IMDEA Materials Institute has today celebrated the presentation of awards to finalise the 12th Annual Imaging Contest.
This year’s competition was dominated by the Materials Characterisation category, which contributed the majority of entries, ahead of Open Subject and Materials Simulation.
And images relating to IMDEA Materials’ work in the field of biomaterials and regenerative medicine were also well represented.
The main prize winners were Miguel Monclus in the Materials Chacterisation category, for his Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image of a compression test performed with a flat-punch diamond tip on a carbon lattice cube grown on a Si substrate, with carbon micro-pillars observed in the background.

The Materials Simulation prize was awarded to Carlos Ruestes, for his atomistic simulation of nanoporous gold under tension. The image shows the development of incipient plasticity at a strain of 20%. The surface (yellow) of this complex structure is revealed by means of a surface reconstruction algorithm, while the interior of the solid phase presents different colouring according to the local atomic environment.
Green particles correspond to atoms in a perfect fcc structure, red particles correspond to atoms in Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) structure, typical of stacking faults and twin boundaries in fcc metals. Blue atoms (bcc structure) and white atoms (non-catalogued structure) correspond to heavily distorted regions (dislocation junctions, intersection of stacking faults, etc).

IMDEA Materials’ Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine research group were the winners in the Open Subject for their creative group panorama taken in the Institute’s Cell Culture and Biomaterials laboratory.

The final category, Public Choice, was awarded to researchers Pedro Díaz Payno and Muzi Li for their entry “3D-printed seashore” The image, seen below, features sea wave-like structures representing the last deposited layer of a 3D-printed metal implant. It has been colorised for its resemblance to a seashore.