On May 28th, the Scientific Council of IMDEA Materials (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials) held an important meeting to evaluate and decide the future strategic research lines of the institute. The quasi totality of the members of the Council attended this meeting: Prof. Brian Cantor (Vice-Chancellor of York University), Dr. Gary Savage ( Director of Operations of Brawn GP), Prof. Subra Suresh (Dean of the School of Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT), Prof. Trevor William Clyne (Head of the Composites and Coating Group of Cambridge University), Prof. Peter Gumbsch (Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials), Prof. Rodolfo Miranda (Director of IMDEA Nanoscience), Prof. Andreas Mortensen (Professor at Ecole Federale Polytechnique de Lausanne) and Prof. Thomas J. Pinnavaia (Professor at Michigan University).

The presence of such prestigious international scientists in the field of materials science and engineering generated great interest among the different media. The economic press (El Economista) interviewed Prof. Bryan Cantor as one of the great experts in creation and development of Technology Parks of excellence in United Kingdom. And without doubt the member of the Scientific Council of IMDEA Materials the most pursued by the press (Marca, El Confidencial, Qué, La Información) and television (La Sexta), both general and sports, was Dr. Gary Savage, Director of Operations of the Formula 1 team BRAWN GP, current leader of the F1 world championship.
In the following are listed some of the links to the interviews of the Scientific Council members published in the different internet media:
- "Si un país no puede competir en costes, debe hacerlo en innovación" (El Economista)
http://ecoaula.eleconomista.es/investigacion-universitaria/noticias/1300615/06/09/Si-un-pais-no-puede-competir-en-costes-debe-hacerlo-en-innovacion.html - “No podría disfrutar de la Fórmula 1 sin Ferrari” (La Información.com)
http://noticias.lainformacion.com/deporte/no-podria-disfrutar-de-la-formula-1-sin-ferrari_qn6of36EYhDnaDM0VKqNH5/ - “Brawn GP ya prepara el coche del año que viene y admite que no sabe si terminarán la temporada arriba “(El Confidencial)
http://www.elconfidencial.com/cache/2009/06/02/deportes_89_brawn_gp_gary_savage.html - “Gary Savage: Los técnicos, diseñadores e ingenieros de Brawn GP ya prepara el coche del año que viene” (Madrimasd)
http://www.madrimasd.org/noticias/Gary-Savage-tecnicos-disenadores-ingenieros-Brawn-GP-ya-prepara-coche-ano-viene/39592 - “Entrevista a Gary Savage, ingeniero Director de Operaciones de Brawn GP” (Quiero Briatore)
http://www.quiero-briatore-formula-1.com/entrevista-a-gary-savage-ingeniero-director-de-operaciones-de-brawn-gp/02/06/2009/ - “No podría disfrutar de la Fórmula 1 sin Ferrari” (mallorcaconfidencial.com)