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First Year Assessment of Thomas Isensee , entitled “Three-dimensional needle network model for dendritic growth with fluid flow” – 17th of January, in the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract: In metals and alloys, complex solidification microstructures, such as dendrites, arise from a subtle interplay between phenomena occurring at much different scales: from atom attachment kinetics to macroscopic transport of heat and species in the different phases. As such, solidification

Seminar of Dr. Jennifer Patterson from BIOFABICS in Portugal, entitled “Next Generation Biomaterials for Health Care” – January 16th at 12:00 pm, in the Seminar room

Biomaterials are traditionally defined as materials that are intended to interact with biological systems, and a number of metals, ceramics, and polymers have been developed over the years as biomaterials for use in medical devices or implants. However, new challenges in application areas such as

Seminar of Dr. Monica Echeverry from the University of Shaghai Jiao Tong, entitle “Development of Biodegradable Magnesium-Based Supports for Stem Cell Therapy of Vascular Disease” – January 9th at 12:00 pm, in the Seminar room

Abstract: Magnesium (Mg) is a widely used material in industrial applications due its low weight, ductility and good mechanical properties. For clinical applications such as non-permanent implants Mg is considered as a good option because it is biodegradable and its degradation products are not

Kick-off of the María de Maeztu programme

The recognition of our Institute as a ‘María de Maeztu’ unit of excellence started past December 16th and will run for an initial period of 4 years. The Spanish Excellence Programmes of ‘Severo Ochoa’ Centres and ‘María de Maeztu’ Units identify and promote excellence in scientific research.

First Year Assessment of Alvaro Doñoro, entitle “Stable lithium-sulfur batteries through electrode and interface engineering” – 20th of December, in the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract: Rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have become one of the most convenient options for advanced energy storage technologies, getting to dominate the battery market. Nevertheless, they cannot satisfy the ever increasing demand of energy density that is needed for both nowadays and


The objective is twofold. Firstly, to promote the quality of Spanish scientific research by recognising the best centres and units that stand out for the relevance and impact, at international level, of the research results obtained during the previous reference period. In addition to the

Making plastics less flammable

Our research group on High Performance Polymers and Fire Retardants, headed by De-Yi Wang, has found that a polystyrene that incorporates ultrafine particles of iron in a mesoporous silica matrix is much less likely to burst into flames or emit smoke when heated. This technique, which also slightly

Experimentation Conference of ITP Aero

Last Friday 15th of November we hosted one of the Technological Knowledge Conferences of ITP aero. These events are organized by the engines and turbines manufacturer in collaboration with its network of research and development centres. The day focused on experimentation and testing technologies

Chasing new water treatment technologies

Cleis Santos explains in this article for RETEMA magazine the prototype of water purification based on carbon nanotube fibers we have developed in collaboration with IMDEA Energy (page 26 onwards).

Seminar of Dr. Ana González from Cambridge University – Emerson Inc , entitle “Meeting climate targets with both eyes open: How can we meet the growing demand for materials without destroying the environment?” – November 22nd at 11:00 pm, in the Seminar room

Meeting climate targets with both eyes open: How can we meet the growing demand for materials without destroying the environment? Presenter: Dr Ana González Hernández (Emerson) – Sustainability and Decarbonisation Manager. Collaborator and Author: Dr Jonathan M. Cullen (Resource Efficiency

Seminar of Dr. Enrique Martínez from Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA , entitle “Outstanding Radiation Resistance of Tungsten-based High Entropy Alloys” – November 5th at 12:00 pm, in the Seminar room

Outstanding Radiation Resistance of Tungsten-based High Entropy Alloys O. El-Atwani1, N. Li1, M. Li2, A. Devaraj3, J. K. S. Baldwin1, M. M. Schneider1, D. Sobieraj4, J. S. Wrobel4, D. D. Nguyen-Manh5, S. A. Maloy1, and E. Martinez6 1 Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos

FFTMAD (Fast Fourier Transform based homogenization code, MADrid)

Software details Software authors Javier Segurado, Sergio Lucarini Intellectual Property Rights Copyright © 2012-2021 Fundación IMDEA Materiales and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. All rights reserved Transfer opportunity Software license Reference S. Lucarini


Patent details Status Patent application in Spain Publication number ES2567527B2 Priority date 22 September 2015 Inventors Juan José Vilatela, Carlos Daniel González Martínez Applicant IMDEA Materials Institute, Polytechnic University of


Patent details Status Patent protected in Spain Publication number ES2554402B1 Priority date 19 March 2013 Inventors Juan José Vilatela, Bartolomé Mas Monserrat, Juan Pedro Fernández Blázquez, Humphrey Bunyan, Jonathan Duval Applicant IMDEA Materials

VIPER (VIrtual Ply propERty)

Software details Software authors Carlos Daniel González Martínez, Claudio Faria Lopes, Miguel Herraez Intellectual Property Rights Copyright © 2012-2021 Fundación IMDEA Materiales and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. All rights reserved Transfer opportunity Software

Winter School 3D Printing of Metals

Next 14th and 15th of January 2020, a Winter School on 3D Printing of Metals and Additive Manufacturing will be held at IMDEA Materials’ facilities. The program is divided in two parts: one focused on the Fundamentals and other on Applications. Get the program, all the information about the

Seminar of Prof. Sabu Thomas from Mahatma Gandhi University (India) , entitle “Interfacial Modification in Nanocomposites to Tailor Functionalities” – October 21st at 12:00 pm, in the Seminar Room

Abstract: Interfacial Modification in Nanocomposites to Tailor FunctionalitiesSAbstract The talk will concentrate  on various approaches being used to engineer materials at the nanoscale for various applications in future technologies. In particular, the case of clay, carbon 

María de Maeztu excellence award

Our Institute has been recognized as a ‘María de Maeztu’ unit of excellence. The Spanish Excellence Programmes of ‘Severo Ochoa’ Centres and ‘María de Maeztu’ Units identify and promote excellence in scientific research. They seek to boost Spanish science by recognising existing cutting-edge

First Year Assessment of Cristina Madrona , entitle “Intercalation of Carbon Nanotube Fibers: Exploiting Low-Dimensional Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in Macroscopic Yarns for Charge Transfer and Storage” – 8th of October, in the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract: The project topic is gas phase intercalation of carbon nanotube fibers (CNTFs), with the intention of enhancing their conductivity without introducing defects in the carbon lattice. Furthermore, the main structural parameters of bundles of carbon nanotubes required for an homogeneous

Code of ethics

Active commitment and oversight by IMDEA Materials’ governing body and management is key to achieve the Institute’s goal of implementing and managing an effective regulatory compliance system.The Code of Ethics shall serve as a guide for conducting internal and external relations. The objectives of

First Year Assessment of Iker Lizarralde , entitle “Dimensional Stability of CFRP Prepared by Infusion Processes” – 4th of October, in the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

The aeronautical structures manufactured by composite laminates experience damage as a result of the severe thermal and chemical conditions to which they are subjected during flight. Microcracks are one of the most common manifestations in terms of damage. Therefore, the study of its generation and

Women in 3D Printing in Madrid

The next meeting of “Women in 3 Printing” will take place at IMDEA Materials, on October 24th, at 5:45 p.m. Some of our researchers will present the projects they are working on, and then will be a tour of the facilities of the Institute.  Thanks to María Teresa Pérez Prado for the

First Year Assessment of Juan Luis de Pablos , entitled “Formulation, implementation and statistical analysis of material models for metals subjected to high strain rates and high temperature” – 26th of September, in the Auditorium at 12:00 pm

Abstract The commercial aviation industry is a field of innovation and vanguard technology application, in which competitiveness is a critical need. As a consequence, new materials and techniques take place continuously with the purpose of creating a significant advantage in relation to other

First Year Assessment of Alba Martínez , entitle “Integration and properties of carbon nanotube fiber electrodes and new electrolytes in dye-sensitized solar cells” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract: Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) are a promising alternative to Si solar cells, with efficiencies of 14% under sunlight and 28.9% under ambient light. DSSCs’ components can separately be optimized. One of the major challenges is replacing Pt-counter-electrode (CE), due to its

MUVITCAPCOM project starts

The project MUVITCAPCOM (Multiscale Virtual Testing Capability for Composites) has started. The project is funded by de the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), through the U.S. Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program. This program seek to foster revolutionary scientific


Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Proyectos: Explora Ciencia/Explora TecnologíaRegion: NationalProject period: 2018 – 2020Principal Investigators: Ignacio Romero Olleros( engineered lattice structrures, also known as metamaterials, are


Funding: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). U.S. Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program.Region: InternationalProject period: 2019 – 2022Principal Investigator: Claudio Faria Lopes ( AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) and IMDEA Materials are at the

Seminar of Dr. Ysmael Verde from “TECNM México”, entitle “Doped carbon nanostructures for electrochemical energy devices” – September 13th at 11:00 am, in the Seminar Room

Abstract: Carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphene oxides have been under development due to their suitable properties to be applied in electrochemical energy devices such as supercapacitors, batteries and fuel cells. Recently, carbon nanostructures doped with heteroatoms have demonstrated to play

The OptiQPAP results are presented at the EUROMAT 2019 Congress

The OptiQPAP members continue to actively disseminate the outcomes of the project. The researchers from TU DELFT have participated at the EUROMAT 2019 Congress in Stockholm on September 1-5, 2019. The EUROMAT is the premier international congress in the field of materials science and technology in

Seminar of Dr. Ricardo Lebensohn from Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA), entitle “FFT-based polycrystal mechanics models combined with data analytics and experimental integration” – September 10th at 12:00 pm, in the Seminar Room

Abstract: Crystal mechanics (CM) models, are increasingly used in engineering applications to obtain microstructure-sensitive mechanical response of polycrystalline materials. Full‐field CM formulations based on Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) are an efficient alternative to CM

PhD Defense of Jingya Wang entitle “High throughput investigation of diffusion and solid solution hardening of HCP Mg alloys” – September 11th, 2019

The PhD Defense will take place, at 12:00, on next Wednesday 11th of September, in the seminar room of the Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, UPM. The dissertation is entitled “High throughput investigation of diffusion and solid solution hardening of HCP Mg alloys”. It was advised by Prof. Javier

IMDEA- Crime Scene Investigation (season 3)

Our researchers will help the National Police solving a case in a new season of IMDEA-CSI. Next September 27 at 18:00 hours. Fancy joining us? This activity is part of the Researchers' Night Madrid 2019

Rubén costa receives the FEMS Materials Science & Technology prize 2019

Rubén Costa has been honored with the FEMS Materials Science & Technology prize 2019, which will be delivered during the EUROMAT2019 conference. The FEMS Materials Science and Technology prize is awarded to young European materials scientists or engineers in recognition of a significant

Miguel Herráez receives the AEMAC best PhD Thesis award

Our alumny Miguel Herráez has received the best PhD Thesis award by the Spanish Association of Composite Materials (AEMAC). His work was supervised by Carlos González and Claudio Lopes. Miguel is now working at the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Reliability Analysis (LMAF-EPFL) in Switzerland,

HexaGB project starts

The project HexaGB (Grain Boundaries in Hexagonal microstructures: Linking processing and properties in lightweight structural alloys) has started. The project is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities within the call Retos Investigación 2018. The project is a

Seminar of Zhouwen Zhao from Michigan State University, entitle “Critical Resolved Shear Stresses (CRSS) of Hexagonal Titanium from Nanoindentation Optimization” – July 18th at 1:00 pm, in the Seminar Room

Abstract: Titanium and its alloys are important engineering materials due to their low density, high strength, and good bio-compatibility. The study of critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) values of basal, prismatic, and pyramidal ⟨c + a⟩ slip systems has been a hot topic in the community as

Seminar of Dr. Enzo Liotti from the University of Oxford, entitle “In-situ x-ray imaging studies of solidification” – July 2nd at 12:30 pm, in the Seminar Room

I Abstract Synchrotron x-ray–based imaging techniques, such as radiography and tomography, have reached sufficient spatio-temporal resolution that they are now used almost routinely to investigate solidification in technologically important systems such as steel, Ni, Al, and other alloy

QPINOX project starts

QPINOX is our third project within the European RFCS programme. The project will develop new martensitic stainless steels for lightweight structural applications in the automotive sector. More details about the QPINOX project here.

Great success in the last call of FET open!

Two new collaborative European projects have just been awarded to our Institute in the last call of FET open. FET open is a funding instrument for breakthrough ideas requiring multidisciplinary research that can enable new technologies in the long run. Ruben Costa will coordinate a € 2.7 million

Optimizing metal powders for 3D printing

Our Deputy Director, Teresa Pérez Prado, works in optimization of metallic powders. This interview in "El Mundo" journal explains the ultimate goals of her research activity. Source | El Mundo

8th edition of the scientific imaging contest

We already know the winners of the 8th edition of the IMDEA Materials´ scientific imaging contest. This year the best images were: Category of charaterization Joule Heated Baobab, Anastasiia Mikhalchan and María Vélez Category of simulation:Dislocation going through a distribution of theta'

First Year Assessment of Akshya Kumar Pandey, entitle “Developing Ti- and Fe-based powders for laser additive manufacturing of ultrafine eutectics” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Decades of academic research has gone into developing ultrafine eutectic and near-eutectic alloys of the systems Ti-Fe-Sn-Nb, Ti-Fe-Co, Fe-Ti-Si, Fe-Ti-Zr-B, etc., with remarkable mechanical properties. However, no conventional casting process exists that can provide high enough cooling rates


Summary IMDEA Materials has developed both, a family of flexible and rigid polymer coatings, in which fluorescent proteins (FPs) and enzymes are easily introduced as well as a dehydration process further transform the coatings into a rubber/rigid material without chemical cross-linking. In all


Patent details Status Patent application in Spain Publication number P201730828 Priority date 22 June 2017 Inventors Juan José Vilatela, Cleis Santos Santos, Enrique García-Quismondo Hernáiz, Jesús Palma del Val Applicant IMDEA Materials Institute, IMDEA

Seminar of Dr. Manas Upadhyay from the “Ecole Polytechnique” (Paris), entitle “Micromechanical response during biaxial load path changes of stainless steel: insitu neutron diffraction and multi-scale modeling” – June 10th at 12:00 pm, in the Seminar Room

Micromechanical response during biaxial load path changes of stainless steel: insitu neutron diffraction and multi-scale modeling Manas V. Upadhyay1,*, J. Capek2, Anirban Patra3, Wei Wen4, Tobias Panzner2, Steven van Petegem5, Carlos N. Tomé4, Ricardo A. Lebensohn6, Helena van

IMDEA Materials in the annual meeting of ITP Aero´s research centres network

IMDEA Materials participated in the V Annual Meeting of ITP Aero´s research centres that was held on the 28th of May in Lerma. The participants in this meeting, besides ITP Aero as organiser, were Fundación CTA, Ceit-IK4, UPV/EHU, Mondragon Unibersitatea, UPM and IMDEA Materials Institute. During

Annual report 2018

Our latest annual report is availabe. Check here our outcomes and activities during the past year!

Seminar of Andrew Cole Bergan, Research Engineer at NASA Langley Research Center, entitle “Establishing Predictive Capability for Progressive Damage and Failure in Composite Structures: A Perspective on Virtual Testing”- 21st of May, at 12:00 am in the Seminar Room

Abstract: Virtual testing by means of progressive damage and failure analysis (PDFA) of composite structures holds the promise of reducing the timeline for certification of composite structures by complementing experimental testing. The focus of this talk is on recent investigations conducted at

The Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry develops an Interactive Periodic

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table. Among the many activities that are being developed in Spain, the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) has just published an interactive periodic table where we can enjoy a short and didactic


Software details Software authors Javier Segurado, Javier LLorca, Sergio Lucarini, Aitor Cruzado, Sarra Haouala, Vicente Herrera Intellectual Property Rights Copyright © 2012-2021 Fundación IMDEA Materiales and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. All rights

Rubén Costa awarded the Young Researcher ChemPubSoc Prize by the RSEQ

Our colleague Rubén D. Costa, Senior Researcher of IMDEA Materials, has been awarded the Young Researcher ChemPubSoc Prize by the Real Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) for his advances in the field of thin-film electroluminescent devices based on sustainable materials such as copper complexes

IMDEA Materials in the Fair Madrid for Science and Innovation.

From the 28th to the 31st of March, the Fair Madrid for Science and Innovation will be held at the Trade Fair Institution of Madrid (IFEMA) within the framework of the education week. IMDEA Materials participates actively in this important dissemination event for Madrid´s region, showing and

PhD Defense of Deng Xiangxing entitle “Development of new Cr-based hardmetals by liquid phase sintering and spark plasma sintering”, under the supervision of Dr. Andrea García-Junceda. 

The PhD Defense will take place, at 11:30, on next Monday 25th of March, in Carlos III University (Leganes) in the classroom  3.S1.08. The dissertation is entitled  “Development of new Cr-based hardmetals by liquid phase sintering and spark plasma sintering". Here is the link of the


IRIS is an object oriented, general purpose, parallel code for computational mechanics in solid, fluid, and structural applications. It has finite element and meshless capabilities, a wide range of material models, and solvers for linear and nonlinear, stationary


MUESLI, a Material UnivErSal LIbrary, is a collection of C++ classes and functions designed to model material behavior at the continuum level. Developed at IMDEA Materials, it is available to the material science and computational mechanics community as a suite of standard models and as a platform

Additive manufacturing at IMDEA Materials

Our new lab for alloy design for additive manufacturing is now in full operation. Including facilities for powder production, laser melting, post-processing and microstructure characterization at all length scales, and staffed with highly experienced metallurgy researchers.

First Year Assessment of Nana Chen, entitle “Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms in metastable beta titanium alloy” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract: Metastable β titanium alloys constitute a promising family of alloys due to their high specific strength, high damage tolerance, workability, hardenability as well as corrosion resistance that has attracted great attention worldwide. However, their deformation mechanisms still remain

Post-doctoral Research Associate in bio-hybrid optoelectronics

IMDEA Materials seeks a full-time Post-doc researcher with a priority to candidates with experience in i) engineering and preparation of fluorescent proteins, ii) spectroscopic characterization of fluorescent proteins (denaturation/renaturation), and iii) bio-materials based on bio-degradable


Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (National R&D Programme for Societal Challenges)Partners: TOLSA S.A. (Project Coordinator), Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC)Region: SpainProject period: 2014 – 2017Principal Investigator: Dr. De-Yi


Funding: B/E AEROSPACE Inc.​Region: InternationalProject period: 2014 – 2017Principal Investigator: Dr. Juan José Vilatela ( is a three-year industrial contract with B/E AEROSPACE Inc., the worldwide leading manufacturer of aircraft passenger cabin interior


Funding: Spanish Ministry of Innovation and competitiveness (National programme for the promotion of excellence in scientific and technical research) (ENE2014-52280-REDT)Partners: IMDEA Energy Institute (Coordinator), Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry, Institute of Chemical Research of


Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (National R&D Programme for Societal Challenges) (MAT2015-62584-ERC)​Region: SpainProject period: 2015 – 2016Principal Investigator: Dr. Juan José Vilatela ( purpose of this project is the development of new


Funding: Foundation for the Research Development and Application of Composite Materials (FIDAMC)Partners: Foundation for the Research Development and Application of Composite Materials (FIDAMC) and IMDEA MaterialsRegion: Spain Project period: 2015 – 2016Principal Investigator: Dr. De-Yi