Magnesium Workshop Madrid May 21-24, 2013
Inauguration of IMDEA Materials Institute building
MATERPLAT Annual Meeting
Why I am a scientist – Researchers' Night, Madrid 2010
17th IUTAM Summer School on: Modelling and Simulation of Multiscale Continuum Systems
Light materials for a sustainable transport
Ceremony of the placement of the first stone of the building of IMDEA Materials Institute
IMDEA Materials participates in the Madrid Public University Social Councils Annual Meeting (23th of June 2009)
XI Workshop of Materials "The materials, in the center of our engineering activity"
X-ray computed tomography analysis of damage evolution in open hole carbon fiber-reinforced laminates subjected to in-plane shear
F. Sket, A. Enfedaque, C. Díaz López, C. González, J. Molina-Aldareguía, J. LLorca. X-ray computed tomography analysis of damage evolution in open hole carbon fiber-reinforced laminates subjected to in-plane shear. Composites Science and Technology 133, 40-50, 2016.
IMDEA Materiales participa en la Jornada anual de la Conferencia de los Consejos Sociales de las Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid (23 de Junio de 2009)
-PDF- Lugar: ETSI Montes, Campus Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Fecha: 23 de Junio de 2009 Coordina: Consejo Social de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Foro de Ciencia y Tecnología: Perspectivas y nuevos desarrollos en materiales avanzados y nanociencia
Tras el éxito de la primera jornada del Foro de Ciencia y Tecnología madri+d en Nuevos Materiales y Nanotecnología, la segunda jornada presentará, entre otras, las actividades de los Institutos Madrileños de Estudios Avanzados IMDEA Materiales e IMDEA Nanociencia. Enlace a evento completo en medio:
Homogenization-based polycrystal plasticity models
In this short course the participants will review and compare the available models for polycrystals deforming in the viscoplastic regime. Basic elements, assumptions and range of applicability of the models will be presented. Discussion of hardening and texture evolution associated with several
XI Jornada de Materiales “Los materiales, en el centro de nuestra actividad como ingenieros”
Materiales en microelectrónica. Materiales y vida. Materiales en Energía. Materiales en Defensa. Materiales en Transporte. Nanomateriales. Dirigido a estudiantes de primer y segundo ciclo que tengan curiosidad e interés por conocer los avances en el mundo de los materiales; estudiantes de tercer
First Year Assessment – Bárbara Bellón: Processing and microstructural characterization of Al-Cu alloys
Metallic alloys are widely used nowadays, and will be in the future, as the standard materials in engineering structural applications. Metallic materials are in constant development to optimize their properties depending on the application. Within this context, it is important to develop strategies
Primeros Premios de Innovación
The presentations of the candidatures of the 1st Innovation Award of IMDEA Materials will take place on the 11th of November 2016 at 12:00 in the Auditorium. The evaluation panel will be formed by three external experts that will rank the proposals following the evaluation criteria of the Innovation