Luis Carlos Herrera – "Characterization of polypropylene nanocomposites prepared by a melt compounding masterbatch technique"
La noche de los investigadores Madri+d 2013 – La ciencia en el salón de tu casa
I Session AEMAC of Collaboration COMPANY-ACADEMY
Seminar – Prof. Arnaud Weck " Ductile fracture studies using artificial microvoids in metals and polymers"
Seminar – Prof. Jaime Marian – “Predicting the temperature dependence of the yield strength in BCC metals using atomistically-informed crystal plasticity calculations”
Inauguration of IMDEA Materials Institute building
First Year Assessment – Lu Zhang: Fiber Reinforced Poly lactic acid (PLA) Composites: Flame Retardancy and Reinforcement
Seminario – Dr. Véronique Michaud – "Composite materials, drivers for clean and cost-effective ground transport?"
Seminario – Prof. Miguel Bañares "Operando Raman methodology to understand structure-performance relationships in catalysis"
Alberto Palomares – "Deformation mechanisms in γ-TiAl"
Prof. Daniel Rittel – "Spontaneous adiabatic shear localization in electromagnetically collapsing cylinders"
Mehdi Rahimian – "A physical simulation study of investment casting of a Nickel-based superalloy"
Seminar – Mr. Sergi Grau: Water Splitting: from molecular catalysis to functional devices"
Seminar – Zhi Li – "Study on Delaying Ignition Time and Smoke Suppression behaviors of Flame-retardant Polymers”
PhD defense – Julián García
Seminario – Cristina Prado: Study of the deformation mechanisms of the MN11 Mg alloy by slip trace analysis
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Joaquim Vilà Bramon
Seminario – Prof Marc Anderson "materials science of nanoporous metal oxides and their applications in energy, sensors and water treatment"
Prof. Kwangho Kim – "Hybrid-interface based Future Materials"
Ariel Eijo – "Numerical method to simulate delamination in advanced composite materials using beam and plate elements"
New developments in the processing and properties of ultrafine-grained metals. Prof. Terence G. Langdon
MoDeNa Workshop and Consortium Meetin
Seminar – Dr. Laura Cabana "Carbon nanotube – inorganic hybrids: from synthesis to application"
Science week Madrid 2013
Nanoscale hybrids for hydrogen production through water splitting using sunlight
A consortium of European universities, research centres and companies, led by IMDEA Materials Institute, is working on the production of new, more efficient hybrids composed of nanocarbons (e.g. graphene) and inorganics (metal oxides) that can produce hydrogen by water splitting using sunlight.
Hacia los materiales del futuro: Materiales ligeros resistentes multifuncionales
Seminario – Dr. Vinodkumar Etacheri "Nanoscale Engineering and Electrochemical Approaches to Next-Geneartion Energy Storage"
Mohammad Marvi – Multiscale characterization and modelling of polyurethane foams
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Ana Fernández
Guanglong Xu – “Thermo-Kinetic and Landau Modeling of Quenching and Partitioning Process in Steels”
Thesis defense – Arcadio Varona "Assessment of the Eutectic Trough and Properties of a Multiphase Alloy in the NiAl-Cr-W System"
Phd Defense – Francisca Martínez
Seminar – Dr. Nelson Sepúlveda – "Materials research meets device development: an effective approach for growing science and unveiling new technologies.
MATERPLAT Annual Meeting
Lanzamiento del Proyecto DYNACOMP.
Reunión del Proyecto Micromech – "Modelos mecánicos de superaleaciones basados en la microestructura"
Seminario – Alfonso Monreal – “Harvesting Materials Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibre for Tough Electronics”
Dr. Pedro Arrazola – "Recent advances in modelling of metal machining processes"
Alejandro García – "Modeling and Design of Energy Absorption Materials for Impact Loading"
Informe anual 2012 IMDEA Materiales
Seminar Prof. Shahzada Ahmad – Molecular engineering of materials for high performance and stable perovskite solar cells
I IMDEA Conference, Science, Industry and Society
PhD defense – Raúl Muñoz
First Year Assessment – Gustavo Esteban: Atomistic modelling of FCC metals.
Seminario – Dr. Kostas Danas "Magnetorheological elastomers and elasto-plastic metallic materials: from micro-deformation mechanisms to instabilities"
Michael Titus – "High Temperature Single Crystal Creep Deformation Mechanisms of New L12-containing Co-base Superalloys"
Dianshi Feng – "Simulation of impact damage in foam-based sandwich composites"
Por qué soy científico – La noche de los investigadores, Madrid 2010
Seminar – Prof. Nigel Jennet "Surprise! ….Size matters! Probing the fundamental size dependence of yield strength. – Continuum Mechanics R.I.P."
PhD defense – Hangbo Yue
Madrid researchers’ night 2013 – Science in your living room
Seminario – Sr. Sergi Grau: Water Splitting: from molecular catalysis to functional devices.
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2015 conference (14-17 Diciembre 2015)
Acto de entrega de los X premios madri+d
Mónica Prieto – "Dynamics of Grain Boundary motion coupled to shear deformation: an atomistic study"
Dr. Xiaoqing Zhang – "Development of Sustainable Polymer Materials and Composites"
Seminar: Dr. Isaac Toda-Caraballo: An overview on the designing High Entropy Alloys
Seminar – Prof. Philippe Boisse " "Simulations of composite reinforcement forming processes"
Seminar- Daniel del Pozo – "Modelling of ice impact on jet turbines"
Why I am a scientist – Researchers' Night, Madrid 2010
First Year Assessment – Jingya Wang "Atomic mobility modeling and high throughput study on anisotropic diffusion of Mg-Al-Zn alloy"
MoDeNa Workshop and Consortium Meeting 5
Becas de Iniciación a la Investigación (2ª convocatoria). Presentaciones
Yang Lingwei – "An experimental and finite element modeling study of the strength of Al/SiC multilayer"
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Eva Cristina Moreno
Comité Ejecutivo del proyecto EXOMET
Seminar Prof. Shahzada Ahmad – Molecular engineering of materials for hifh performance and stable perovskite solar cells
Science week Madrid 2015
PhD defense – Ana Fernández
Seminar – Dr. Alexander Zhilyaev: Bulk nanostructured materials processed by severe plastic deformation: from fundamentals towards applications
Seminario – Prof. Victor M. Orera “Tailoring microstructures and interfaces for improving functionalities in ceramics”
Seminario – Balaji Selvarajou "Triaxiality Effects in Magnesium: Crystal Plasticity Modeling "
Dr. Carmen Cepeda – "Study of the dominant deformation mechanisms in pure magnesium polycrystals with different grain size by trace analysis"
Dr. Bin Gan – "Jerky flow in Nickel solid solutions occurring during high temperature instrumented indentation"
17 IUTAM Curso de Verano: Modelización y Simulación de Sistemas Multiescala en el Continuo
Seminar – Prof. Rigoberto Burgueño "Integration of materials science and structural engineering for the design of advanced materials systems"
Seminar – Dr. Silvia Marchesan "Twists of chirality for the self-assembly of short peptide nanomaterials".
International workshop on graphene and 2D materials
Seminario Prof. Shahzada Ahmad – Molecular engineering of materials for high performance and stable perovskite solar cells
Seminario – Photonic devices based in III-V semiconductors. Dr. Jose Maria Ulloa AlN microcantilevers, Dr. Gonzalo Fuentes Graphene electronic devices: Dr. Javier Martinez
Workshop CompTest 2015
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Sergio Sádaba
Dr. Maciej Haranczyck – "Computational Discovery of Materials for Clean and Energy Efficient Technologies"
Seminar – Cristina Prado: Study of the deformation mechanisms of the MN11 Mg alloy by slip trace analysis
Seminar – Prof. Juan Pou – "Laser spinning: a new technique for nanofiber production"
Seminar – Prof. K. J. Hsia – "Programming Mechanical Function at Micro-Nanoscales"
17th IUTAM Summer School on: Modelling and Simulation of Multiscale Continuum Systems
Curso DIMMAT "Preparation and evaluation of R&D&i project proposals"
Seminario -Adrian J. Lew High – "Fidelity Simulation of Brittle Fracture Problems with Universal Meshes" (14 de Marzo 2016)
Seminario – Chuangyun Wang – “A high-throughput diffusion-multiple study on titanium alloys”
Yetang Pan – Environmentally friendly Sb2O3-free fire retardant flexible poly (vinyl chloride): Preparation, Properties and Mechanism
José Luis Gómez-Selles – "Ge damage accumulation and recrystallization modeling for front-end microelectronic processing"
Rafael Soler – "Smaller is stronger": is it a universal observation or is it material dependent?
Seminar – Prof. Arnaud Weck: Ultrafast laser-matter interactions: mechanical properties and surface texturing
Seminar – Dr. Noemí Encinas "“To Wet or Not to Wet. Liquid-repellent Coatings”
PhD defense – Sergio Sádaba
First Year Assessment – Ángel Alvaredo: Polymers for extreme service conditions
Seminario – Prof. Arnaud Weck "Ductile fracture studies using artificial microvoids in metals and polymers"
9th European Solid Mechanics Conference
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Raúl Muñoz
Concepción Solanas – "Silk: Remarkable Biological Material and Versatile Biomaterial"
Materiales ligeros para un transporte sostenible
Seminar – Prof. Thomas R. Bieler "Interdependent Modeling and Characterization to Identify Effects of Slip Transfer at Grain Boundaries in Heterogeneous Deformation"
Seminar – Dr. Yongjun Su "’Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Large Size Ti-43Al-9V-Y Alloy Pancake Produced by Pack Forging’’
Beatriz Hernández – "Hybrid systems based on semiconductor nanocrystals"
Seminario -Prof. Shahzada Ahmad: Molecular engineering of materials for high performance and stable perovskite solar cells
Seminario – Juan Carlos Fernández – "Infiltration of CNT fibers in liquids: chemo-electro-mechanical sensing"
Prof. Surya Kalidindi – "Data Science Approaches for Mining Structure-Property-Processing Linkages from Large Datasets"
Dr. Martin Palm – "Alloy development and industrial processing of iron aluminide based alloys"
Prof. Qinghong Fang – "Study on properties of eucommia ulmoides gum toughening plastics"
Seminar – Prof. Catalin Picu: Mechanics of random fiber networks.
Phd Defense – Ehsan Naderi Kalali "Multifunctional Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Based Epoxy Nanocomposites"
Scientific Imaging Contest 2014
Light materials for a sustainable transport
First Year Assessment – Na Li: High throughput study on diffusion and creep behavior in HCP-Mg alloys.
MoDeNa Workshop and Consortium Meeting 5
Seminario – Juan José Torres – "“Mechanisms of air removal and void development in Out-of-Autoclave processing of composites”
Semana de la ciencia Madrid 2014
XIV Jornada de Materiales
International workshop on materials design process: thermodynamics, kinetics and microstructure control
Seminar – Dr .Sezer Özerinç "High Strength Copper-Niobium Nanomaterials"
Seminar – Evgeny Senokos – "Development of Multifunctional All-solid-state Supercapacitor Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibers”.
PhD defense – Rocío Muñoz
Seminario – Prof. Catalin Picu: Mechanics of Random fiber networks
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Francisca Martínez
Escuela de verano EPMA 2015 sobre pulvimetalurgia
Prof. Debes Bhattacharyya – "Sustainable composites for commercial aviation and building infrastructure sectors"
Formability of ultra-fine grained metallic materials
Acto de colocación de la Primera Piedra de la sede del Instituto IMDEA Materiales
Seminar – Dr. Pablo Antolín "New developments for locking problems in Isogeometric Analysis: nearly-incompressibility and solid shells"
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2015 conference
IMDEA Materials hosts TKM workshop 2013
Seminario – Prof. Arnaud Weck: Ultrafast laser-matter interactions: mechanical properties and surface texturing
Seminario – Prof. Sybrand van der Zwaag “Computational guidance of the development of new creep steels and that of polymer-PZT composites for sensing and energy harvesting”
Dr. Endzhe Matykina – "Plasma electrolytic oxidation of light alloys – fundamental and practical aspects"
Dr. Bin Tang – "ω phase transformation and processing of TiAl alloys. Eutectics of NiAl based alloys"
Prof. Stephan Roche – “Charge, Phonon and Spin Transport in Complex forms of structurally and chemically modified forms of Graphene Materials”
Seminar – Mr. Miguel Cristóbal -Development of new heat resistant stainless steels using high throughput methods
Seminar – Dr. Jose Maria Ulloa "Photonic devices based in III-V semiconductors" / Dr. Gonzalo Fuentes: " AlN microcantilevers " / Dr. Javier Martinez: "Graphene electronic devices"
X madri+d awards
Ceremony of the placement of the first stone of the building of IMDEA Materials Institute
Seminario – Dr. Pedro Brana-Coto: Charge and energy transfer processes: From biological photoreceptors to nanostructures. University of Erlangen
Seminario – Prof. Nigel Jennet "Surprise! …Size matters! Probing the fundamental size dependence of yield strength. – Continuum Mechanics R.I.P."
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Irene de Diego
Wenzhou Chen – Non-Empirical Phase Equilibria in the Cr-Mo, Ni-Mo and Ni-Cr-Mo systems: A Combination of First-Principles Calculations, Cluster Expansion and Monte Carlo Simulations
Víctor Reguero – "Chemical engineering of carbon nanotube fibres"
Rocío Muñoz – Microstructure and deformation mechanisms of a γ-TiAl intermetallic alloy: an in situ experimental study
Seminar – Dr. Maciej Pietrzyk "Computer systems for materials processing technology design"
Seminar – Prof. Miguel Bañares "Operando Raman methodology to understand structure-performance relationships in catalysis"
PhD defense – Benoît Sklenard
OptiQPAP project – kick-off meeting
Seminario- Prof. Philippe Boisse "Simulations of composite reinforcement forming processes"
Seminario – Dr. Mauricio Ponga "Understanding Prismatic Dislocation Loops in Mg by means of large-scale ab-initio simulations"
Fernando Naya – "Combined multi-scale simulations in fiber-reinforced composites"
Meeting metales Otoño 2013
XI Jornada de Materiales "Los materiales, en el centro de nuestra actividad como ingenieros"
Seminar – Prof. Sylvain Drapier "Challenges and expectations from modeling infusion-based processes for structural composites"
Seminar – Prof Marc Anderson "materials science of nanoporous metal oxides and their applications in energy, sensors and water treatment"
IMDEA Materials hosts Magnesium Workshop Madrid 2013
Seminario – Dr .Sezer Özerinç "High Strength Copper-Niobium Nanomaterials"
Seminario – Zhi Li – “Study on Delaying Ignition Time and Smoke Suppression behaviors of Flame-retardant Polymers"
Prof. David L. McDowell – "Microstructure-Sensitive Fatigue Modeling"
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Rocío Muñoz
Workshop internacional sobre grafeno y materiales 2D
Summer School – Advanced Processing of Metallic Materials
Seminar – Dr. Vinodkumar Etacheri "Nanoscale Engineering and Electrochemical Approaches to Next-Generation Energy Storage"
CompTest 2015 workshop
IMDEA Materials participates in the Madrid Public University Social Councils Annual Meeting (23th of June 2009)
I Jornada AEMAC de Colaboración EMPRESA-ACADEMIA
Seminario – Prof. Rigoberto Burgueño "Integration of materials science and structural engineering for the design of advanced materials systems"
Seminario – Dr. Laura Cabana "Carbon nanotube – inorganic hybrids: from synthesis to application"
XXIV Interational Workshop on Computational Micromechanics of Materials
Dr. In-Suk Choi – "Nano-mechanics towards advanced materials"
Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Silvia Hernández Rueda
Seminar- Jeremy Snel "Competing deformation mechanisms in ARB Cu/Nb metallic multilayers as a function of layer thickness and temperature"
Seminar – Alfonso Monreal – “Energy Harvesting Materials Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibre for Tough Electronics”
PhD defense – Eva Cristina Moreno
Seminar – Workshop and Characterization of Composite Materials
Jornada gratuita matinal, con desayuno a media mañana incluido, donde profesionales del sector desarrollaran diversos temas en torno a: Ensayos de Propagación de Grietas Interlaminares a Fatiga. Ensayos Mecánicos en Materiales y Estructuras de Material
Seminario – Sr. Miguel Cristóbal:Development of new heat resistant stainless steels using high throughput methods
Metals Winter Meeting 2016
Seminario – Prof. Jaime Marian – “Predicting the temperature dependence of the yield strength in BCC metals using atomistically-informed crystal plasticity calculations”
Meisan Jalalvand – "Introducing ductility to composite materials"
Dr. Diego Mora – "Computational micromechanical model of ply failure: matrix cracking, delamination and crack density"
First Innovation Awards
Seminar – Dr. Raghavendra Adharapurapu "Industry Perspective on ICME Modeling Approaches for Superalloys"
Annual report 2012 IMDEA Materials
I Conferencia IMDEA, Ciencia, Empresa y Sociedad
Dr. Luis Saucedo – "Experimental-numerical dialog in ghe FEMME multiscale fracture model"
Dr. Miguel Castillo-Rodríguez – "Dislocation microstructure studies in ceramics. Dissociation and plasticity"
Beatriz Hernández – "Sistemas híbridos basados en nanocristales semiconductores"
Seminar – Dr. David Garcia Cava: 'Data-based vibration structural health monitoring methodology for composite laminated structures'
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2015 conference (14-17 December 2015)
Humberto Terrones – "Beyond Graphene: The amazing world of layered transititon metal dichalcogenides"
XI Workshop of Materials "The materials, in the center of our engineering activity"
Defensa Tesis – Arcadio Varona "Assessment of the Eutectic Trough and Properties of a Multiphase Alloy in the NiAl-Cr-W System"
Seminario – Prof. Thomas R. Bieler "Interdependent Modeling and Characterization to Identify Effects of Slip Transfer at Grain Boundaries in Heterogeneous Deformation"