Silicio Ferrosolar S.L., part of Ferroatlantica S.L. group, has signed an R&D contract with IMDEA Materials Institute to optimize the production of solar-grade silicon via purification in high vacuum furnace. More details on SICASOL project
Dr. Martín-Bragado explains his work in Spain's national public radio service
As a part of the science week 2013, Dr. Ignacio Martín-Bragado was interviewed in a nationally syndicated radio program (España de vuelta y vuelta). He explained to the general public the aim and benefits of his group's research activities in the field of atomistic materials
New incorporation – Daniel Rodriguez Galán
Position: Research Assistant Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain Research: Multiscale Plasticity Contact:
Mechanical stage for in-situ testing in X-ray tomography
IMDEA Materials Institute has designed and fabricated a mechanical stage for carrying out in-situ mechanical tests under X-ray radiation in computer assisted tomography systems. More info ….(+)
An IMDEA Materials Institute poster awarded at the European Congress Aerodays 2011
The results presented are part of two doctoral theses that are being carried out at the IMDEA Materials Institute within the framework of various research projects. On the one hand, Marcos Rodriguez presented a new methodology of micromechanical characterization of composite materials which is being
Dr. Teresa Pérez Prado has been elected a member of the International Committee of ICSMA (International Conference on the Strength of Materials)
The main focus of the ICSMA conferences is to provide a forum to present and discuss the latest research on fundamental aspects of deformation, strength and fracture of all types of materials.
CRIRCEM project
CRIRCEM proposes the design and processing by powder metallurgical routes of new materials for cutting tools with total substitution of the traditional cobalt binder by other more economic and less toxic. See the whole description of the CRIRCEM project
PhD Defense – José Luis Gómez-Sellés "Atomistic modeling of Ge damage accumulation, amorphization and solid phase epitaxial regrowth" (15th of January 2016)
The defense of the PhD thesis of José Luis Gómez-Sellés entitled "Atomistic modeling of Ge damage accumulation, amorphization and solid phase epitaxial regrowth" supervised by Dr. I. Martín-Bragado and Dr. Javier Segurado will take place on Friday, January 15th
Rocío Muñoz receives 2014 Zwick Science Award
Rocío Muñoz, alumni of IMDEA Materials Institute, has received the 3rd prize in the 2014 Zwick Science Award for her paper entitled “Analysis of crystallographic slip and grain boundary sliding in a Ti–45Al–2Nb–2Mn (at%)–0.8 vol%TiB2 alloy by high
Ferro-GENESYS project starts
Whithin the framework of the coordinated project Ferro-GENESYS, IMDEA Materials Institute will model irradiation damage and nanoscale mechanical charaterisation in ODS FeCrAl and FeAl(Cr/Zr) heat resistant alloys. Ferro-GENESYS prokect is led by Dr. Ignacio martín-Bragado, head of the
Raw materials: challenges and solutions for the future
An article on future raw materials scarcity and its impact on business has been published in “El Mundo”newspaper (nationwide publication).
New incorporation – Dr. Edison Alfredo Bonifaz
Position: Research Associate PhD: University of Navarra, Spain Research: Multiscale plasticity Contact: edison.bonifaz(AT)
New incorporation – Alberto Jesús Palomares
Position: Research Assistant Research: Micromechanics of intermetallic materials Contact: alberto.palomares(AT)
New incorporation – Marcos Angulo
Position: Laboratory Technician Contact:
Development of advanced NiAl-based in situ composites with tunable properties
See SUPRA NiAl-LOYS project description.
IMDEA Materials will participate in two of the twelve CENIT 2010 projects awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
This sixth edition of the CENIT programme, Strategic National Consortiums for Technical Research, has a total budget of 120 million Euros. 30 million will be granted each year to fund the 4-years projects during the period 2010-2013. 156 companies, of which 50,6% are SMEs, and 207 research groups,
IMDEA Materials will participate in the Forum for New Materials and Nanotechnology which will be held on October 24th in the CSIC.
The Science and Technology Forum of Madri+d of October is dedicated to the new materials and nanotechnology. The second session of this forum is an excellent opportunity to know the perspectives and new developments on Advanced Materials and Nanoscience. During this session the main research lines
HIGHRATE project
This project will study high strain rate mechanical behavior of novel Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS). The results of these investigations will greatly contribute to understanding of mechanical behavior of the AHSS and help to reduce the dimensions of the AHSS components used in the automotive
Success in call ITN 2016, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) to train 2 PhD students together with Hexcel Corporation and Micro Materials Ltd in the field of dynamic behaviour of composite materials for next generation aeroengines. Job vacancies will
VIRMETAL project starts
Prof. Javier LLorca, Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, leads this prestigious ERC Advanced Grant from the European Union. Prof. Llorca and his research group will receive develop multiscale modeling strategies along the next 5 years to carry out virtual design, virtual processing and virtual
IMDEA Materials and Fokker collaborate to implement novel multiscale simulation strategy
The collaboration between IMDEA Materials and Fokker Aerostructures has just been showcased in NetComposites journal (link to the article in NetComposites). The bilateral project VIRTEST, headed by Dr. Claudio Lópes, will lead to an improved understanding of the material behavior and the
IMDEA Materials starts SIMUFOING project
SIMUFOING is an industrial contract between Industria de Turbopropulsores S.A. (ITP) and IMDEA Materials Institute to develop new simulation techniques that can be used to predict damage on plane engines due to the ingestion of hail and birds. See all projects in the Integrated Computational
New incorporation – Mohammad Marvi-Mashhadi
Position: Research Assistant MSc: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , Iran Research: Multiscale modelling of PU foams Contact: mohammad.marvi(AT)
New incorporation – Dr. Hyung-Jun CHANG
Position: Research Associate Grenoble INP, France / Seoul National University, South Korea Research: Multiscale plasticity Contact: hyungjun.chang(AT)
High temperature nanomechanical testing: …or the art of compressing pancakes…
Researchers at IMDEA Materials Institute and members of the ESTRUMAT, programme have implemented new high temperature nanomechanical testing techniques. The objective is two-fold. On the one hand, these techniques are necessary to study size effects in the mechanical properties of materials,
An IMDEA Materials Institute poster awarded at the European Congress EUROMAT 2011
The work presented “A mechanical model of neuronal growth” is part of his doctoral thesis supervised by Dr. Jerusalem, which is being developed within the framework of the Cajal Blue Brain Project.
FASENOVA. – New metallic materials by compression and shear
The objective of this research project, funded by the EXPLORA program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) is to evaluate the possibility of stabilising, under ambient conditions, high pressure metallic phases by the simultaneous application of compression and shear. The good
Dr. Vinodkumar Etacheri
Researcher: Electrochemistry. PhD: Dublin Institute of Technology. Contact:
New incorporation – Dr. Joseba Múgica
Position: Researcher Associate PhD: Mondragón University, Spain Research: "Testing and Simulation of Advanced
New incorporation – Dr. Maciej Haranczyk
Position: Senior Reseacher PhD: University of Gdansk, Poland Research: Computational and Data-Driven Materials Discovery Address: C/ Eric Kandel, 2. Getafe, Madrid
Prof. José Manuel Torralba appointed new Editor of Powder Metallurgy
Prof. José Manuel Torralba, Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials Institute and head of the Solid State Processing group, has been elected member of the Editorial Board of Powder Metallurgy Journal, an international journal publishing peer-reviewed original research on the science and practice
R&D contract between IMDEA Materials and B/E AEROSPACE Inc.
B/E AEROSPACE Inc., worldwide leading manufacturer of aircraft passenger cabin interior products, has signed a three-year long R&D contract with IMDEA Materials Institute to to develop innovative materials for aircraft interiors based on advanced polymers and macroscopic fibres. The aim is to
New incorporation – Dr. Andrea García-Junceda
Research Associate - Charaterization of advanced materials
IMDEA Materials participates in ITER project
ITER (acronym of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project, which is currently building the world's largest experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor at the Cadarache facility in the south of France. The ITER project
Towards the new liquid metal processing technologies
Two research groups of IMDEA Materials Institute, Metal Physics and Nanomechanics led by Dr. Teresa Pérez-Prado and Dr. Jon Molina respectively, participate in the ambitious large EU funded EXOMET Project, coordinated by the European Space Agency. This four years project aims at developing new
In-situ deformation of magnesium alloys
This device alloys to analyze in real time the deformation, recrystallization and fracture mechanisms operative in these materials in different conditions of temperature and strain rate. Thus, it allows to obtain very valuable information regarding the kinetics of all these mechanisms, a difficult
Interview to IMDEA Materials Researcher, Dr. Aravind Dasari
“The main challenge is in the tuning of polymer nanocomposites depending on the application”. Link to the complete text: Madri+d
When will it break?
In recent years, large spills from oil pipelines and tankers, leaks from nuclear reactors and the constant need for lighter, stronger, and safer materials in the transportation industry illustrate how breaks or cracks (fracture) can have detrimental effects in terms of health and safety, the
Congress AMPT2015
Organized by IMDEA Materials Institute and the Carlos III University of Madrid, was held in Leganés, on the campus of the University, between 14 and 18 December, the Congress in Advanced Materials and Processing Technologies AMPT2015. The congress was attended by 450 people from over 50 countries
Online RTM project
Online RTM is a research collaboration between IMDEA Materials and AIRBUS Operations aiming at analyzing sensor information during Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) injection to assess the quality of composite parts. The incorporation of this new technology in the manufacturing process will lead to
New incorporation – Dr. Sandip Haldar
Position: Research Associate PhD.: University of Maryland, USA Research: Experimental characterization and numerical modelling of composites Contact: sandip.haldar(AT)
New incorporation – Sergio de Juan
Position: Research Assistant MSc: Technical University of Madrid, Spain Research: High performance nanocomposites Contact: sergio.dejuan(AT)
IMDEA Materials starts DMAPOL project
DMAPOL is an industrial contract between ACCIONA Infraestructuras and IMDEA Materials Institute to perform Dynamic Mechanical Analyses (DMA) in polymeric materials. See DMAPOL project description
New incorporation – Yetang Pang
Position: Research Assistant Research: Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Contact: yetang.pang(AT)
New incorporation – Alejandro Garcia Carpintero
Position: Research Assistant Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain Research: High Energy Impact on Aeronautical Composite Structures Contact:
IMDEA Materials researchers visit the new building one month before its completion
Site visit to the IMDEA Materials Institute headquarter building, January 10th, 2012
Kickoff of the new project of Nanomechanics Group of IMDEA Materials, HOTNANO
Hotnano will work on overcoming the instrumental limitations to apply nanoindentation, nanocmechanics characterization technique, at high temperatures to a range of structural materials, from advanced composites to nanostructured metals and ceramics. Link to Project: HOTNANO.-High temperature
IMDEA-materials takes a step forward within its plan to internationalize the research in the region of Madrid by the recruitment of two new scientists with a wide international profile
Dr. Teresa Pérez Prado, PhD in Physics, Complutense University of Madrid, 1998. Dr. Pérez Prado joined the University of California in San Diego (UCSD, USA) as a Postgraduate Research Engineer in 1998. She was also hired as a consultant at Oregon State University (USA). In 2001 she
Eva María Andrés
Research Assistant: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering. Contact:
Prof. Javier Llorca, Guest Professor of Central South University, China
As recognition of his scientific experience, he has been distinguished as Guest Professor of this University regarded as one of the 20 most important in China. He will advise the university on research and internationalization strategies. Check the complete text in the website of the
HR excellence in research award
IMDEA Materials has received the “HR Excellence in Research” award, which acknowledges our institute as a provider of a stimulating and favourable work environment. The award reflects our commitment to continuously improve human resource policies in line with the European Charter for
New incorporation – Jeromy Snel
Position: Research Assistant MSc: Delft University of Technology Research: High temperature deformation behaviour of Cu/Nb nanoscale metallic multilayers
Prof. José Manuel Torralba keynote paper and speaker at Euro PM2014 Conference
The paper entitled "Understanding the contribution of the microstructure in the fracture behaviour of sintered steels" by Prof. José M. Torralba, Deputy Director at IMDEA Materials Institute, has been awarded EPMA Keynote Paper at Euro PM2014 Conference. Euro PM2014
3D-Stacked Hybrid SRAM Cell To Be Built by European Scientists
IMDEA Materials Institute starts COMPOSE3 project, based on the use of new materials to replace today’s silicon, and on taking an innovative design approach where transistors are stacked vertically, known as 3D stacking. IMDEA Materials Institute will use Lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo to
1st workshop on graphene and 2D materials proved to be a great success
IMDEA Materials Institute hosted the 1st international workshop on graphene and 2D materials past Tuesday 16th of July. The event gathered together some of the most reputed researchers working in the field (see event programme), who presented the latest findings and advances to an audience of
Ultrasound non-destructive inspection system, C-Scan (TRITON 1500, Tecnitest)
to detect and evaluate defects by non-destructive ultrasounds technique. The system finds and determines the size and position of the typical defects in composite materials (voids, delaminations, cracks, etc). Evaluation of state of resin cure, the fiber volume fraction, the condition of the
Multi atomistic simulation for microelectronics and nuclear fusion applications
See MASTIC project description
IMDEA-Materials participates in the European FP7 project "Innovative Material Synergies & Composite Processing Strategies" (IMS&CPS)
This FP7 cooperation project, led by COEXPAIR, aims to combine carbon nanotubes with high-performance carbon fibres to create highly innovative materials for aerospace, train and automotive applications. Link to the project description
IMDEA Materials Institute celebrates European Researchers’ Night Madrid 2016
The European Researchers’ Night Madrid 2016 will take place next Friday 30th of September 2016. The events showcase what researchers really do for society, in interactive and engaging ways, and promote research careers to young people and their parents. IMDEA Materials participates in the
EQUINOX project starts
EQUINOX is an European project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. The main objective of EQUINOX is to develop a novel process that allows to substitute Cr/Ni based (stainless) steel parts used in high volume end consumer products such as in the lock industry,
RAMAN micro-spectroscopy system available
A RAMAN micro-spectroscopy system is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. This system (Renishaw PLC) obtains the vibrational spectra of the molecular bonds. It is fully equipped with a Leica DM2700 microscope with 5x, 20x, 50x, 100x objectives, a 532nm Nd:YAG laser (50 mW at 532 nm) and a
Facilities for high-energy milling available
Planetary mills are now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The systems (PULVERISETTE 6 classic & 7 premium, FRITSCH) allows for grinding a wide variety of sample materials down to the nano range (rotational speeds up to 1000 rpm in model PULVERISETTE 7). Check the whole processing
New incorporation – Almudena Casado
Position: Research Assistant BEng: Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain Research: Solidification and casting Contact: almudena.casado(AT)
New incorporation – Dr. Manuela Cano
Position: Research Associate PhD: University of Zaragoza, Spain Research: Nano-architectures and materials design Contact: manuela.cano(AT)
Nanostructured Al alloys with improved properties
Dr. Ilchat Sabirov will carry out a research project in collaboration with Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Ufa, Russia) on Nanostructured Al alloys with improved properties. See NANOAL project description
New generation of NiAl-based eutectic composites
Dr. Srdjan Milenkovic, head researcher of the Solidification Processing & Engineering group of IMDEA Materials Institute, has been awarded with the prestigious Marie Curie Action (CIG) to carry out a four year research project on design and processing of NiAl-based in situ composites. See
Simulation of composites performance for windmill applications
The collaboration between Gamesa and IMDEA Materials Institute within the framework of the AZIMUT project (CENIT programme) has already started. The objective of this collaboration is the development of advanced simulation tools to predict the mechanical behavior of composite materials for wind
The Spanish government approves the construction of the IMDEA Materials headquarters
On 11th of September, the Ministries Council of the Spanish Government authorized the subscription of an agreement among Ministry of Science and Innovation, Madrid Government and the research organization “Fundación IMDEA MATERIALES” for the construction of the Headquarters of the
New incorporation – María del Mar García Villares
Position: Financial Manager Degree in Business Administration, UAM, Spain Master in Finance, ESADE, Barcelona Contact:
Ana María Fernández awarded best PhD Thesis by the UPM
The PhD Thesis entitled "Continuum models of the mechanical behavior of rolled and die-cast magnesium alloys", carried out by Dr. Ana María Fernández at IMDEA Materials Institute under the supervision of Drs. Maria Teresa Pérez-Prado and Antoine Jérusalem, has
New incorporation – Gustavo Esteban
Predoctoral Researcher Degree in Materials Engineering Polytechnic University of Madrid Research: Up scale simulation of plasticity in metals
Two new China Scholarship Council fellows
Two Ph.D students (Qian Liu and Chuanyun Wang) joined IMDEA Materials Institute along September 2014. Their research projects, CUCCOMP and SreenDM respectively, are funded by the China Scholarship Council.
Dr. De-Yi Wang selected as Associated Editor of Nanomaterials and Energy Journal
Dr. De-Yi Wang, head of the High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has been selected as Associate Editor of Nanomaterials and Energy journal. Nanomaterials and Energy is an international peer viewed journal that issued by Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
New incorporation – Marcos Jiménez
Position: Research Assistant MEng: Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain Research: Micromechanics of Ni superalloys Contact: marcos.jimenez(AT)
New incorporation – Yang Lingwei
Position: Research Assistant Research: Nanoscale metal-ceramic multilayers Contact: yang.lingwei(AT)
New Incorporation – Hossein Ehteshami
Position: Research Assistant Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran Research: Multiscale Modelling of Nanostructured Titanium Contact:
The NSF and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness fund the international project MAGMAN, led by IMDEA Materials Institute
See MAGMAM project description
Bachelor theses with Honors
The theses presented were: Interfacial adhesion testing in polymer matrix composites (Genoveva Kelly supervised by Dr. J. Molina); Implementation and calibration of a rate-dependent crystal plasticity constitutive model for Magnesium alloy AZ31B (Julián García supervised by Dr. A.
The Director of IMDEA Materials will be interviewed in the TV program “Efecto Dominó” in Intereconomía
The Director of IMDEA Materials, Prof. Javier Llorca, will be interviewed next September 2nd at 12:45 p.m. in the TV program “Efecto Dominó” in Intereconomía. The interview can be followed at the web site:
Marcos Jimenez receives the 2016 Thesis talk award
Marcos Jimenez, PhD student at IMDEA Materials, has won the Thesis Talk Prize organized by the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). Thesis talk consists on presenting the subject of a PhD thesis to a general audience in 3 minutes. This event is part of the transversal credits organized by
Fire retardant epoxy infusion resin composites
FIREINF is a research collaboration between IMDEA Materials Institute and FIDAMC with the goal of developing an effective novel halogen-free fire retardant epoxy system to be used in out-of-autoclave processes to manufacture composite components/structures. This fire retardant epoxy resin
New incorporation – Deng Xiangxing
Predoctoral Researcher Degree in Material Forming and Control Engineering Hunan Institute of Engineering, China Research: "Design and Processing Cobalt-Base Superalloys"
Annual Report 2014
Report on IMDEA Materials Institute's activities throughout year 2014 is available for download. Download IMDEA Materials Institute annual report 2014
New incorporation – Peyman Mouri
Position: Research Assistant MSc: TUDelft, The Netherlands Research: Characterization, design and optimization of dispersed-ply laminates Contact: peyman.mouri(AT)
X-ray computed tomography analysis of damage evolution in open hole carbon fiber-reinforced laminates subjected to in-plane shear
F. Sket, A. Enfedaque, C. Díaz López, C. González, J. Molina-Aldareguía, J. LLorca. X-ray computed tomography analysis of damage evolution in open hole carbon fiber-reinforced laminates subjected to in-plane shear. Composites Science and Technology 133, 40-50, 2016.