Patent details
Patent protected in Spain
Publication number
Priority date
19 March 2013
Juan José Vilatela, Bartolomé Mas Monserrat, Juan Pedro Fernández Blázquez, Humphrey Bunyan, Jonathan Duval
IMDEA Materials Institute, Future Fibres Rigging Systems, S.L.
Transfer opportunity
License of technology
B. Mas, J. P. Fernández-Blázquez, J. Duval, H. Bunyan, J. J. Vilatela; Thermoset curing through Joule heating of nanocarbons for composite manufacture, repair and soldering; Carbon; 2013, 63, 523–529.
There is an increasing interest in the use of resistive (Joule) heating to process polymeric materials as a technology to enable rapid manufacturing, more energetically efficient fabrication, and reduced cost for repairs.
Resistive processing of polymer has direct application for adhesive bonding and for the repair of structural composites, for example.

Technology description
Some of the benefits of this technology include:
- Reduction in power/energy used to cure thermosets
- Reduction in curing time
- Suitable for repair of structural elements with minimum intervention
- The conductive filler reduces polymer “bleeding” when used as an adhesive.
The technology offered is based on resistive heating of polymer formulations with a very small fraction of conductive nanocarbon materials. Processing of the polymer can be carried out with conventional power supplies, either with AC or DC. Heating rates as high 740° C/min can be achieved.

Knowledge & Technology Transfer Department, IMDEA Materials Institute
telephone: +34 91 5493422