Seminar – Dr. Silvia Marchesan "Twists of chirality for the self-assembly of short peptide nanomaterials".
International workshop on graphene and 2D materials
Seminario Prof. Shahzada Ahmad – Molecular engineering of materials for high performance and stable perovskite solar cells
Seminario – Photonic devices based in III-V semiconductors. Dr. Jose Maria Ulloa AlN microcantilevers, Dr. Gonzalo Fuentes Graphene electronic devices: Dr. Javier Martinez
Workshop CompTest 2015
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Sergio Sádaba
Dr. Maciej Haranczyck – "Computational Discovery of Materials for Clean and Energy Efficient Technologies"
Seminar – Cristina Prado: Study of the deformation mechanisms of the MN11 Mg alloy by slip trace analysis
Seminar – Prof. Juan Pou – "Laser spinning: a new technique for nanofiber production"
Seminar – Prof. K. J. Hsia – "Programming Mechanical Function at Micro-Nanoscales"
17th IUTAM Summer School on: Modelling and Simulation of Multiscale Continuum Systems
Curso DIMMAT "Preparation and evaluation of R&D&i project proposals"
Seminario -Adrian J. Lew High – "Fidelity Simulation of Brittle Fracture Problems with Universal Meshes" (14 de Marzo 2016)
Seminario – Chuangyun Wang – “A high-throughput diffusion-multiple study on titanium alloys”
Yetang Pan – Environmentally friendly Sb2O3-free fire retardant flexible poly (vinyl chloride): Preparation, Properties and Mechanism
José Luis Gómez-Selles – "Ge damage accumulation and recrystallization modeling for front-end microelectronic processing"
Rafael Soler – "Smaller is stronger": is it a universal observation or is it material dependent?
Seminar – Prof. Arnaud Weck: Ultrafast laser-matter interactions: mechanical properties and surface texturing
Seminar – Dr. Noemí Encinas "“To Wet or Not to Wet. Liquid-repellent Coatings”
PhD defense – Sergio Sádaba
First Year Assessment – Ángel Alvaredo: Polymers for extreme service conditions
Seminario – Prof. Arnaud Weck "Ductile fracture studies using artificial microvoids in metals and polymers"
9th European Solid Mechanics Conference
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Raúl Muñoz
Concepción Solanas – "Silk: Remarkable Biological Material and Versatile Biomaterial"
Materiales ligeros para un transporte sostenible
Seminar – Prof. Thomas R. Bieler "Interdependent Modeling and Characterization to Identify Effects of Slip Transfer at Grain Boundaries in Heterogeneous Deformation"
Seminar – Dr. Yongjun Su "’Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Large Size Ti-43Al-9V-Y Alloy Pancake Produced by Pack Forging’’
Beatriz Hernández – "Hybrid systems based on semiconductor nanocrystals"
Seminario -Prof. Shahzada Ahmad: Molecular engineering of materials for high performance and stable perovskite solar cells
Seminario – Juan Carlos Fernández – "Infiltration of CNT fibers in liquids: chemo-electro-mechanical sensing"
Prof. Surya Kalidindi – "Data Science Approaches for Mining Structure-Property-Processing Linkages from Large Datasets"
Dr. Martin Palm – "Alloy development and industrial processing of iron aluminide based alloys"
Prof. Qinghong Fang – "Study on properties of eucommia ulmoides gum toughening plastics"
Seminar – Prof. Catalin Picu: Mechanics of random fiber networks.
Phd Defense – Ehsan Naderi Kalali "Multifunctional Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Based Epoxy Nanocomposites"
Scientific Imaging Contest 2014
Light materials for a sustainable transport
First Year Assessment – Na Li: High throughput study on diffusion and creep behavior in HCP-Mg alloys.
MoDeNa Workshop and Consortium Meeting 5
Seminario – Juan José Torres – "“Mechanisms of air removal and void development in Out-of-Autoclave processing of composites”
Semana de la ciencia Madrid 2014
XIV Jornada de Materiales
International workshop on materials design process: thermodynamics, kinetics and microstructure control
Seminar – Dr .Sezer Özerinç "High Strength Copper-Niobium Nanomaterials"
Seminar – Evgeny Senokos – "Development of Multifunctional All-solid-state Supercapacitor Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibers”.
PhD defense – Rocío Muñoz
IMDEA Materiales participa en la Jornada anual de la Conferencia de los Consejos Sociales de las Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid (23 de Junio de 2009)
-PDF- Lugar: ETSI Montes, Campus Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Fecha: 23 de Junio de 2009 Coordina: Consejo Social de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Foro de Ciencia y Tecnología: Perspectivas y nuevos desarrollos en materiales avanzados y nanociencia
Tras el éxito de la primera jornada del Foro de Ciencia y Tecnología madri+d en Nuevos Materiales y Nanotecnología, la segunda jornada presentará, entre otras, las actividades de los Institutos Madrileños de Estudios Avanzados IMDEA Materiales e IMDEA Nanociencia. Enlace a evento completo en medio:
Homogenization-based polycrystal plasticity models
In this short course the participants will review and compare the available models for polycrystals deforming in the viscoplastic regime. Basic elements, assumptions and range of applicability of the models will be presented. Discussion of hardening and texture evolution associated with several
XI Jornada de Materiales “Los materiales, en el centro de nuestra actividad como ingenieros”
Materiales en microelectrónica. Materiales y vida. Materiales en Energía. Materiales en Defensa. Materiales en Transporte. Nanomateriales. Dirigido a estudiantes de primer y segundo ciclo que tengan curiosidad e interés por conocer los avances en el mundo de los materiales; estudiantes de tercer
First Year Assessment – Bárbara Bellón: Processing and microstructural characterization of Al-Cu alloys
Metallic alloys are widely used nowadays, and will be in the future, as the standard materials in engineering structural applications. Metallic materials are in constant development to optimize their properties depending on the application. Within this context, it is important to develop strategies
Primeros Premios de Innovación
The presentations of the candidatures of the 1st Innovation Award of IMDEA Materials will take place on the 11th of November 2016 at 12:00 in the Auditorium. The evaluation panel will be formed by three external experts that will rank the proposals following the evaluation criteria of the Innovation