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Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (National R&D Programme for Societal Challenges) (RTC-2016-5076-3)​, thematic objective “Promotion of technological development, innovation and quality research”Partners: Arcelor Mittal (Project Coordinator), Technical University of Madrid


Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 795658)Partners: IMDEA Materials InstituteProject period: 2019 – 2021Project Coordinador: Supervisor: Prof. Javier Llorca (; Fellow: Anxin Ma


     ​Funding:  Fonds National de la Recherche LuxembourgRegion: InternationalProject period: 2018 – 2020Partners: IMDEA Materials Institute (Project Coordinator), e-XstreamPrincipal Investigator: Supervisor Dr. Javier Segurado (; Fellow: Marco Magri


  Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 795905) Partners: IMDEA Materials Institute Project period: 2018 – 2020 Project Coordinador: Supervisor: Dr. Rubén Costa (; Fellow: Julio Jacinto

PhD Defense of Alfonso Monreal entitle ”Energy Harvesting Materials Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibre for Tough Electronics”, under the supervision of Dr. Juan José Vilatela

The PhD Defense will take place,  at 12 noon, on next Friday (26th of October) in the “sala verde”, on the first floor, in the Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, UPM (ETSI Caminos, Ciudad Universitaria)  The dissertation is entitled “Energy Harvesting Materials Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibre for

Seminar of Prof. Oana Cazacu, from the University of Florida, entitle “New models for description of plastic anisotropy of single crystals and polycrystals” – At 12:00 pm in the Seminar Room

 Abstract:  It is presented a rigorous framework developed for formulation of constitutive models. Based on representation theory for tensor functions and scale-bridging theorems, this framework enables the development of constitutive models that account for the influence of crystallographic

Scientific Council

The Board of Trustees and the Director are assisted in their functions by the Scientific Council, an advisory board made up by 15 scientists from all over the world with expertise in the different areas of research covered by the Institute. The tasks of the Scientific Council include the selection

Seminar of Prof. Jesus Barrio, from the Ben-Gurion University (Israel), entitle “Rational Design of Carbon Nitride Materials by Supramolecular Preorganization of Monomers” – At 11:00 am in the Seminar Room

Abstract Over the past few years, graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) has attracted widespread attention due to its outstanding electronic properties, which have been exploited in various applications, including in photo- and electro-catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, CO2 reduction, water splitting,

Seminar of Prof. Irene J. Beyerlein, from the University of California at Santa Barbara, entitle “Discrete slip crystal plasticity modeling of deformation in nanolayered materials” – At 12:30 pm in the Seminar Room

Discrete slip crystal plasticity modeling of deformation in nanolayered materials Irene J. Beyerlein1, Tianju Chen2, Rui Yuan2, Caizhi Zhou2,3 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Materials Department, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara 93106, USA 2 Department of Materials

First Year Assessment of Venkata Sai, entitle “Nanoscale engineered electrode materials for high performance Lithium-ion batteries” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract Herein, highly ordered mesoporous pseudocapacitive electrodes for superior Li-ion storage are discussed. Hierarchical 1-D Co3O4nanorods of size ~20 nm with interfaces between the crystallites were synthesized using hydrothermal method followed by calcination. This 1D nanorods exhibited

Sino-Spanish Joint Research Center of Advanced Materials

On 15th September 2018, nine units from China and Spain (Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beihang University, The Going Global Confederation of China Petroleum & Chemical Industry from China, the Technical University of Madrid, IMDEA Materials Institute, the Department of Innovation,

First Year Assessment of Clara Galera, entitle “AAdditive manufacturing of high strength aluminum alloys with ZrH2 addition” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract Additive manufacturing (AM) is a layer by layer process that has the potential to disrupt traditional fabrication methods. It allows fast manufacturing of three dimensional pieces from metallic powders, with great exibility of design, potential for weight reduction, fast production speed

IMDEA Crime Scene Investigation

Researchers belonging to all IMDEA institutes solved a new crime in the activity "IMDEA-CSI" as part of the European Researchers' Night Madrid 2018. More information about the event in this podcast (radio show "Por tres razones", RTVE)

First Year Assessment de Wenliang Feng, titulado “Na-ion Hybrid Energy Storage Devices Based on Nanoengineered Electrodes” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 am

Abstract In this study, dimension control and nanostructure design were applied in developing electrode materials for superior Na-ion storage. Firstly, hierarchical Co3O4nanorods with increased number of interfaces between individual nanocrystallites were prepared for enhancing pseudocapacitance

First Year Assessment of Maria Azzurra, entitle “Intermediate strain rate testing methodologies for composite materials characterisation” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 am

ABSTRACT: The main objective of this work is to create a physical platform for material characterization and parameter identification at macroscale as a function of applied strain rate, understanding how the strain rate affects the damage and mechanical response of three different composite material

Seminar of Prof. Piaras Kelly, from the University of Auckland (NZ), entitle “Advanced Composite Materials: manufacturing quality products efficiently” – At 12:00 pm in the Seminar Room

Abstract: Advanced composite materials are now used in a wide range of industries, including aerospace, marine, construction, transport and recreational sport. The ever-increasing pressure on producing quality parts effectively and efficiently has led to many innovations over the years in

Internal initiatives (awards)

Innovation and creativity are at the heart of IMDEA Materials and in order to encourage it amongst our researchers and technicians, Innovation Awards and Imaging Contests are celebrated every year. Innovation Awards Candidate/s have to show novel and original ideas in the form of a proof of


Since its creation in 2007, IMDEA Materials Alumni community has done nothing but grow. Two of the pillars that define the culture of our institution, performing excellent research in materials science and engineering and transferring our knowledge and technology to the industry, are the principles

Opportunities for Postdocs

IMDEA Materials has significant experience hosting and training at postdoctoral and predoctoral levels, as shown by the participation in 16 European training programs within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (2 COFUND, 5 CIG, 1 IIF, 7 IF and 2 EID) and the supervision of over 88 PhDs in

Visiting IMDEA Materials

As part of the IMDEA Materials Institute commitment to inspire and encourage the interest of young talents in pursuing materials science related careers, students from secondary schools and University degrees can visit the facilities of the Institute through scheduled meetings and get a closer look

Inside & Outside IMDEA

From hosting visits of high school and university students to participating in the European Researchers Night or the World Economic Forum. At the IMDEA Materials Institute we are fully aware that being able to explain the relevance and nature of the research we do to non-specialised audiences

Industrial collaborations

The unique scientific expertise and infrastructure of IMDEA Materials Institute enables its research groups to collaborate with national and international industry to develop innovative, high value materials. This active and effective collaboration with industry has established our centre as a key

Strategic initiatives

During 2017, IMDEA Materials launched a series of strategic internal initiatives in order to further advance the research lines of the Institute and promote internal collaboration between research groups. These three initiatives comprise the design of structural fire-safe batteries, the development

Scientific infrastructures

Synthesis, processing and integration of materials Microstructural and chemical characterisation Mechanical properties Simulation Functional properties Biomaterials and cell

Human Resources Excellence in Research

The Human resources strategy for researchers The ‘HR Strategy for Researchers’ supports research institutions and funding organizations in the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in their policies

Organizational chart

The Institute is run by the Director, who is the CEO and reports to the Board of Trustees (main Governing Body of the Institute). The Director has to be a scientist, appointed by the Board of Trustees under the nomination of the Scientific Council, to reinforce the academic nature of the

Mission, vision and pillars

MISSION “We do research of excellence in material science, contributing to tackle the challenges of society and fostering the sustainable development of the region of Madrid” VISION “Our vision for the future is that IMDEA Materials becomes a leading research institute, internationally

The Next Generation of Composite Materials

Goal and Vision The Next Generation of Composite Materials Programme aims at developing solutions for high performance structural composites with enhanced multifunctional capabilities such as thermal, electrical and fire resistance. The programme is  focused on key aspects

Novel Materials

Main research lines Synthesis and integration of nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanofibers, MXene, quantum dots, graphene, and hybrids) Synthesis of nanocarbon/semiconductor hybrids for photo and electrocatalysis, interaction of nanocarbons with liquid molecules, polyelectrolytes and

Research Assistant Elisa Fresta awarded with best Master Thesis Prize

Research Assistant Elisa Fresta has been awarded a Prize for one of the best Master Thesis (year 2015/2016) from the University of Turin. The thesis was developed at both the University of Turin and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg under the supervision of Prof. Claudia Barolo and Dr. Rubén

New nanostructured material for capacitive deionization

Researchers from our institute have developed in collaboration with IMDEA Energy a new current collector-free  capacitive deionization architecture based on electrodes consisting of a porous metal oxide network interpenetrated into porous fibres of carbon nanotube. The full device has a large salt

OptiQPAP participation at THERMEC 2018

The OptiQPAP consortium members have participated at the THERMEC 2018 Conference, which was held on July 8-13 in Paris. THERMEC Conference is the main international event in the area of thermo-mechanical processing of steels. The recent outcomes of the OptiQPAP project were presented in oral talks

First Year Assessment of Mario Rueda entitle “Nanoindentation impact testing methodologies for the high strain rate characterization of materials at the microscale” – In the Seminar Room at 09:30 am

Abstract: In view of the future application of polymer matrix composites for structural components subjected to impact loads, there is a need for development of experimentally calibrated constitutive models for polymers that include their inherent viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior. These

Seminar of Dr. Lukas Helfen, from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, entitle “Synchrotron Laminography: A Technique for In situ Observation of Damage and its Evolution Inside Engineering Materials ” – At 1:00 pm in the Seminar Room

Synchrotron Laminography: A Technique for In situObservation of Damage and its Evolution Inside Engineering Materials Lukas Helfen,1,2Mark N. Mavrogordato,3Thilo F. Morgeneyer,4T. Baumbach1 1 Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, PO Box 3640,

Seminar of Dr. Mariana Hamer, from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), entitle “Porphyrin-based nanomaterials: design, synthesis and applications” – At 11:30 am in the Seminar Room

Porphyrin-based nanomaterials: design, synthesis and applications  Abstract  The development of new nanomaterials and nanotechnology currently have a huge impact on modern science. Within this trend, a field that has taken relevance is the construction of nanometric supramolecular systems through

PhD Defense – Miguel Herraez “Computational Micromechanics Models for Damage and Fracture of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers”, under the supervision of Prof. Carlos González and Dr. Cláudio Lopes.

The PhD Defense will take place,  at 12 noon, on next Friday (13th, July) in the seminar room of the Department of Materials Science at the School of Civil Engineering of UPM (ETSI Caminos, Ciudad Universitaria). The dissertation is entitled "Computational Micromechanics Models for Damage and

First Year Assessment of Verónica Fernández – Luna, entitle “Towards the understanding of FP-coating stability in Bio-LEDs” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT Solid-state lighting (SSL) is one of the biggest achievements of the 20th century. It has completely changed our modern life with respect to general illumination (light-emitting diodes), flat devices and displays (organic light-emitting diodes), and small labelling systems (light-emitting

Prof. Javier Llorca awarded by SOCIEMAT

Prof. Javier Llorca, Scientific Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, has received the award to the best scientific career by SOCIEMAT Javier Llorca receiving the SOCIEMAT award to the best scientific career during the CNMAT 2018 conference

Seminar of Dr. Vilas G. Pol, from Purdue University, entitle “Engineered Electrodes for Efficient Energy Storage and Battery Safety” – At 12:00 pm in the Seminar Room

Abstract ViPER (Vilas Pol’s Energy Research) laboratory at Purdue University focuses their research activities on the development of high capacity electrode materials, their engineering for longer cycle life and improved safety. Considering the advantages and limitations of known synthesis

The 4th review meeting

The 4th OptiQPAP progress meeting was hosted by the University of Gent (Gent, Belgium) on 15th of June, 2018. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last 6 months. The future research plans and dissemination activities were updated.

Clean Sky 2 visit

Past tuesday 5th of June, representatives of the Clean Sky 2 visit our Institute as part of the Engine Integrated Technology Demonstrator (ITD) annual meeting, organized by ITP Aero. Our Instutute is currently participating in 3 Clean Sky 2 projects: REDISH, (CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding.

Seminar of Carlos M. Atienza, from the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia, entitle “3D printing technologies, new possibilities for customized products and services for TOC” – At 12:00 pm in the Seminar Room

3D printing technologies, new possibilities for customized products and services for TOC There will be first an introduction to the activities of the IBV (Valencia Biomechanics Institute), to then explain the biomechanical bases of additive manufacturing through EBV that led the IBV to work on this

Summer School & Industry Day: Additive Manufacturing

On July 23rd and 24th IMDEA Materials Institute organizes a Summer School on Additive Manufacturing and an Industry Day where prominent companies (Siemens, ITP, Renishaw, HP, LPW Technologies, Mizar Additive) will discuss the progress of the field as well as the challenges ahead. This event is

First Year Assessment of André Rittner Pires Correa entitle “A numerical approach on thermoforming simulation of UD prepregs” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract Composite materials are a serious competitor for lightweight metals used in the aerospace and automotive industry. Fast production methods like thermo-folding, diaphragm forming or stamping can produce large numbers of CFRP components in a cost efficient way. The weight saving benefits of

Mid-term report

The OptiQPAP project has successfully undergone mid-term review by the Research Fund for Coal Steel. The mid-term report of the OptiQPAP project was approved by the Committee after the evaluation that took place on April 27 at the CSM headquarters (Rome).

MINIMAL project

MINIMAL is a research endeavour which will contribute significantly towards improving analysis/predictive tools for dislocation-interface interactions in metallic nanolaminates, which have attracted application as mechanical parts in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). It is funded by the

Seminar of Dr. Indrat Aria, from Cranfield University, entitle “Synergistic CVD graphene and ALD alumina for permeation barrier applications” – At 1:00 pm in the Seminar Room

Abstract Permeation barrier films are critical to a wide range of applications ranging from food and medical packaging to organic electronics and photovoltaics. For some of these applications, not only low permeation values are required but also flexible and transparent. Here, I will present

Seminar of Dr. Eric Jägle, from the Max Planck Institute of Metals Research in Düsseldorf (Germany), entitle “Alloys for Additive Manufacturing, Alloys by Additive Manufacturing” – At 11:00 am in the Seminar Room

Abstract As Additive Manufacturing technologies are being adopted in more and more industries, the focus of research and development is shifting to the materials in use. On the one hand, limited processability of high-performance materials restrict the robustness of the process in some cases, while

Annual report 2017 is out

The outcome of the research activities performed during year 2017 is summarized in this document. Information about the centre Principal Investigators, current research projects, research infrastructures as well as dissemination activities can be found in this annual report, together with scientific

Jon Molina awarded best young researcher by UC3M

Dr. Jon Molina has been awarded as one of the best young researchers by Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). The full information of this award can be found in this link (in Spanish only)

Large surface area lends superpowers to ultra-porous materials

Some materials are special not for what they contain, but for what they don’t contain. Such is the case with metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) – ultra-porous structures that are being developed for a variety of future applications from fire-proofing to drug-delivery. Read the whole article in HORIZON

Seminar of Prof. Marisol – Martín González, from the Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, entitle “Nanoengineering thermoelectrics to improve their efficiency: some examples” – At 12:00 am in the Seminar Room

Short summary of her group Functional Nanoscale Devices for Energy Recovery Group (FINDER) (Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología) Their research is focused on the optimization of thermoelectric devices via nanostructuration. A thermoelectric device is  able to transform temperature differences into

Optoelectronics special issue

A special issue organized by our colleague Rubén Costa on new materials and approaches for optoelectronics is free to read in ChemPlusChem through May! Check it out under this link:

Seminar of Dr. Thomas Bieler, from the department of Physical Metallurgy, Grain Boundaries, Crystal Plasticity from IMDEA Materials, entitle “The challenge of finding critical resolved shear stress values for meso-scale modeling of  titanium alloys” – At 12:00 am in the Seminar Room

Short bio: Professor Thomas R. Bieler earned a B.A. in Applied Mechanics at University of California at San Diego in 1978 followed by a M.S. In Ceramic Engineering at University of Washington (Seattle) in 1980.  He worked for five years at Sandia National Laboratory in Livermore on high rate

CIMNE – IMDEA Materials Workshop

On April 13, a bilateral technical meeting was held between the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) and the IMDEA Materials Institute. Twelve researchers from both institutions attended the workshop, which took place at IMDEA Materials’ facilities in Tecnogetafe, with

Seminar of Prof. Efstathios I. Melts, from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Texas at Arlington, entitle “The Quest for New Materials: Interface-engineered Materials” – At 12:00 am in the Seminar Room

ABSTRACT Atomic interface structures provide a unique opportunity to design new materials that can provide promising solutions to future technological demands. This talk presents an overview of two diverse areas of activity at the Surface and Nano Engineering Laboratory at the University of Texas,

Seminar of Prof. Jiacheng Wang, from the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), entitle “Emerging Materials for Electrocatalysis” – At 11:30 am in the Seminar Room

Abstract Platinum-based materials are highly active as the electrocatalysts both in hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells, but high cost limits its wide applications. In this talk, the reporter summarized the recent research progress of designing and

Is ultra-fast processing the next revolution for steel production?

Researchers of our Institute collaborate with an international consortia to develop an ultra-fast processing process for steels. This approach is energetically more efficient than current methods. You can learn more about this technique in this article (Spanish only)

3rd review meeting

The 3rd OptiQPAP progress meeting was held on 24th of January, 2018, at the CTM headquarters (Manresa, Spain). The meeting was organized by Toni Lara. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last 6 months, as well as

ALFORAMA 1st consortium meeting in Ordizia

The First ALFORAMA Technical Committee Meeting took place on the 18th of January 2018 and was hosted by the Coordinator of the Consortium IK4-LORTEK in Ordizia, Spain The ALFORAMA partners reviewed the progress made across the different work packages addressing topics such as definition of

2nd IMDEA Materials Innovation Awards

On 28th of November took place the 2nd IMDEA Materials Innovation Award.  The Director of the Institute, Prof. Ignacio Romero, gave the award to Miguel Angel Valdes on his winner project entitle ““Ultra-rapid processing of advanced high strength steels”. The 2nd edition started with the last year´s

First Year Assessment of Jing Zhang entitle “Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) derived hierarchically nanomaterials as multifunctional fire retardant for polymer nanocomposites” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract Fire hazards including the generation of heat, smoke and toxic vapor, cost a great number of lives and damage properties. Compared with natural polymers, the high flammability and the widespread use of synthetic polymers lead to serious safety and environmental problems. Therefore, methods

First Year Assessment of Andrea Fernández entitle “Recycling of composites by recovering carbon fibres of cured prepregs, and their re-use in hybrid laminates” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract: Recycling of composites by recovering carbon fibres of cured prepregs, and their re-use in hybrid laminates by Andrea Fernández Gorgojo The applications of composite materials are rapidly growing in several sectors. For example, in the aeronautical sector, composites can account for up

Seminar of Prof. John Allison entitle “The PRISMS Framework: An Integrated Predictive Multi-Scale ICME Capability for the Global Materials Community” – At 1:00 pm in the Seminar Room

The PRISMS Framework: An Integrated Predictive Multi-Scale ICME Capability for the Global Materials Community John Allison University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI The Center for PRedictive Integrated Structural Materials Science (PRISMS) is a major Materials Genome Initiative effort creating a unique

Research Initiation Fellowships of Juan Manuel Moreno entitle “Optimization of electrolyte conductivities containing flame retardant. A computational experimentally-guided approach based on Genetic Algorithms combined with Machine Learning techniques (GAML)” – At 4:00 pm in the Seminar Room

Abstract Flame retardants are going to be such an important component in future Lithium-based batteries. However, these flame retardants have a major problem: they decrease the conductivity values of electrolytes. During this project we have been trying to use some new optimization techniques

First Year Assessment of Pablo García entitle “The fatigue behavior of advanced high-strength steels processed via quenching and partitioning” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT The increasingly demanding environmental and safety goals imposed to the automotive industry have fostered fierce competition to develop new multi-phase steel types that are stronger, tougher, more formable, and fatigue-resistant. Among the various approaches in study, steels processed via

Francisca Martínez-Hergueta receives the award to the best PhD thesis

Francisca Martínez-Hergueta has received the award to the best doctoral thesis in the academic year 2015-2016 from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). The thesis was entitled "Multiscale analysis of the mechanical behaviour of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics " and was carried out at IMDEA

Presentación de la revolución tecnológica: BioLED

  En esta ocasión, smartLIGHITNG y el Instituto IMDEA Materiales, tiene el placer de invitarle a la presentación en absoluta primicia del BioLED, una tecnología que va acaparando premios y reconocimientos por todo el mundo de distintas organizaciones, como la del prestigioso y solvente,

Seminar of Prof. Javier García Martínez entitle “Design, Fabrication and Commercialization of new catalysts engineered at the nanoscale” – At 10:00 am in the Seminar Room

DESIGN, FABRICATION AND COMMERCIALISATION OF NEW CATALYSTS ENGINEERED AT THE NANOSCALE J. García-Martínez Laboratorio de Nanotecnología Molecular, Dpto. Química Inorgánica, Universidad de Alicante, Ap. 99, E-03690 Alicante, Spain.; Rive Technology, Inc., 1 Deer Park Drive, Monmouth

ALFORAMA at Strategic Workshop on Additive Manufacturing

ALFORAMA participated in the European Strategic Approach on Additive Manufacturing that took place on 15th November 2017 in Oeiras, Portugal. The workshop was organised by the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting and AM-motion project. The event

New efficiency record in TiO2 solar cells

Researchers from IMDEA Materials, University of La Rioja and University of Alicante have set a new record in the energy efficiency of TiO2 solar cells (8.75 %). TiO2 is an affordable compound that makes these solar cells less expensive than traditional silicon solar cells. The research at IMDEA

First Year Assessment of Yunfu Ou entitle “Understanding interlaminar toughening mechamisms in structural carbon fiber/epoxy composites interleaved with CNT veils” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT: The susceptibility to delamination is one of the main concerns in fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRPs), while carbon nanotubes (CNT) carry the promise of enhancing this poor out-of-plane mechanical performance. This work reviews the progress to date towards methods of

Seminar of Dr. Juan Manuel Ortiz entitle “Microbial Electrochemical Technologies and waste water treatment: concepts and main applications” – At 11:00 am in the Seminar Room

ABSTRACT Microbial Electrochemical Tehnologies (MET) are a recent research field related to environmental biotechnology. The main concept for its development is related to the ability of the microorganisms of producing electricity from organic matter degradation, using an insoluble electron

Seminar of Mauricio Terrones entitle “Low-Dimensional Nano-Carbons: Form Doped Carbon Nanotubes and Doped Graphene to 3-D Hybrids and Biological Applications” – Seminar Room, 1:00 pm

Low-Dimensional Nano-Carbons: Form Doped Carbon Nanotubes and Doped Graphene to 3-D Hybrids and Biological Applications Mauricio Terrones1 E-mail: 1Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Center for 2-Dimensional & Layered

First Year Assessment of Miguel Angel Valdés entitle “Study of Mechanical Properties on Macro- and Microscopes in AHSS by Ultra-Fast Heating” – In the Seminar Room at 11:00 am

Abstract Ultrafast heating (UFH) has recently attracted significant attention of steel research community due to its advantages over conventional heat treatment of advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) including very short processing time, reduced energy consumption and low carbon footprint. The UFH

Modelling superalloy behaviour to improve aircraft engine design

The MICROMECH project, part of the Sustainable and Green Engines (SAGE) Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITD) of Clean Sky, has successfully developed a multi-scale computational tool to predict the mechanical behaviour of the Ni-based superalloys used in the hottest parts of aircraft engines.


Funding: AIRBUS DEFENSE & SPACE Region: Spain Project period: 2016 – 2017 Principal Investigator: Dr. Cláudio Sául Lopes ( The CRASHING II project is the follow up of the Clean Sky CRASHING project and is focused on the modelling and simulation of the

Rubén Costa awarded as European young innovator by the MIT

Rubén Costa, head of the research group on hybrid optoelectronic materials and devices at IMDEA Materials, has been awarded talented young innovator by the MIT Technology Review. Rubén Costa is leveraging his educational background to guide his work developing a lower-cost, more

First Year Assessment of Eva M. Andrés López entitle “Coupled thermomechanical damage model in small strain elastoplasticity: A thermodynamic approach”- Seminar Room at 1:00 pm

Abstract The objective of the present project is the development and numerical implemen- tation of constitutive equations for the coupled thermomechanical damage problem in the speci c context of the in nitesimal strain approximation, within the framework of the thermodynamics of irreversible

Future bulbs will be made of proteins

LED lights are the true heir to Edison’s electric bulb. They are a major breakthrough in lightning, but still require advances related to their manufacture using cheaper sustainable materials. In this interview (in Spanish), Rubén Costa (senior researher at IMDEA Materials) explains his vision of

Quantum Dots, Fluorescent Proteins Vie for Supremacy

Since the mid-50s the full-color display technology began its rise to success. The origins of this technology was the old-fashioned cathode ray tubes, which were displaced from the top about a decade ago by liquid crystal displays (LCDs) using a back-lighting system based on white inorganic

Rubén Costa selected top Spanish talent by the MIT

Rubén Costa, head of the research group on hybrid optoelectronic materials and devices at IMDEA Materials, has been selected as one of the Top Spanish Talents by the MIT Technology Review. He will be competing for a spot among the final list of Innovators Under 35 Europe 2017. Rubén

Carlos González appointed Full Professor at UPM

Prof. Carlos González, head of the research program on the "Next Generation of Composite Materials" at IMDEA Materials Institute, has been appointed Full Professor at the Department of Materials Science of Polytechnic University Madrid (UPM), in which he was an Associate Professor. Our

Winners of the 2016 Imaging Contest

Last Friday, June 30th, the Director and Deputy Director of the Institute gave the awards to the winners of the 2016 edition of the IMDEA Materials Imaging Contest. From left to right: Jose Luis Jimenez, Miguel Ángel Valdés, Daniel del Pozo and Miguel Monclús. The winners of this year in the

ALFORAMA Kick-off Meeting

The ALFORAMA Kick of Meeting took place on the 4rd of July 2017 in Naples (Italy). The event was host by LEONARDO S.p.A. (Topic Manager Company). Leonardo is a founding member of the Clean Sky JTI (Joint Technology Initiative) started in 2008 to develop breakthrough technologies

Seminar of Dr. Markus Stricker – “Glissile junctions: Insights from discrete dislocation dynamics and development of a continuum model” -Seminar Room, 12:00 am

Glissile junctions: Insights from discrete dislocation dynamics and development of a continuum model Markus Stricker Karlsruhe Institute of Technology The understanding of the mechanisms governing plastic deformation of metals is the understanding of dislocation motion from single dislocations to

2nd review meeting

TU Delft (Delft, The Netherlands) has hosted the 2nd OptiQPAP progress meeting on 26th of June, 2017, at the headquarters (Manresa, Spain). The meeting was organized by Dr. Carola Celada. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last


The MICROMECH II project is the follow up of the Clean Sky MICROMECH project and is focused on the development of more elaborated micromechanical models for Inconel 718 alloy (casted and forged). Check the whole description of the project.

Celebrating 10 years of the ERC

Back in 2007, the European Commission established the European Research Council (ERC) with the mission to encourage excellent frontier research in Europe through competitive funding, supporting top researchers across all fields and of any nationality. Since then, the ERC has had a considerable


Funding: Hexcel Composites Limited​Region: IndustrialProject period: 2014 – 2017Principal Investigator: Dr. Federico Sket ( and Dr. Carlos González ( project aims to study and optimize a new family of prepregs designed for out-of-autoclave

Prof. Ignacio Romero, appointed new Director

On April 28th, Javier LLorca stepped down as Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, after 10 years in this position. The newly appointed Director is Ignacio Romero, formerly Deputy Director of the Institute, and head of the Computational Solid Mechanics Group. Dr. Romero is Full Professor at the

Annual report 2016 is out

The outcome of the research activities performed during year 2016 is summarized in this document. The personnel, current research projects, research infrastructures as well as disseminations activities (publications, conferences and seminars, patents, theses, etc.) can be found in this annual report

Seminar of Prof. José A. Rodríguez-Martínez – “A general overview on multiple necking and fragmentation problems in ductile solids subjected to high strain rates” – April 19th 2017, Seminar Room at 12:30 pm

Seminar: "A general overview on multiple necking and fragmentation problems in ductile solids subjected to high strain rates" Understanding the fragmentation of ductile solids and structures subjected to high velocity impacts or blast loadings has importance in aerospace industry, military


The CRASHING II project is the follow up of the Clean Sky CRASHING project and is focused on the modelling and simulation of the crashworthiness of and aircraft front fuselage using numerical composite material models developed in the initial project. The cabin model will be simulated in different

Seminar of Prof. Raúl Sánchez-Martín – “Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: Image Processing and Recognition” – April 4th 2017, Seminar Room at 5:00 pm

ABSTRACT: Machine learning, an important part of artificial intelligence, has made a huge impact on many different areas (baking, logistic, telecommunications, etc.) during the last years. Following this trend, there are clear indications that this data-driven technique will play a fundamental role

Juan José Vilatela joins the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports

Dr. Juan José Vilatela, Senior Researcher at IMDEA Materials, joins the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports. Scientific Reports is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. It publishes scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

A yarn like sensor for composites

J. Carlos Fernández-Toribio There is a clear evidence that composites are an increasing field of interest. Thus, the demand for composites end products has reached 22.2$ billion in 2015 . This is due to their low weight and high mechanical resistance. Therefore, lighter structural parts can be

Seminar Prof. Jorge Alcalá – “Multi-scale mechanistic interpretations to indentation experiments across the material length scales: from continuum to atomistic” – Seminar Room (12:00)

Abstract We provide a fundamental contact mechanics background to the interpretation of spherical indentation experiments performed in polycrystalline aggregates, single crystalline units, thin films, and minute material scales comprising an atomistic ensemble. A central issue under examination is

Metals Winter Meeting 2017 (Seminar Room – 9:45 am)

METALS WINTER MEETING 2017 PROGRAM 9:45 Arrival and welcome Session I Chairman: Carmen Cepeda 10:00 Marcos Jiménez “Fatigue behaviour of INCONEL 718 under cyclic conditions” 10:15 Deng Xiangxing “Development of innovative materials for the cutting sector" 10:30 Marta