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Seminar of Juan Pablo Fuenzalida from the University of Münster (Germany), entitle “Protein-based acoustic and photon spectroscopy: Applications from biomaterials to protein design” – At 12:00 pm, in the Seminar Room

Abstract: Evolution has provided us with the most abundant and versatile source of materials. In my talk, I will show how proteins can be used as labels and as building blocks. We will explore how an enzyme can be mutated and genetically conjugated to provide a tool for nanoparticle tracking and

Scientific partnerships

IMDEA Materials Institute is stablishing strategic partnerships with other research centres and universities around the world, which are internationally recognised in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. The goal is to create long-term collaboration frameworks of mutual benefit to develop

PhD Defense of Marta Cartón entitle “Development and optimization of the properties of gamma/gamma´ co-based superalloys for high temperature applications”, under the supervision of Prof. José Manuel Torralba Castello and Prof. Mónica Campos Gomez.

The PhD Defense will take place,  at 11:30, on next Thursday 21st of February, in Carlos III University (Leganes) in the classroom 7.01.H01. The dissertation is entitled “Development and optimization of the properties of gamma/gamma´ co-based superalloys for high temperature applications". Here is

OptiQPAP consortium members participated in the Workshop OpTOMuST

Consortiums of three RFCS-funded projects (OptiQPAP, TOOLKIT and MuSTMeF) have actively participated in the cross-project Workshop OpTOMuST organized by Dr. Piet Kok (TATA Steel) and Prof. Leo Kestens (University of Ghent) on February 11-13, 2019 in Ghent. The participants had an opportunity to

IV Edition of the Young Talent Awards

Our colleague Andrea Fernández Gorgojo, has been awarded one of the Young Talent Awards (premio Talento Joven-Carné Joven ) from the regional government of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) in the environmental category due to her innovative project focused in the application of new materials to obtain

Women who design the future

In this opinion article in "El País" journal, our researcher Andrea García-Junceda claims the role of women in research centers, Universities and laboratories around the world. In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender

Seminar of Joshua Kiefer from Delft University of Technology, in Holand, entitle “An example case for Machine-Learning in Materials Science: A neural networks based framework for ‘smart’ computational micromechanics of composites” – At 2:30 pm, in the Seminar Room

Abstract: We shall present a ‘smart’ framework, developed to create surrogate models of complex phenomena in an automated way, based on a minimum amount of computer simulations. To do so, the framework combines Design of Experiments, Computational Modeling, and Neural Networks. While such a


Danninger, H.; Torralba, J. M.


Petrov, R.; Sabirov, I.

Demonstration of transmission high energy electron microscopy

Merrill, F. E.; Goett, J.; Gibbs, J. W.; Imhoff, S. D.; Mariam, F. G.; Morris, C. L.; Neukirch, L. P.; Perry, J.; Poulson, D.; Simpson, R.; Volegov, P. L.; Walstrom, P. L.; Wilde, C. H.; Hast, C.; Jobe, K.; Smith, T.; Wienands, U.; Clarke, A. J.; Tourret, D.