Moreno

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering

Universities and Public Research Institutions

Scientific Trustees

Companies Trustees

Business Expert Trustees
