BIOMET4D was heavily featured as part of the recent Workshop on Additive Biofabrication (WAB2024) held at IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid.
WAB2024 was the inaugural workshop of its kind, and was organised by researchers at the host institute, IMDEA Materials (also coordinators of the BIOMET4D project).
Dr. Jennifer Patterson, leader of IMDEA’s Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine research group, was one of the event’s Invited Speakers. She presented an overview of the BIOMET4D project, as well as providing a deep dive into the cytocompatibility of 3D printed mangnesium and zinc.
Also presenting as Invited Speakers were BIOMET4D researchers Prof. Javier LLorca (3D printed bioresorbable polymers and polymer composites for cartilage and bone tissue engineering applications), Prof. Andrés Díaz Lantada (Bioinspired design and manufacturing strategies for next generation medical implants: trends and challenges), and William Solórzano (The business of smiles: how reverse engineering and 3D printing are shaping dental profits).
As well as those presenting, several IMDEA Materials researchers also contributed to two posters which were highlighted as part of the WAB2024 Poster Presentations.
The first, Electrospun PLGA/PCL Skin-like Membranes for In Vitro Skin Expansion Testing of 4D-printed Shape-shifting Metallic Devices was the work of researchers Miguel Grande, Ángela Castro, Dr. Viktoriia Sevostianova, Blanca Limones-Ahijón, Carlota Corchado, Dr. Vanesa Martínez, Dr. Pedro Navarrete-Segado and Dr. Patterson.
The second, Utilizing 3D Printing of ABS for Customized Cell Culturing Structures, was the work of Blanca Limones-Ahijón, Dr. Pedro Navarrete-Segado, Dr. Viktoriia Sevostianova, Patricia Paramio-Acero, Alessia Cosenza, Dr. Pedro J. Díaz-Payno and Dr. Patterson.
You can find both posters in PDF form in our project Poster Gallery.