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Promoting Spanish science in the UK

Prof. Ignacio Romero, Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials, showcased the Institute’s scientific activity, our most well-known scientists and the available job positions for the coming months in the event “Science in Spain 2016 – Science Jobs Opportunities”, which took place past September 15th at the

Miguel Angel Valdés

Research Assistant: High-strength steels. Contact:

Dr. De-Yi Wang elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Dr. De-Yi Wang has been recently elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). Founded in 1841, RSC is the largest organization in Europe for chemical scientists and advancing the chemical sciences. RSC partners with industry and academia, advises governments on policy, and promotes the

Watching Metals Alive

Researchers at IMDEA Materials Institute are investigating the in-situ deformation of metallic materials using a tensile testing micromachine coupled to a scanning electron microscope (Fig. 1a). This device allows to analyze in real time, the deformation, recrystallization and fracture mechanisms

Dr. Vinodkumar Etacheri

Researcher: Electrochemistry. PhD: Dublin Institute of Technology. Contact:

Patent awarded to the IMDEA Materials Institute

The granted patent, with publication number ES2342962, protects an invention which consists in a new process for the controlled fabrication of the stable beta phase under ambient conditions in the pure metals of group IV of the periodic table (Titanium, Zirconium, Hafnium). The process, which takes

Carbon nanotube “stitches” strengthen composites

The newest Airbus and Boeing passenger jets flying today are made primarily from advanced composite materials such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic (extremely light, durable materials that reduce the overall weight of the plane by as much as 20 percent compared to aluminum-bodied planes). Such

Dr. Amitava Moitra

Researcher Associate: Virtual designing of light alloys. PhD: Mississippi State University. Contact:

New Incorporation: Dr. Anna Hynowska

Research Associate: Novel processing of Fe-Al intermetallics. PhD: Autonomy University of Barcelona, Spain Contact:

Dr. Hong Liu

PhD: University of Monash, Australia. Contact:

MultiComp network

Our Institute participates in COST action MultiComp, which is designed to bring together theorists, experimentalists and industrialists in the field of nano-carbon materials technology. See the whole description of the MultiComp network.

CRIRCEM project

CRIRCEM proposes the design and processing by powder metallurgical routes of new materials for cutting tools with total substitution of the traditional cobalt binder by other more economic and less toxic. See the whole description of the CRIRCEM project

When will it break?

In recent years, large spills from oil pipelines and tankers, leaks from nuclear reactors and the constant need for lighter, stronger, and safer materials in the transportation industry illustrate how breaks or cracks (fracture) can have detrimental effects in terms of health and safety, the

Watching metals live

Researchers at IMDEA materials Institute are investigating the in-situ deformation of metallic materials using a tensile testing micromachine coupled to a scanning electron microscope (Fig. 1a). This device allows to analyze in real time, the deformation, recrystallization and fracture mechanisms

OptiQPAP project starts, coordinated by IMDEA Materials

OptiQPAP is an European project funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. The OptiQPAP project focuses on the intelligent microstructural design in the high strength Q&P steels for simultaneous improvement of various performance and mechanical properties, which are required for their

Near Beta Ti project starts

Near Beta Ti project is firstly aimed at processing the selected near beta Ti alloy by high pressure torsion, characterizing the grain size and phase distribution of the resulting microstructures and measuring their mechanical behaviour. In addition, the development of phase transformations in near

Digital Image Correlation

IMDEA Materials Institute has installed a Digital Image Correlation System (DCI) to perform non-contact full-field displacement mapping by means of images acquired by an optical system of stereographic cameras.

2016 ESCM young investigator award for Dr. Juan José Vilatela

Dr. Juan José Vilatela, leader of the research program on "Nanomaterials for Multifunctional Applications" at IMDEA Materials, has received the young investigator award from the European Society of Composite Materials (ESCM). This award recognizes the accomplishments of a young researcher who has

In-situ deformation of magnesium alloys

This device alloys to analyze in real time the deformation, recrystallization and fracture mechanisms operative in these materials in different conditions of temperature and strain rate. Thus, it allows to obtain very valuable information regarding the kinetics of all these mechanisms, a difficult

Simulation of composites performance for windmill applications

The collaboration between Gamesa and IMDEA Materials Institute within the framework of the AZIMUT project (CENIT programme) has already started. The objective of this collaboration is the development of advanced simulation tools to predict the mechanical behavior of composite materials for wind

HIPREP project

The objective of this investigation, funded by the China Scholarship Council, is to develop high performance reinforced fire-retardant polymers via special molecular design, chemical functionalization of the reinforced fibers and advanced polymer processing. The fire behaviours, mechanical

Optimization of high-performance polymeric fibres

Poly p-(phenylene benzobisoxazole) or PBO fibres are highly anisotropic polymeric fibres used in high-performance structural applications owing to their outstanding properties, such as high strength and stiffness as well as low density. The anisotropic fibre structure, which is responsible for the

New incorporation – Rodrigo Santos

Position: Predoctoral Researcher Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Research "Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials"

Success in call ITN 2016, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) to train 2 PhD students together with Hexcel Corporation and Micro Materials Ltd in the field of dynamic behaviour of composite materials for next generation aeroengines. Job vacancies will

Prof. Javier Llorca, Guest Professor of Central South University, China

As recognition of his scientific experience, he has been distinguished as Guest Professor of this University regarded as one of the 20 most important in China. He will advise  the university on research and internationalization strategies. Check the complete text in the website of the

Fire retardant epoxy infusion resin composites

FIREINF is a research collaboration between IMDEA Materials Institute and FIDAMC with the goal of developing an effective novel halogen-free fire retardant epoxy system to be used in out-of-autoclave processes to manufacture composite components/structures. This fire retardant epoxy resin

Modular concept for ultralight removable advanced car seat

This collaborative R&D project, led by Grupo Antolín with the participation of other companies from the automotive sector, aims at developing a new modular concept of advanced seat, removable, with ultralight structure obtained by more efficient and flexible transformation process, and

The V Edition Photography awards has taken place

The success of the contest has been possible by all of the employees´s participation. Divided by categories, the winners are: Bartolomé Mas: 1st prize Materials Characterization Miguel Herráez: 1st Prize Materials Simulation Olben Falcó: 1st Prize Open Subject Marta Carton: Public

Design allowables for Ni-based superalloys

As part of the European project MICROMECH, carried out in collaboration with Industria de Turbopropulsores (ITP), the following results have been obtained Development of a new methodology for experimental characterization at the micro scale. This methodology is based on micropillar compression as

Eva Moreno completed her Master thesis with Honors

The research project “Grain size and temperature effect on mechanical behavior of an aluminum alloy”, have been supervised by the leader of the Physical Simulation Group of IMDEA Materials Institute, Dr. Ilchat Sabirov.

Kickoff of the new project of Nanomechanics Group of IMDEA Materials, HOTNANO

Hotnano will work on overcoming the instrumental limitations to apply nanoindentation, nanocmechanics characterization technique, at high temperatures to a range of structural materials, from advanced composites to nanostructured metals and ceramics. Link to Project: HOTNANO.-High temperature

New incorporation – Dr. Sarra Haouala

Position: Postdoctoral Researcher Phd:  Engineering  Sciences Polytechnic school of Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium Research "Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials"

Bachelor theses with Honors

The theses presented were: Interfacial adhesion testing in polymer matrix composites (Genoveva Kelly supervised by Dr. J. Molina); Implementation and calibration of a rate-dependent crystal plasticity constitutive model for Magnesium alloy AZ31B (Julián García supervised by Dr. A.

The bachelor thesis of Carlos Cabeza has got the FOINDESA 2010 prize

Carlos Cabeza Barrantes, has been awarded with the FOINDESA 2010 prize for the best EUITA (UPM) bachelor thesis in the Equipments and Aerospace Materials specialty. The project “Nanoindentation for in-situ characterization of composites”, was carried out at IMDEA Materials facilities

Success in call of the RFCS 2015

IMDEA Materials Institute will coordinate the European project OptiQPAP (Optimization of QP steels designed for industrial applications), funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RCFS, which is part of the Horizon 2020 framework programme). The Technological Centre CTM,

Simulation to develop the airplanes of the future

Researchers from IMDEA Materials and the Materials Science Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), members of the ESTRUMAT programme (Advanced Structural Materials), participate in the European project MAAXIMUS, which aims to develop new simulation techniques to design aircraft

Computational modeling of Magnesium alloys

By comparison with other metals such as Aluminum or Steel, Magnesium alloys present the remarkable advantage of having a very high specific strength. They are thus becoming increasingly relevant to industries within the automotive or aerospace sectors, as the incorporation of these alloys in

EQUINOX project starts

EQUINOX is an European project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. The main objective of EQUINOX is to develop a novel process that allows to substitute Cr/Ni based (stainless) steel parts used in high volume end consumer products such as in the lock industry,

Seeing is believing: X-Ray computed tomography

Polymer matrix composites are currently used in many structural applications that require a significant reduction in weight for energy and/or environmental reasons. However, despite all existing information and actual knowledge about these materials, their complex mechanical behaviour (highly

New incorporation -Jaime Castro

Predoctoral Researcher  Aeronautical Engineer Polytechnic University of Madrid Research "Vacuum assisted infiltration, microfluid flow, X-ray tomography, polymer-matrix composites"

Dr. Juan José Vilatela receives the prestigious ERC Starting Grant

Dr. Juan José Vilatela, Head of the Multifunctional Nanocomposites research group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has obtained the prestigious ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council. Dr. Vilatela will receive € 1.5 million along the next 5 years to

FASENOVA. – New metallic materials by compression and shear

The objective of this research project, funded by the EXPLORA program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) is to evaluate the possibility of stabilising, under ambient conditions, high pressure metallic phases by the simultaneous application of compression and shear. The good

REDISH project starts, coordinated by IMDEA Materials

REDISH is an European project funded by the Clean Sky Joint Technology Undertaking 2 within the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. The goal of the REDISH project is the development and maturation of innovative shielding able to sustain impacts from high and low energy debris caused by

Phd Defense -Francisca Martínez Hergueta

The defense of the PhD thesis of Francisca Martínez " "Multiscale analysis of the mechanical behaviour of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics"   will take place on Friday, February 5th at 12 noon at the E. T. S. de Ingenieros de Caminos of the Polytechnic

Experiments at the Berlin Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Scientists from Imdea Materials (Metal Physics Group) will carry out experiments at BESSY II (Berlin Synchrotron Radiation Facility) at the Berlin Helmholtz-Center for Materials and Energy. There, synchrotron radiation will be used to measure the internal stresses in omega and beta pure Zr,

"Tegnogetafe" is already a reality

The city council of Getafe has communicated that the Technological Park of Tecnogetafe “is already a reality” thanks to the immediate site opening of four companies and one Foundation for Materials Research (IMDEA-Materials). Link to the complete text:

Ana María Fernández awarded best PhD Thesis by the UPM

The PhD Thesis entitled "Continuum models of the mechanical behavior of rolled and die-cast magnesium alloys", carried out by Dr. Ana María Fernández at IMDEA Materials Institute under the supervision of Drs. Maria Teresa Pérez-Prado and Antoine Jérusalem, has

New horizons for continuum materials simulations

Dr. Jerusalem, head of the Computational Mechanics of Materials group, analyze the current situation of the continuum simulations in the materials field. Link to the complete text: Madri+d

New incorporation – Cecila Andradas

Predoctoral Researcher Degree in Chemistry Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain Research: "In silico synthesis of new materials"

New incorporation – Dr. Laura Cabana

Position: Researcher Associate PhD: Universidad de Barcelona Research: "Hybrids based on carbon nanotube fibres" Contact:

Irene de Diego awarded best PhD Thesis by VDEh

Dr. Irene de Diego Calderon has received the Young Academics’ European Steel Award from the Association of German Steel Manufacturers (VDEh) for her PhD thesis “Mechanical properties of advanced high-strength steels produced via quenching and partitioning”, which has been

Morphing materials for aeronautic applications

IMDEA Materials collaborates with AERNNOVA in the development of novel morphing materials for aeronautic applications. Link to Project: Morphing materials for aeronautic applications

Dr. De-Yi Wang selected as Associated Editor of RSC Advances

Dr. De-Yi Wang, head of the High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has been selected as Associate Editor of "RSC Advances" since October 2015. RSC Advances is a high impact journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Advances is an international,

TEM microscopy available

A FEG S/TEM microscope is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (Talos F200X, FEI) combines outstanding high-resolution S/TEM and TEM imaging with an energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) integrated system fully compatible with high-resolution 3D tomography.  It is also

VIRMETAL project starts

Prof. Javier LLorca, Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, leads this prestigious ERC Advanced Grant from the European Union. Prof. Llorca and his research group will receive develop multiscale modeling strategies along the next 5 years to carry out virtual design, virtual processing and virtual

Towards a new generation of materials

The atoms of metals are organized in ordered structures denominated crystal lattices. The geometry of the latter depends of the nature of the material as well as of temperature and pressure. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, pure metals like gold, aluminium and copper have cubic

HR excellence in research award

IMDEA Materials has received the “HR Excellence in Research” award, which acknowledges our institute as a provider of a stimulating and favourable work environment. The award reflects our commitment to continuously improve human resource policies in line with the European Charter for

New incorporation – Deng Xiangxing

Predoctoral Researcher Degree in Material Forming and Control Engineering Hunan Institute of Engineering, China Research: "Design and Processing Cobalt-Base Superalloys"

Interview to IMDEA Materials Director, Prof. Javier Llorca

"Only enterprises investing in technology will survive" Link to the complete text: Madridiario El profesor Javier Llorca, doctor ingeniero de Caminos, es catedrático y responsable del grupo de investigación en “Materiales Estructurales Avanzados y Nanomateriales” de la Universidad

CRISTAL project starts

The main objective of CRISTAL project, funded by the CAPES Foundation, is to improve corrosion resistance of commercial Zamac 8 alloy (Zn-4Al-2,6Cu-0,5Mg) by microstructure control which will be achieved by varying the Cu content, the solidification rate, heat treatments and the combination of

Micro compounder available

A micro compounder is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (MC 15, Xplore) is equipped with co-rotating and counter-rotating screws. It is suitable for compounding thermoplastic based materials or polymeric materials with minute amounts of costly synthesized materials and