Last Friday, Dr. Jon Molina, Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, participated in a roundtable discussion on “Research and Innovation, an Essential Pair, a Global Challenge” as part of the Science and Innovation Week.
The talk, which involved representatives from the 7 IMDEA Institutes, was part of the Research + Innovation Day, Symbiosis in the Service of Competitiveness, organised by the Community of Madrid and Madri+d, held at Google for Startups, Madrid.
During his presentation, Dr. Molina highlighted the example of Floatech, a startup and spin-off of IMDEA Materials in the field of next-generation silicon anodes, which originated in the institute three years ago through the prestigious research programs “ERC Starting Grant” and “ERC Proof of Concept.”
Dr. Molina presented Floatech as a clear example of the importance of fundamental research in the development of future startups and in the technological and industrial competitiveness of the CAM.
He emphasised the measures taken by the IMDEA Materials Institute in recent years, such as the formation of the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) and the Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation (OTTI) in this field.
“Four years ago at the IMDEA Materials Institute, we established our OTTI, and that has greatly helped us convey our research to industry and society,” said Dr. Molina during his intervention.
“In addition, our IAB has allowed us to expand our contacts with companies and share technology transfer experiences with cutting-edge enterprises.”
The focus of the event was entrepreneurship in technology-intensive sectors of R&D+i, and it also included a roundtable with representatives from startups, accelerators, and administration.
The event also featured the presence of Ana Isabel Cremades, General Director of Technological Research and Innovation at the Ministry of Education, Science, and University of the CAM, and Emilio Viciana, Councillor of Education, Science, and Universities.