Position: Research Assistant MSc: TUDelft, The Netherlands Research: Characterization, design and optimization of dispersed-ply laminates Contact: peyman.mouri(AT)imdea.org
New incorporation – Marcos Jiménez
Position: Research Assistant MEng: Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain Research: Micromechanics of Ni superalloys Contact: marcos.jimenez(AT)imdea.org
New incorporation – Yang Lingwei
Position: Research Assistant Research: Nanoscale metal-ceramic multilayers Contact: yang.lingwei(AT)imdea.org
New Incorporation – Hossein Ehteshami
Position: Research Assistant Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran Research: Multiscale Modelling of Nanostructured Titanium Contact: hossein.ehteshami@imdea.org
The NSF and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness fund the international project MAGMAN, led by IMDEA Materials Institute
See MAGMAM project description
Bachelor theses with Honors
The theses presented were: Interfacial adhesion testing in polymer matrix composites (Genoveva Kelly supervised by Dr. J. Molina); Implementation and calibration of a rate-dependent crystal plasticity constitutive model for Magnesium alloy AZ31B (Julián García supervised by Dr. A.
The Director of IMDEA Materials will be interviewed in the TV program “Efecto Dominó” in Intereconomía
The Director of IMDEA Materials, Prof. Javier Llorca, will be interviewed next September 2nd at 12:45 p.m. in the TV program “Efecto Dominó” in Intereconomía. The interview can be followed at the web site: http://www.intereconomia.com/es/index.html
HYDTCOMP project
This project concerns the development of technologies for local hybridization in cases where it is necessary (e.g. hybridization during tow spreading). New techniques will be used as the tow spreading, hybrid unidirectional tapes or laminates combining layers of different thickness (thin and
New incorporation -Jaime Castro
Predoctoral Researcher Aeronautical Engineer Polytechnic University of Madrid Research "Vacuum assisted infiltration, microfluid flow, X-ray tomography, polymer-matrix composites"
Electric curing technology for qualified aerospace epoxy resins is being validated at AIRBUS Getafe
IMDEA Materials Institute, in cooperation with the R&T Materials & Processing unit of AIRBUS Operations, has completed the first validation trials at AIRBUS Getafe facilities of an alternative curing technology for commercial epoxy resins/adhesives by passing an electrical current trough
Spanish Technological Platform for advanced Materials and Nanomaterials
IMDEA Materials Institute has received a grant (PTR-2014-0406) for the Spanish Ministry of Competitiveness and Innovation (MINECO) to manage the Spanish Technological Platform for advanced Materials and Nanomaterials (MATERPLAT) in the period 2014-2015. More details and information about this
Success in National fellowships calls
IMDEA Materials Institute has achieved great success in the last calls of the National fellowships programmes. Two researchers will join the “Ramón y Cajal” programme (2013 call) and one will join the postdoctoral fellowship programme (2013 call).
Dual beam (FIB/SEM) facilities available
IMDEA Materials Institute logo (size is 50 µm x 40 µm) fabricated using a FIB-FEGSEM dual beam microscope A FIB-FEGSEM Dual-beam microscope is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (Helios NanoLab 600i, FEI) is fully equipped with STEM
High performance environmentally friendly fire retardant epoxy nanocomposites
Dr. De-Ti Wang and Prof. Javier LLorca will carry out a research project in collaboration with the China Scholarship Council (China) to develop high performance fire retardant, halogen-free epoxy nanocomposites by means of molecular design and advanced chemical
Multiscale modeling of plasticity: application to forming processes
Engineering alloys are heterogeneous materials formed by aggregation of grains with different orientation of one or more metallic phases. Plastic deformation occurs by dislocation and/or twinning in each microscopic grain and depends on the grain orientation, size and shape, the stresses
Important participation of IMDEA Materials Institute in EUROMAT 2011
For further information visit EUROMAT 2011 Website
IMDEA-Materials has signed an agreement with Carlos III University to use the Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) facilities
IMDEA Materials has signed an agreement with the Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory (LABMET) of the Physics Department at the Carlos III University to provide Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) characterization of materials. The LABMET has a FEI Tecnai 20 FEG TEM with X-Ray
NANOFIRE project
NANOFIRE project deals with the development of new generation nanomaterials via host-guest interaction as multifunctional fire retardants to polymers. The aim is to not only improve the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of conventional polymers, also impart the function to the
OptiQPAP project starts, coordinated by IMDEA Materials
OptiQPAP is an European project funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. The OptiQPAP project focuses on the intelligent microstructural design in the high strength Q&P steels for simultaneous improvement of various performance and mechanical properties, which are required for their
New incorporation – Cecila Andradas
Predoctoral Researcher Degree in Chemistry Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain Research: "In silico synthesis of new materials"
VIRTEST project
VIRTEST is an industrial contract with Fokker Aerostructures to develop a novel multiscale simulation strategy to predict the mechanical behaviour of aeronautical composite laminates structures under static and low-velocity impact loads. VIRTEST will lead to a significant reduction in the number of
New incorporation – Chuanyun Wang
Position: Research Assistant MSc.: Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Research: High throughput diffusion and phase transformation
Research Initiation Fellowships (1st call)
IMDEA Materials Institute has awarded four Research Initiation Fellowships (1st call). See list of fellowships awarded
New incorporation – Marta Cartón
Position: Research Asistant Research: Development and optimization of Co-base superalloys for high temperature applications Contact: marta.carton(AT)imdea.org
New generation of eco-benign fire retardants
Dr. De-Yi Wang, head of the High Performance Nanocomposites group of IMDEA Materials Institute, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie Action: "Career Integration Grant" (CIG) to carry out a four-year research project on design and processing of eco-benign multifunctional fire
PhD collaboration with STMicroelectronics, CEA, CNRS and Grenoble INP
IMDEA Materials has established a collaboration with the above French institutions to co-advise the PhD thesis of Benoit Sklenard on process simulation of the next generation of semiconductor devices.
Optimization of high-performance polymeric fibres
Poly p-(phenylene benzobisoxazole) or PBO fibres are highly anisotropic polymeric fibres used in high-performance structural applications owing to their outstanding properties, such as high strength and stiffness as well as low density. The anisotropic fibre structure, which is responsible for the
Morphing materials for aeronautic applications
IMDEA Materials collaborates with AERNNOVA in the development of novel morphing materials for aeronautic applications. Link to Project: Morphing materials for aeronautic applications
Andrea Fernández
Research Assistant: Recycling Composite Materials. Contact: andrea.fernandez@imdea.org
Modular concept for ultralight removable advanced car seat
This collaborative R&D project, led by Grupo Antolín with the participation of other companies from the automotive sector, aims at developing a new modular concept of advanced seat, removable, with ultralight structure obtained by more efficient and flexible transformation process, and
CRISTAL project starts
The main objective of CRISTAL project, funded by the CAPES Foundation, is to improve corrosion resistance of commercial Zamac 8 alloy (Zn-4Al-2,6Cu-0,5Mg) by microstructure control which will be achieved by varying the Cu content, the solidification rate, heat treatments and the combination of
IMDEA Materials was present at 1st ITP workshop – Technology Centres
IMDEA Materials Institute participated past April 8th in the 1st ITP workshop - Technology Centres. During this meeting, participants discussed the research strategy of the company for next 10 years concerning jet engine research.
New Incorporation – Momchil Jeliazkov
Position: Research Assistant MSc: TUDelft, The Netherlands Research: Buckling and failure optimization of stiffened tow-steered composite panels Contact: momchil.jeliazkov(AT)imdea.org
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A publishes 8 papers from TKM-2013 workshop
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A publishes a total of eight papers from TKM-2013 workshop in its Issue 4, April 2014. The selected papers (see list below), starting with a review in phase-field modeling of polycrystalline solidification, principally appear in order consistently with the
New incorporation – Wenzhou Chen
Position: Research Assistant Research: DFT/MD calculation of phase change materials Contact: wenzhou.chen(AT)imdea.org
New Incorporation – Alicia Moya
Position: Investigador Predoctoral Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Research: Nanohybrids for Photocatalysis Contact: alicia.moya@imdea.org
Watching Metals Alive
Researchers at IMDEA Materials Institute are investigating the in-situ deformation of metallic materials using a tensile testing micromachine coupled to a scanning electron microscope (Fig. 1a). This device allows to analyze in real time, the deformation, recrystallization and fracture mechanisms
The bachelor thesis of Carlos Cabeza has got the FOINDESA 2010 prize
Carlos Cabeza Barrantes, has been awarded with the FOINDESA 2010 prize for the best EUITA (UPM) bachelor thesis in the Equipments and Aerospace Materials specialty. The project “Nanoindentation for in-situ characterization of composites”, was carried out at IMDEA Materials facilities
FUTURE FIBRES has signed a two years research contract with IMDEA-Materials to maintain their technological leadership
Future Fibres is world's leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of unidirectional PBO composite standing rigging for the high performance yachting and superyacht market. Future Fibres has a history of delivering innovation in design, superior composite rigging solutions, unmatched technical
EMULATE project
EMULATE project proposes a multidisciplinary approach to enhance the comprehension of metal machining. For that, the following three topics will be analyzed in order to improve this technology: 1) the development of accurate material models that incorporate the mechanisms of plasticity at the
New incorporation – Fernando Fernández
New incorporation – Prof. Arnaud Weck
Position: Visiting Researcher Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Short Bio Prof. Weck obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from INSA-Lyon in France, his Ph.D. in Materials Science and
Saeid Lotfian & Rocío Muñoz awarded best PhD Thesis by UC3M
The PhD Thesis entitled "High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al/SiC Nanoscale Multilayers" and “In-situ analysis of the high temperature deformation and fracture mechanisms of a ɣ-TiAl alloy", carried out by Drs. Saeid Lotfian and Rocío Muñoz at IMDEA Materials
New incorporation – Juan José Torres
Position: Research Assistant BEng: Tecnun, Spain Research: Voids in out-of-autoclave prepregs Contact: juanjose.torres(AT)imdea.org
IMDEA Materials starts PilotManu project
PilotManu is an European project funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. PilotManu will upscale of the current mechanical alloying technological facility into a powder manufacturing pilot line by further developing existing IPR-covered results owned by the consortium related to
Final year project on carbon nanotube growth receives regional award
Carbon nanotube growth on conventional engineering materials
Airbus Operations SAS signed a two years contract with IMDEA Materials
IMDEA Materials Institute and Airbus Operations SAS based in Toulouse will collaborate in a research project to develop Virtual Testing tools based on Multiscale Modelling techniques. This new R&D contract strengthens IMDEA Materials´ internationalisation strategy. See SIMSCREEN
Cover of the “Journal of Materials Research”
Professor Javier Llorca, Director of IMDEA-Materials, has been awarded the annual research award of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)
Professor Llorca has dedicated more that 25 years to research in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. His research activity has been focused on the analysis of the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties in advanced structural materials. In particular, he has
Training the next generation of composite engineers in the era of virtual testing
The use of polymer based composite materials in aircraft structures has increased dramatically in the last decades and today they represent up to 50% in weight (Airbus A350 and Boeing B787 Dreamliner aircrafts) for wings, fuselage sections and tail surfaces. The driving force for the introduction of
Near Beta Ti project starts
Near Beta Ti project is firstly aimed at processing the selected near beta Ti alloy by high pressure torsion, characterizing the grain size and phase distribution of the resulting microstructures and measuring their mechanical behaviour. In addition, the development of phase transformations in near
Safer, more resistant and better insulating foams thanks to additives based on sepiolite
IMDEA Materials Institute, TOLSA S.A. and the CELLMAT laboratory are developing, within the project NEOADFOAM, novel fire retardant additives capable of improving at the same time the thermal insulation, mechanical and fire resistance properties of expanded polystyrene and rigid polyurethane
New incorporation – Angel Alvaredo
Predoctoral Researcher Degree in Materials Engineering Salamanca University, Spain Research: Composite Materials
IMDEA Materials Institute celebrates European researchers’ Night 2014 Madrid
The European researchers' nights are events dedicated to popular science and fun learning. They are an opportunity to meet researchers, talk to them, and to find out what they really do for society, in interactive and engaging ways. This can be through hands-on experiments, science shows, learning
New incorporation – Dr. Vignesh Babu Heeralal
Position: Research Associate PhD: University Hyderabad, India Research: Novel Fire Retardant Polymers Contact: vignesh.heeralal(AT)imdea.org
3D microscopic analysis of plasticity in Mg alloys
Due to the global tendency to reduce the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, Magnesium alloys, as very light material, are being very attractive for the transportation industry. Researches of IMDEA Materials Institute in collaboration with prestigious European research centers, have proposed a
New incorporation – Luis Carlos Herrera Ramírez
Position: Research Assistant University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain Research: Nano-Architectures and Materials Design Contact: luis.herrera@imdea.org
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (Q800, TA Instruments)
Instrument used to determine the elastic-viscous behavior of materials, mainly polymers. The machine works in the temperature range of -150 – 600 °C, frequency range of 0.01 – 200 Hz and the maximum force is 18 N. More info ….(+)
Two Spanish researchers, in the front line of the metallic nanocomposites field
Dr. Jon M. Molina-Aldareguia, Senior Researcher of the IMDEA Materials Institute and member of the ESTRUMAT network, and Dr. Reyes Elizalde, Senior Researcher of the CEIT in San Sebastián, have been appointed as Invited Editors of a special issue of the Composites Science and Technology
On May 28th, the Scientific Council of IMDEA Materials held a meeting in Madrid to decide the future<br />strategic research lines of the institute
On May 28th, the Scientific Council of IMDEA Materials (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials) held an important meeting to evaluate and decide the future strategic research lines of the institute. The quasi totality of the members of the Council attended this meeting: Prof. Brian
Pablo García-Chao
Research Assistant: Development of advanced high-strength steels. Contact: pablo.garcia@imdea.org
The V Edition Photography awards has taken place
The success of the contest has been possible by all of the employees´s participation. Divided by categories, the winners are: Bartolomé Mas: 1st prize Materials Characterization Miguel Herráez: 1st Prize Materials Simulation Olben Falcó: 1st Prize Open Subject Marta Carton: Public
Micro compounder available
A micro compounder is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (MC 15, Xplore) is equipped with co-rotating and counter-rotating screws. It is suitable for compounding thermoplastic based materials or polymeric materials with minute amounts of costly synthesized materials and
In-situ nanoindenter available
A nanoindenter stage to carry out mechanical tests inside a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for the in-situ observation of the deformation mechanisms is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. This system (PI 87 SEM PicoIndenter, Hysitron) allows the simultaneous acquisition of the
Drop weight impact test system available
A drop weight impact test system is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (INSTRON CEAST 9350, INSTRON) is designed to deliver 0.59 -757 J of energy. This instrument can be used to test any type of materials from composites to finished products, and is suitable for a range of impact
Annual report 2013
Report on IMDEA Materials Institute's activities throughout year 2013 is available for download. Download IMDEA Materials Institute annual report 2013
IMDEA Materials awarded two new Airbus R&D contracts
IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded two new R&D contracts by Airbus Operations. The first one (ECURE) is focused on developing electrically-curable epoxy resins for bonding and repairing composite materials. The second project (NONCIRC) aims at assessing the potential of using
New Incorporation – Dr. Dong-Wook Lee
Position: Research Associate PhD: Texas Tech University, EEUU Research: Mesoscale Modeling of Microstructure Contact: dongwook.lee@imdea.org
Multiscale Modelling of nanostructured titanium-based metallic materials
See VINAT project description
Simulation to develop the airplanes of the future
Researchers from IMDEA Materials and the Materials Science Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), members of the ESTRUMAT programme (Advanced Structural Materials), participate in the European project MAAXIMUS, which aims to develop new simulation techniques to design aircraft
IMDEA materials will participate in 2 of the 14 CENIT projects granted by CDTI
The board of directors of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), headed for first time by Cristina Garmendia, Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation, approved on July 29th fourteen research projects in the fourth call of the Programme “National Strategic Consortiums of
EXTRECP project
The goal of the EXTECP project, funded by the China Scholarship Council, is the development of coupled thermomechanical crystal plasticity models to simulate problems under extreme conditions: very large strain rates and high temperatures. See the whole description of the EXTRECP project.
Dr. Juan José Vilatela receives the prestigious ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Juan José Vilatela, Head of the Multifunctional Nanocomposites research group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has obtained the prestigious ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council. Dr. Vilatela will receive € 1.5 million along the next 5 years to
New incorporation – Professor Rigoberto Burgueño
Position: Visiting Researcher Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (Structural Engineering) University of California, San Diego, USA. Professor of Structural Engineering, Michigan State University Research Interests Multiscale assessment and design of tailored materials, devices and structures.
New incorporation – David Maldonado
Position: Laboratory Technician BSc.: Telecommunications Engineering, Valencia University, Spain Contact: david.maldonado(AT)imdea.org
New incorporation – Prof. Jiang Wang
Position: Visiting Scientist PhD: Central South University, India Research: Computational Alloy Design Contact: jiang.wang(AT)imdea.org
Next Generation High Performance Epoxy-based Composites: Green Recycling and Molecular-level Fire Retardancy
The general objective of this project istwo fold: i) designing and developing of novel multifunctional high reactivity curing agents constituted of controllable functional cross-linking groups on the wall of beta-cyclodextrin structures (easily recyclable after end of lifetime) and ii) studying
Screening of phase transformation kinetics of Ti alloys
Drs. Yuwen. Cui and Javier Segurado will carry out a research project in collaboration with the China Scholarship Council (China) to develop a high throughput diffusion multiple technique for screening of phase transformation kinetics in Ti alloys, which will be used
R&D agreement with State Key Lab of Metal Matrix Composites of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
IMDEA Materials Institute and State Key Lab of Metal Matrix Composites has recently signed a two years colaboration agreement to promote joint research and development activities in the area of multi-scale modeling for functional materials and composites. In addition, this agreement opens a
3<sup>rd</sup> Generation Advanced High Strength Steels
See NEWQP project description
Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) confers Honorary Degree to Professor Subra Suresh, Dean of MIT School of Engineering. The ceremony will be held on January, 28th, at 11:00h am, in the Paraninfo of the UPM
Link to the complete text: UPM.es
Yunfu Ou
Predoctoral Researcher: Multi-functional Graphene Thermoplastic Composite Materials. Contact: yunfu.ou@imdea.org
STEM project starts
Dr. Juan José Vilatela, leader of the research program on "Nanomaterials for Multifunctional Applications" at IMDEA Materials, leads this prestigious ERC Starting Grant from the European Union. Dr. Vilatela and his research group will develop new multifunctional structural composite materials that
New incorporation – Dr. Laura Cabana
Position: Researcher Associate PhD: Universidad de Barcelona Research: "Hybrids based on carbon nanotube fibres" Contact: laura.cabana@imdea.org
R&D collaboration agreement with STMicroelectronics and CEA
IMDEA Materials Institute, STMicroelectronics, one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies, and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) have recently signed a partnership agreement to perform a join research project in the field of microelectronics. This three
Dr. De-Yi Wang elected external scientific member of Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
Past august 2014, Dr .De-Yi Wang, head of High Performance Nanocomposites group at IMDEA Materials Institute, was elected “External Scientific Member” (IPF Fellow) at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF). IPF is one of the leading and largest polymer research
Visa difficulties when attracting talent
An article on the difficulties some of our foreign researchers face when coming to Spain has been published in “El Mundo”newspaper (nationwide publication).
New incorporation – Miguel Herráez
Position: Research Asistant Research: Impact in composite materials Contact: miguel.herraez(AT)imdea.org
New incorporation – Mónica Prieto de Pedro
Position: Research Assistant Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Research: Computer simulation of dislocations Contact: monica.prieto@imdea.org
Cover of the "Chem. Sus. Chem" Journal
J. J. Vilatela, D. Eder. Nanocarbon Composites and Hybrids in Sustainability: A Review. ChemSusChem, 5, 456-478, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201100536
IMDEA Materials Institute sets up a GLEEBLE 3800 thermo-mechanical simulator at its Leganes site
The worldwide demand of improving quality and efficiency of metallurgical processes and decreasing cost of the final products stimulates intensive research to reach these goals. However, large-scale industrial experiments are too expensive and very time-consuming. To decrease the research costs and
IMDEA Materials Director, Prof. Javier Llorca is part of the Spanish delegation of scientists visiting Japan
The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Science and Technology Japanese Agency signed the 11th of March an agreement to develop joint research on nanotechnology and new materials oriented to face the environmental challenges and obtain a sustainable development. A Spanish delegation,
X-ray computed tomography analysis of damage evolution in open hole carbon fiber-reinforced laminates subjected to in-plane shear
F. Sket, A. Enfedaque, C. Díaz López, C. González, J. Molina-Aldareguía, J. LLorca. X-ray computed tomography analysis of damage evolution in open hole carbon fiber-reinforced laminates subjected to in-plane shear. Composites Science and Technology 133, 40-50, 2016.