Mónica Echeverry Rendón, winner of the Ada Byron award for women in technology, Colombia chapter.

Our colleague Monica Echeverry Rendon has won the Ada Byron award for women in technology, Colombia chapter, CONGRATULATIONS!

The Ada Byron Award for Women in Technology is an award promoted by the University of Deusto that is awarded annually to women technologists to reward and make visible their excellent career. These professionals have their reference in those women scientists and technologists who have been contributing for centuries in different scientific disciplines, such as the one that gives this award its name, Ada Byron, who was the first person to program in history.
The Ada Byron Award for Women in Technology of the Year was instituted in 2014 by the University of Deusto in Spain. Within the internationalization strategy of the award, in 2019 the award was taken to Mexico, continuing in Argentina (2020), Uruguay (2021) and Colombia (2021).

The vocation of this call is to serve annually as an incentive and recognition of the role of women in the field of technology. Thus, the award is aimed at women with degrees or professional backgrounds in technology, engineering and other scientific fields closely related to technology.

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