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Funding: China Scholarship CouncilRegion: InternationalProject period: 2013 – 2017Principal Investigator: Dr. De-Yi Wang ( study of fire retardancy in PVC is a very important topic nowadays due to its huge industrial application. ECOPVC project aims to develop a series

Training course DIMMAT: “Economic-business basic concepts”

The next training course “Economic bussines basic concepts” will be held at the Seminar Room, on March 2nd, 2017. The programme offered is suitable for pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. · Place: IMDEA Materials Institute (Seminar room) Date: March 2nd, 2017 Time: 10:00 – 12:00 Attached

First Year Assessment of José Antonio Santiago entittle “Enhanced Diamond-Like Carbon coatings and tribomechanical properties via innovative sputtering processes”

Abstract:  Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) coatings have been recognized as one of the most valuable engineering materials for various industrial applications including manufacturing, transportation, biomedical and microelectronics. Among its many properties, DLC stands out for good frictional behaviour

1st review meeting

The 1st OptiQPAP progress meeting was held on 24th of January at the CSM headquarters (Rome, Italy). The meeting was organized by Dr. Ali Smith. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within first 6 months. The research plans for the next

Recruitment process is closed

The recruitment process to cover 2 research assistants positions (Early Stage Researchers) within the DYNACOMP project is now closed. The selected candidates are Maria Azzurra (Master’s degree in Materials Engineering by the University of Salento in Italy) and Mario Rueda (Master of

Summer school on composite materials

Composite materials are nowadays extensively used in applications where outstanding mechanical properties are necessary in combination with weight savings.Their increased use has presented new challenges to engineers, largely due to the highly complex failure mechanisms of composite materials but

Johan Christensen

Research Interest Academic and Professional Career Grants, Honours and Awards Committees Key Publications Dr. Christensen and his research team at IMDEA Materials Institute have a keen interest in physical acoustics, elasticity and vibrating engineered fluids and/or solids. Through

Dr. Mónica Echeverry-Rendón

Research Areas of Interest Projects Grants and Awards Publications at IMDEA Materials The Biometals, Coatings, and Devices Group – BCD Group is dedicated to the research, development, and evaluation of materials within the field of biomedical engineering, with a particular emphasis on

Symposium on New steels for applications under extreme conditions

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A A. García-Junceda, M.J. Santofimia. Symposium on New steels for applications under extreme conditions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 5271–5271, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11661-016-3766-2

ITN 2016 – Coordinators Info Day

IMDEA Materials, as coordinator of the DYNACOMP network, attended an information day for ITN actions organized by the Research Executive Agency (REA) past 12/12/2012 in Brussels (Belgium). During the event, the REA (funding agency of the DYNACOMP project) provided detailed

New incorporation – Wenzhou Chen

Position: Research Assistant Research: DFT/MD calculation of phase change materials Contact: wenzhou.chen(AT)

IMDEA Materials awarded two new Airbus R&D contracts

IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded two new R&D contracts by Airbus Operations. The first one (ECURE) is focused on developing electrically-curable epoxy resins for bonding and repairing composite materials. The second project (NONCIRC) aims at assessing the potential of using

New incorporation – Alfonso Monreal

Position: Research Assistant Research: Production and properties of thermoset nanocomposites Contact: alfonso.monreal(AT)

Contract awarded with Abengoa Research

IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded a R&D contract with Abengoa Reseach to develop a simulation platform to perform virtual design, virtual processing and virtual testing of engineering materials to reduce the time necessary to develop and introduce new materials into the market. See VMD

New incorporation – Dr. Belén Alemán

Position: Research Associate PhD: Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Research: Synthesis of advanced materials based on carbon nanotube fibres Contact: belen.aleman(AT)

Success in the final FP7 calls

IMDEA Materials Institute is achieving great success in the last calls of the 7th Framework Programme. To date, our researchers have secured 6 R&D projects belonging to different lines of this programme: MICROMECH project (Clean Sky I JTI (Joint Technology Initiative)) MODENA, ICMEG and

New Airbus Operations contract awarded

IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded a new R&D contract by Airbus Operations to design composite shields against high energy impact of an open-rotor blade on the new NSA (New Single Aisle) aircraft fuselage concept. See BLADE IMPACT project description

New incorporation – Dr. Hyung-Jun CHANG

Position: Research Associate Grenoble INP, France / Seoul National University, South Korea Research: Multiscale plasticity Contact: hyungjun.chang(AT)

1st workshop on graphene and 2D materials proved to be a great success

IMDEA Materials Institute hosted the 1st international workshop on graphene and 2D materials past Tuesday 16th of July. The event gathered together some of the most reputed researchers working in the field (see event programme), who presented the latest findings and advances to an audience of

Screening of phase transformation kinetics of Ti alloys

Drs. Yuwen. Cui and Javier Segurado will carry out a research project in collaboration with the China Scholarship Council (China) to develop a high throughput diffusion multiple technique for screening of phase transformation kinetics in Ti alloys, which will be used

New incorporation – Prof. Mauricio Terrones

Position: Visiting Scientist (01/07/2013-31/07/2013) Penn State University, USA / Shinshu University, Japan  Research: Synthesis and Properties of Novel Nanocarbons Link to the researcher profile

Madrid, world hub of light metals

In order to significantly reduce environmental burdens, lightweight metals and alloys play an increasingly important role because of their high specific strength and stiffness, corrosion resistance, and recyclability. Among them, magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), and titanium (Ti) alloys are widely

IMDEA Materials participates in ITER project

ITER (acronym of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project, which is currently building the world's largest experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor at the Cadarache facility in the south of France. The ITER project

Nanostructured Al alloys with improved properties

Dr. Ilchat Sabirov will carry out a research project in collaboration with Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Ufa, Russia) on Nanostructured Al alloys with improved properties. See NANOAL project description

New generation of eco-benign fire retardants

Dr. De-Yi Wang, head of the High Performance Nanocomposites group of IMDEA Materials Institute, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie Action: "Career Integration Grant" (CIG) to carry out a four-year research project on design and processing of eco-benign multifunctional fire

R&D contract between IMDEA Materials and TOLSA

TOLSA S.A. and IMDEA Materials Institute have recently signed a R&D contract to carry out a study on the performance of sepiolite based additives in fire retardant systems. This one year project is led by Dr. De-Yi Wang, head researcher of the High Performance Nanocomposites group.

Highest grade for Silvia Hernandez´s PhD thesis

Silvia Hernandez defended her PhD thesis entitled “Cure, Defects and Mechanical Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Composites” on March 11th at the Civil Engineering School of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Her work was awarded the highest grade by the PhD committee. Dr.

New Incorporation – Hossein Ehteshami

Position: Research Assistant Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran Research: Multiscale Modelling of Nanostructured Titanium Contact:

New Incorporation – Alicia Moya

Position: Investigador Predoctoral Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Research: Nanohybrids for Photocatalysis Contact:

New Incorporation – Dr. Dong-Wook Lee

Position: Research Associate PhD: Texas Tech University, EEUU Research: Mesoscale Modeling of Microstructure Contact:

Hexagonal Lithium under ambient conditions

The Metal Physics group, led by Dr. Teresa Pérez-Prado, has succeeded in stabilizing a Li phase with a hexagonal closed packed (hcp) structure at room temperature and 1 atm by the application of pressure to Mg-Li alloys. At atmospheric pressure, pure Li and Li-Mg alloys undergo a bcc to hcp

Highest grade for Nathamar Dudamell´s PhD thesis

Nathamar Dudamell defended her PhD thesis, entitled “High strain rate behavior of Magnesium alloys” on December 17th at the Chemistry School of the Complutense University. The work was awarded the highest grade and the “European doctor” label. Dr. Dudamell´s research

Inauguration of IMDEA Materials Insitute building

Link to the complete new in Media  Speech of the IMDEA Materials Institute Director (54.8 KB) Enlaces a otros medios: Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte

Multifunctional Fibre Nanocomposites

The Multifunctional Nanocomposites group of IMDEA Materials Institute, led by Dr. Juan José Vilatela, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie Action Grant (CIG) to carry out a four-year research project on design and processing of Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Fibre Nanocomposites. See MUFIN

1st IMDEA Materials Institute Scientific Imaging Contest

The 1st IMDEA Materials Institute Scientific Imaging Contest took place on October 1st. Two ex-equo awards were granted to Irene De Diego, who presented a scanning electron micrograph of an advanced high strength steel, and to Hangbo Yue, who participated with an image of a natural flax fiber

Ultrasound non-destructive inspection system, C-Scan (TRITON 1500, Tecnitest)

to detect and evaluate defects by non-destructive ultrasounds technique. The system finds and determines the size and position of the typical defects in composite materials (voids, delaminations, cracks, etc). Evaluation of state of resin cure, the fiber volume fraction, the condition of the

Multiscale modeling of plasticity: application to forming processes

 Engineering alloys are heterogeneous materials formed by aggregation of grains with different orientation of one or more metallic phases. Plastic deformation occurs by dislocation and/or twinning in each microscopic grain and depends on the grain orientation, size and shape, the stresses

Airbus Operations SAS signed a two years contract with IMDEA Materials

 IMDEA Materials Institute and Airbus Operations SAS based in Toulouse will collaborate in a research project to develop Virtual Testing tools based on Multiscale Modelling techniques. This new R&D contract strengthens IMDEA Materials´ internationalisation strategy. See SIMSCREEN

The Master thesis of Julian García obtains the maximum grade with Honors

 The research project “Neurite: a finite difference continuum model of the electrophysiological-mechanical coupling in neurons under mechanical loading” has been co-supervised by Dr. Antoine Jerusalem and Dr. Jose María Peña of IMDEA Materials Institute and Polytechnic

Transfer to the permanent seat of IMDEA Materials

  Since last July 23th, all research and development activities of IMDEA Materials Institute have been moved to its final site in the Scientific and Technological Park Tecnogetafe, located at sixteen kilometers to the south of Madrid city. The new building has a total floor area of 9,000 m2

NANOFIRE project

NANOFIRE project deals with the development of new generation nanomaterials via host-guest interaction as multifunctional fire retardants to polymers.  The aim is to not only improve the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of conventional polymers, also impart the function to the

Recognition of the European Mechanics Society

The status of Fellow is awarded to members who have contributed significantly to the advancement of mechanics and related fields and it was granted to Prof. LLorca in recognition for his contributions to understand the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of materials by

R&D agreement with Pennsylvania State University

IMDEA Materials Institute y Pennsylvania State University has signed a two years colaboration agreement to promote joint research and development activities in the areas of processing, charaterization and simulation of advanced materials. In addition, this agreement opens a new range of

Rudi Maça

Predoctoral Researcher: Electrochemical energy storage. Contact:

Designing advanced materials in a faster and more effective way

DIMMAT Project has published the new "Designing advanced materials in a faster and more effective way" (Diseñar materiales avanzados de manera más rápida y efectiva) in the industrial magazine "Metales y Metalurgia" This project is funded by the Comunity of

Towards the new liquid metal processing technologies

Two research groups of IMDEA Materials Institute, Metal Physics and Nanomechanics led by Dr. Teresa Pérez-Prado and Dr. Jon Molina respectively, participate in the ambitious large EU funded EXOMET Project, coordinated by the European Space Agency. This four years project aims at developing new

NABISCO project

NABISCO project, funded by the China Scholarship Council, deals with the development of strategies to integrate macroscopic fibres and films of CNTs into structural laminate composites. The aim is to improve the mechanical properties of traditional fibre-reinforced polymer composites, while

New generation of NiAl-based eutectic composites

Dr. Srdjan Milenkovic, head researcher of the Solidification Processing & Engineering group of IMDEA Materials Institute, has been awarded with the prestigious Marie Curie Action (CIG) to carry out a four year research project on design and processing of NiAl-based in situ composites. See

Dr. Daniel Cíntora-Juárez

Research Associate: Electrochemical Energy Storage, Nanomaterials. Contact:

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (Q800, TA Instruments)

Instrument used to determine the elastic-viscous behavior of materials, mainly polymers. The machine works in the temperature range of -150 – 600 °C, frequency range of 0.01 – 200 Hz and the maximum force is 18 N. More info ….(+)

HIGHRATE project

This project will study high strain rate mechanical behavior of novel Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS). The results of these investigations will greatly contribute to understanding of mechanical behavior of the AHSS and help to reduce the dimensions of the AHSS components used in the automotive

Eva María Andrés

Research Assistant: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering. Contact:

International R&D contract with GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd

GLOBALFOUNDRIES is the world’s first full-service semiconductor foundry with a truly global footprint. Launched in March 2009, the company has quickly achieved scale as one of the largest foundries in the world, providing a unique combination of advanced technology and manufacturing to more

Marcos Jimenez receives the 2016 Thesis talk award

Marcos Jimenez, PhD student at IMDEA Materials, has won the Thesis Talk Prize organized by the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). Thesis talk consists on presenting the subject of a PhD thesis to a general audience in 3 minutes. This event is part of the transversal credits organized by

Triple Roller Mill (Exakt 80 E, Exact Technologies)

Machine used to disperse fillers and additives in viscous matrix. The shearing forces to break agglomerate are generated by three hardcrome-plated rollers that rotate at different angular velocities and where gap (minimum 5 µm) and speed setting are controlled electronically. More info

Defense of the first doctoral thesis entirely carried out at IMDEA Materials

The thesis entitled "Micromechanical Characterization and Simulation of the Effect of Environmental Aging in Structural Composite Materials” represents the first doctoral thesis fully developed at the IMDEA Materials facilities since its research activities started at the beginning of

Pablo García-Chao

Research Assistant: Development of advanced high-strength steels. Contact: