
EMULATE project

EMULATE project proposes a multidisciplinary approach to enhance the comprehension of metal machining. For that, the following three topics will be analyzed in order to improve this technology: 1) the development of accurate material models that incorporate the mechanisms of plasticity at the

New incorporation – Prof. Arnaud Weck

Position: Visiting Researcher Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering  McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Short Bio Prof. Weck obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from INSA-Lyon in France, his Ph.D. in Materials Science and

Saeid Lotfian & Rocío Muñoz awarded best PhD Thesis by UC3M

The PhD Thesis entitled "High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al/SiC Nanoscale Multilayers" and “In-situ analysis of the high temperature deformation and fracture mechanisms of a ɣ-TiAl alloy", carried out by Drs. Saeid Lotfian and Rocío Muñoz at IMDEA Materials

IMDEA Materials starts PilotManu project

PilotManu is an European project funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. PilotManu will upscale of the current mechanical alloying technological facility into a powder manufacturing pilot line by further developing existing IPR-covered results owned by the consortium related to

Airbus Operations SAS signed a two years contract with IMDEA Materials

 IMDEA Materials Institute and Airbus Operations SAS based in Toulouse will collaborate in a research project to develop Virtual Testing tools based on Multiscale Modelling techniques. This new R&D contract strengthens IMDEA Materials´ internationalisation strategy. See SIMSCREEN

Near Beta Ti project starts

Near Beta Ti project is firstly aimed at processing the selected near beta Ti alloy by high pressure torsion, characterizing the grain size and phase distribution of the resulting microstructures and measuring their mechanical behaviour. In addition, the development of phase transformations in near

3D microscopic analysis of plasticity in Mg alloys

Due to the global tendency to reduce the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, Magnesium alloys, as very light material, are being very attractive for the transportation industry. Researches of IMDEA Materials Institute in collaboration with prestigious European research centers, have proposed a

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (Q800, TA Instruments)

Instrument used to determine the elastic-viscous behavior of materials, mainly polymers. The machine works in the temperature range of -150 – 600 °C, frequency range of 0.01 – 200 Hz and the maximum force is 18 N. More info ….(+)

Pablo García-Chao

Research Assistant: Development of advanced high-strength steels. Contact:

The V Edition Photography awards has taken place

The success of the contest has been possible by all of the employees´s participation. Divided by categories, the winners are: Bartolomé Mas: 1st prize Materials Characterization Miguel Herráez: 1st Prize Materials Simulation Olben Falcó: 1st Prize Open Subject Marta Carton: Public

Micro compounder available

A micro compounder is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (MC 15, Xplore) is equipped with co-rotating and counter-rotating screws. It is suitable for compounding thermoplastic based materials or polymeric materials with minute amounts of costly synthesized materials and

In-situ nanoindenter available

A nanoindenter stage to carry out mechanical tests inside a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for the in-situ observation of the deformation mechanisms is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. This system (PI 87 SEM PicoIndenter, Hysitron) allows the simultaneous acquisition of the

Drop weight impact test system available

A drop weight impact test system is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (INSTRON CEAST 9350, INSTRON) is designed to deliver 0.59 -757 J of energy. This instrument can be used to test any type of materials from composites to finished products, and is suitable for a range of impact

Annual report 2013

Report on IMDEA Materials Institute's activities throughout year 2013 is available for download. Download IMDEA Materials Institute annual report 2013

IMDEA Materials awarded two new Airbus R&D contracts

IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded two new R&D contracts by Airbus Operations. The first one (ECURE) is focused on developing electrically-curable epoxy resins for bonding and repairing composite materials. The second project (NONCIRC) aims at assessing the potential of using

New Incorporation – Dr. Dong-Wook Lee

Position: Research Associate PhD: Texas Tech University, EEUU Research: Mesoscale Modeling of Microstructure Contact:

Simulation to develop the airplanes of the future

Researchers from IMDEA Materials and the Materials Science Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), members of the ESTRUMAT programme (Advanced Structural Materials), participate in the European project MAAXIMUS, which aims to develop new simulation techniques to design aircraft

IMDEA materials will participate in 2 of the 14 CENIT projects granted by CDTI

The board of directors of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), headed for first time by Cristina Garmendia, Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation, approved on July 29th fourteen research projects in the fourth call of the Programme “National Strategic Consortiums of

EXTRECP project

The goal of the EXTECP project, funded by the China Scholarship Council, is the development of coupled thermomechanical crystal plasticity models to simulate problems under extreme conditions: very large strain rates and high temperatures. See the whole description of the EXTRECP project.

Dr. Juan José Vilatela receives the prestigious ERC Starting Grant

Dr. Juan José Vilatela, Head of the Multifunctional Nanocomposites research group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has obtained the prestigious ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council. Dr. Vilatela will receive € 1.5 million along the next 5 years to

New incorporation – Professor Rigoberto Burgueño

Position: Visiting Researcher Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (Structural Engineering)  University of California, San Diego, USA. Professor of Structural Engineering, Michigan State University Research Interests Multiscale assessment and design of tailored materials, devices and structures.

New incorporation – David Maldonado

Position: Laboratory Technician BSc.: Telecommunications Engineering, Valencia University, Spain Contact: david.maldonado(AT)

New incorporation – Prof. Jiang Wang

Position: Visiting Scientist PhD: Central South University, India Research: Computational Alloy Design Contact:

Screening of phase transformation kinetics of Ti alloys

Drs. Yuwen. Cui and Javier Segurado will carry out a research project in collaboration with the China Scholarship Council (China) to develop a high throughput diffusion multiple technique for screening of phase transformation kinetics in Ti alloys, which will be used

Yunfu Ou

Predoctoral Researcher: Multi-functional Graphene Thermoplastic Composite Materials. Contact:

STEM project starts

Dr. Juan José Vilatela, leader of the research program on "Nanomaterials for Multifunctional Applications" at IMDEA Materials, leads this prestigious ERC Starting Grant from the European Union. Dr. Vilatela and his research group will develop new multifunctional structural composite materials that

New incorporation – Dr. Laura Cabana

Position: Researcher Associate PhD: Universidad de Barcelona Research: "Hybrids based on carbon nanotube fibres" Contact:

R&D collaboration agreement with STMicroelectronics and CEA

IMDEA Materials Institute, STMicroelectronics, one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies, and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) have recently signed a partnership agreement to perform a join research project in the field of microelectronics. This three

Visa difficulties when attracting talent

An article on the difficulties some of our foreign researchers face when coming to Spain has been published in “El Mundo”newspaper (nationwide publication).

Cover of the "Chem. Sus. Chem" Journal

  J. J. Vilatela, D. Eder. Nanocarbon Composites and Hybrids in Sustainability: A Review. ChemSusChem, 5, 456-478, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201100536

Dr. Eduardo Troche

Proyect Manager. PhD: University of Vigo, Spain. Contact:

Design allowables for Ni-based superalloys

As part of the European project MICROMECH, carried out in collaboration with Industria de Turbopropulsores (ITP), the following results have been obtained Development of a new methodology for experimental characterization at the micro scale. This methodology is based on micropillar compression as

New incorporation – Dr. Diego Garijo

Position: Research Associate PhD.: Aerospace Engineering. Technical University of Madrid,  Research: Blade Impact/Small Fragment Impact/Ice

Linear density, crimp and tensile tester for single fibres available

A linear density, crimp and tensile tester for single fibres is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. This system (FAVIMAT+, Textechno) can be used to characterize mechanical properties of single fibres. It can measure the mechanical resistance, lineal density and crimp. In addition, it is

New incorporation – Dr. Yun Liu

Position: Visiting Scientist PhD: Sichuan University, China Research: Bio-based Fire Retardant Materials Contact:

IMDEA Materials starts NEW EPOXY project

NEW EPOXY project will develop novel Graphene Oxide/Layered Double Hydroxide (GO/LDH) hybrids as multifunctional reactive fire retardants for epoxy resins. NEW EPOXY is a Marie Curie Action (International Incoming Fellowship, IIF) funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. See NEW

New incorporation – Alfonso Monreal

Position: Research Assistant Research: Production and properties of thermoset nanocomposites Contact: alfonso.monreal(AT)

Hexagonal Lithium under ambient conditions

The Metal Physics group, led by Dr. Teresa Pérez-Prado, has succeeded in stabilizing a Li phase with a hexagonal closed packed (hcp) structure at room temperature and 1 atm by the application of pressure to Mg-Li alloys. At atmospheric pressure, pure Li and Li-Mg alloys undergo a bcc to hcp

Patent awarded to the IMDEA Materials Institute

The granted patent, with publication number ES2342962, protects an invention which consists in a new process for the controlled fabrication of the stable beta phase under ambient conditions in the pure metals of group IV of the periodic table (Titanium, Zirconium, Hafnium). The process, which takes

Inauguration of the provisional site of IMDEA – Materials

IMDEA - Materials is beginning its activities following the successful meetings of the Scientific Committee and of the Board of Trustees. The inauguration of the provisional site of IMDEA-materials, which will be held on October 30th. Dr. Gary Savage, director of operations of Honda Formula 1

Carbon nanotube “stitches” strengthen composites

The newest Airbus and Boeing passenger jets flying today are made primarily from advanced composite materials such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic (extremely light, durable materials that reduce the overall weight of the plane by as much as 20 percent compared to aluminum-bodied planes). Such

Prof. Javier LLorca receives the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant

Prof. Javier LLorca, Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, has obtained the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant from the European Union. Prof. LLorca will receive € 2.5 million along the next 5 years to develop multiscale modeling strategies to carry out virtual design, virtual processing

PhD defense – Saeid Lotfian

Mr. Saeid Lotfian will defend his PhD thesis entitled "High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al/SiC Nanoscale Multilayers" next Monday 30th of June at 12:00 h in Carlos III of Madrid (video room 3.1.S08, Leganés campus (Madrid)). His work has been supervised by Dr. Jon Mikel

New incorporation – Dr. Bin Tang

Position: Research Associate PhD: Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Research: Phase field simulation of high-temperature alloys Contact: bin.tang(AT)

New incorporation – Prof. Mauricio Terrones

Position: Visiting Scientist (01/07/2013-31/07/2013) Penn State University, USA / Shinshu University, Japan  Research: Synthesis and Properties of Novel Nanocarbons Link to the researcher profile

The Master thesis of Julian García obtains the maximum grade with Honors

 The research project “Neurite: a finite difference continuum model of the electrophysiological-mechanical coupling in neurons under mechanical loading” has been co-supervised by Dr. Antoine Jerusalem and Dr. Jose María Peña of IMDEA Materials Institute and Polytechnic

Watching metals live

Researchers at IMDEA materials Institute are investigating the in-situ deformation of metallic materials using a tensile testing micromachine coupled to a scanning electron microscope (Fig. 1a). This device allows to analyze in real time, the deformation, recrystallization and fracture mechanisms

Experiments at the Berlin Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Scientists from Imdea Materials (Metal Physics Group) will carry out experiments at BESSY II (Berlin Synchrotron Radiation Facility) at the Berlin Helmholtz-Center for Materials and Energy. There, synchrotron radiation will be used to measure the internal stresses in omega and beta pure Zr,

Rudi Maça

Predoctoral Researcher: Electrochemical energy storage. Contact:

COMETAD project starts

Whithin the framework of the coordinated project COMETAD, a new numerical tool for fire retardants will be developed. IMDEA Materials Institute main contribution in the project will to validate the numerical tool by performing a set of tailored lab-scale fire tests. See COMETAD project description.

Collaboration agreement with NanJing Tech University

IMDEA Materials Institute and the School of Materials Science and Engineering of NanJing Tech University (China) signed a memorandum of understanding past 14/05/2015. Both organisations want to pursue and promote joint research and development activities of mutual interest in multiscale

IMDEA Materials starts XMART project

XMART is an industrial collaboration between Industria de Turbopropulsores S.A. and IMDEA Materials Institute aiming to study the effect of porosity and its distribution on MAR-M-247 tensile and fatigue test specimens. See XMART project description.

Dual column tabletop universal testing system available

A dual column tabletop testing system is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (INSTRON 5966, INSTRON) has 10 kN of capacity and 1756 mm of vertical test space. This equipment is a universal, static testing system that performs tensile and compression testing; and also

IMDEA Materials starts its first Clean Sky project

MICROMECH is an European project funded by the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative (JTI-Clean Sky) within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. This ambitious two years research project aims at developing a material model to simulate the mechanical behaviour of polycrystalline

R&D contract between IMDEA Materials and TOLSA

TOLSA S.A. and IMDEA Materials Institute have recently signed a R&D contract to carry out a study on the performance of sepiolite based additives in fire retardant systems. This one year project is led by Dr. De-Yi Wang, head researcher of the High Performance Nanocomposites group.

International R&D contract with GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd

GLOBALFOUNDRIES is the world’s first full-service semiconductor foundry with a truly global footprint. Launched in March 2009, the company has quickly achieved scale as one of the largest foundries in the world, providing a unique combination of advanced technology and manufacturing to more

Promoting Spanish science in the UK

Prof. Ignacio Romero, Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials, showcased the Institute’s scientific activity, our most well-known scientists and the available job positions for the coming months in the event “Science in Spain 2016 – Science Jobs Opportunities”, which took place past September 15th at the

Annual report 2015

Report on IMDEA Materials Institute's activities throughout year 2015 is available for download. Download IMDEA Materials Institute annual report 2015

NEOADFOAM project starts

Whithin the framework of the coordinated project NEOADFOAM, IMDEA Materials Institute will mainly select fire retardant additives capable of improving at the same time the thermal insulation, mechanical and fire resistance properties of expanded polystyrene and rigid polyurethane foams. See

Research Initiation fellowships (2nd call)

IMDEA Materials Institute launches the second call for the recruitment of final year and master students who wish to carry out a three month research internship (between June to September 2015) in an international and multidisciplinary environment under the supervision of a senior scientist. These

R&D contract between IMDEA Materials and Hexcel

IMDEA Materials Institute has just begun a research project financed by Hexcel. Hexcel is one of the main manufacturers of advanced composite materials for aerospace, defense, wind and industrial sectors. AROOA project will be developed in collaboration with Hexcel R&T centre in the United

Scientific Imaging Contest 2013

The awards giving event of the 3rd IMDEA Materials Scientific Imaging Contest was held last Friday 14th of March. Competition was divided in three categories (materials characterization, materials simulation and open subject) and more than 100 photos were received. Winners of the 3rd edition were

Contract awarded with Abengoa Research

IMDEA Materials Institute has been awarded a R&D contract with Abengoa Reseach to develop a simulation platform to perform virtual design, virtual processing and virtual testing of engineering materials to reduce the time necessary to develop and introduce new materials into the market. See VMD

Highest grade for Nathamar Dudamell´s PhD thesis

Nathamar Dudamell defended her PhD thesis, entitled “High strain rate behavior of Magnesium alloys” on December 17th at the Chemistry School of the Complutense University. The work was awarded the highest grade and the “European doctor” label. Dr. Dudamell´s research

Computational modeling of Magnesium alloys

By comparison with other metals such as Aluminum or Steel, Magnesium alloys present the remarkable advantage of having a very high specific strength. They are thus becoming increasingly relevant to industries within the automotive or aerospace sectors, as the incorporation of these alloys in

Dr. Amitava Moitra

Researcher Associate: Virtual designing of light alloys. PhD: Mississippi State University. Contact:

Two new regional R&D projects awarded

Two new R&D projects belonging to the Madrid R&D technology programme have just been awarded to IMDEA Materials Institute. IMDEA Materials will coordinate the DIMMAT project (Multi-scale design of advanced materials), led by Dr. Maria Teresa Pérez-Prado.  Our research center is

Laura Agudo awarded best student poster award at COSIRES 2014 conference

The poster entitled "Object Kinetic Monte Carlo studies of materials under helium ions irradiation", presented by Ms. Laura Agudo has been awarded at COSIRES 2014 conference. COSIRES (Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids) is a major international forum to present and discuss

New incorporation – Dr. Xin Wang

Position: Research Associate PhD: University of Science and Technology, China Research: Multifunctional fire retardant polymeric materials Contact:

Members of EURAXESS network

IMDEA Materials Institute recently joined EURAXESS Service Network so as to provide assistance to incoming and out-going researchers. Learn more about EURAXESS

Transfer to the permanent seat of IMDEA Materials

  Since last July 23th, all research and development activities of IMDEA Materials Institute have been moved to its final site in the Scientific and Technological Park Tecnogetafe, located at sixteen kilometers to the south of Madrid city. The new building has a total floor area of 9,000 m2

"Tegnogetafe" is already a reality

The city council of Getafe has communicated that the Technological Park of Tecnogetafe “is already a reality” thanks to the immediate site opening of four companies and one Foundation for Materials Research (IMDEA-Materials). Link to the complete text:

Designing advanced materials in a faster and more effective way

DIMMAT Project has published the new "Designing advanced materials in a faster and more effective way" (Diseñar materiales avanzados de manera más rápida y efectiva) in the industrial magazine "Metales y Metalurgia" This project is funded by the Comunity of

2016 ESCM young investigator award for Dr. Juan José Vilatela

Dr. Juan José Vilatela, leader of the research program on "Nanomaterials for Multifunctional Applications" at IMDEA Materials, has received the young investigator award from the European Society of Composite Materials (ESCM). This award recognizes the accomplishments of a young researcher who has

Irene de Diego awarded best PhD Thesis by VDEh

Dr. Irene de Diego Calderon has received the Young Academics’ European Steel Award from the Association of German Steel Manufacturers (VDEh) for her PhD thesis “Mechanical properties of advanced high-strength steels produced via quenching and partitioning”, which has been

Arc melting and casting furnace available

An arc furnace is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. This equipment (Arc 200, Arcast Inc.) allows melting, alloying, casting, rapid solidification and atomization of reactive and high melting point elements and alloys up to 3500°C using a clean ceramic free cold crucible process.

New incorporation – Qian Liu

Position: Research Asistant (visiting) MSc.: University of Science and Technology Beijing, China Research: Metal matrix composites

New incorporation – Dr. Olben Falcó

Position: Research Associate PhD: University of Girona, Spain Research: Modelling of non-conventional composites Contact: olben.falco(AT)

Triple Roller Mill (Exakt 80 E, Exact Technologies)

Machine used to disperse fillers and additives in viscous matrix. The shearing forces to break agglomerate are generated by three hardcrome-plated rollers that rotate at different angular velocities and where gap (minimum 5 µm) and speed setting are controlled electronically. More info

Towards a new generation of materials

The atoms of metals are organized in ordered structures denominated crystal lattices. The geometry of the latter depends of the nature of the material as well as of temperature and pressure. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, pure metals like gold, aluminium and copper have cubic


FUTURALVE is a national R&D collaborative program carried out by a consortium of companies and led by ITP. The goal of the project is to create new materials and advanced fabrication technologies for the new generation of high speed turbines. Check FUTURALVE project description Check related

Gel permeation chromatographer available

A Gel Permeation Chromatographer (GPC) is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (Waters) consists of a Waters 2414 refractive index detector, a Waters 2489 UV/Visible detector, a Waters 1500 column heater, and a series of Waters polystyrene GPC columns. It is used to determine

2015 APMI fellow award for Prof. José Manuel Torralba

AMPI International (non-profit professional society which promotes the advancement of powder metallurgy (PM) and particulate materials as a science) recognizes the work of Prof. José Manuel Torralba (Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials). The 2015 AMPI fellow award recipients will receive

Open position – Researcher

IMDEA Materials institute has an opening for a Researcher (tenure-track position) in the area of X-ray characterization of materials. More details and application process

New incorporation – Dr. Carmine Coluccini

Position: Research Associate PhD: Università di Bologna, Italy Research: Organic synthesis and multifunctional polymers Contact: carmine.coluccini(AT)

New incorporation – Dr. Belén Alemán

Position: Research Associate PhD: Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Research: Synthesis of advanced materials based on carbon nanotube fibres Contact: belen.aleman(AT)

Inauguration of IMDEA Materials Insitute building

Link to the complete new in Media  Speech of the IMDEA Materials Institute Director (54.8 KB) Enlaces a otros medios: Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte

Seeing is believing: X-Ray computed tomography

Polymer matrix composites are currently used in many structural applications that require a significant reduction in weight for energy and/or environmental reasons. However, despite all existing information and actual knowledge about these materials, their complex mechanical behaviour (highly

New Incorporation: Dr. Anna Hynowska

Research Associate: Novel processing of Fe-Al intermetallics. PhD: Autonomy University of Barcelona, Spain Contact:

REDISH project starts, coordinated by IMDEA Materials

REDISH is an European project funded by the Clean Sky Joint Technology Undertaking 2 within the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. The goal of the REDISH project is the development and maturation of innovative shielding able to sustain impacts from high and low energy debris caused by

Raúl Muñoz awarded best PhD Thesis by AEMAC

The PhD Thesis entitled "Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid 3D Woven Composites", carried out by Dr. Raúl Muñoz at IMDEA Materials Institute under the supervision of Dr. Carlos González and Prof. Javier Llorca, has been awarded by the Spanish Association of Composite

New incorporation – Dr. Juan Pablo Balbuena

Position: Research Associate PhD.: Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain Research: Monte Carlo simulation of epitaxial growth for semiconductors Contact: juanpablo.balbuena(AT)

Recognition of the European Mechanics Society

The status of Fellow is awarded to members who have contributed significantly to the advancement of mechanics and related fields and it was granted to Prof. LLorca in recognition for his contributions to understand the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of materials by

Digital Image Correlation

IMDEA Materials Institute has installed a Digital Image Correlation System (DCI) to perform non-contact full-field displacement mapping by means of images acquired by an optical system of stereographic cameras.

NABISCO project

NABISCO project, funded by the China Scholarship Council, deals with the development of strategies to integrate macroscopic fibres and films of CNTs into structural laminate composites. The aim is to improve the mechanical properties of traditional fibre-reinforced polymer composites, while

TK-COBALT project

The objective of this investigation, with a focus on the Co-base high temperature alloys and funded by the China Scholarship Council, aims at developing a robust high throughput diffusion couple technique. The new technique will enable fast mapping of such information as phase

Dr. De-Yi Wang selected as Associated Editor of RSC Advances

Dr. De-Yi Wang, head of the High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has been selected as Associate Editor of "RSC Advances" since October 2015. RSC Advances is a high impact journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Advances is an international,

New incorporation – Raquel García

Position: Project Manager Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering, University of León, Spain MBA: International University of La Rioja, Spain

New incorporation – Evgeny Senokos

Position: Research Asistant MSc.: Lomonosov Moscow University, Russia Research: Nanostructured supercapacitors Contact: evgeny.senokos(AT)

New incorporation – Dr. Andrey Sarikov

Position: Research Associate PhD: V. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Ukraine Research: Epitaxial growth of SiGe and III-V materials Contact: andrey.sarikov(AT)

Research collaboration with Eurocopter España S.A.

The goal of this research collaboration is to identify and select new material concepts for possible use and incorporation into the future rear fuselages which operate at high temperature. See Pre-HITMAAS project description

Defense of the first doctoral thesis entirely carried out at IMDEA Materials

The thesis entitled "Micromechanical Characterization and Simulation of the Effect of Environmental Aging in Structural Composite Materials” represents the first doctoral thesis fully developed at the IMDEA Materials facilities since its research activities started at the beginning of

Miguel Angel Valdés

Research Assistant: High-strength steels. Contact:

New incorporation – Dr. Sarra Haouala

Position: Postdoctoral Researcher Phd:  Engineering  Sciences Polytechnic school of Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium Research "Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials"

New incorporation – Dr. David Portillo

Position:Visiting Research Associate PhD.: Polytechnic University of Madrid Research: Computational solid mechanics Contact: david.portillo(AT)

IMDEA researchers participate in COST action FLARETEX

The High Performance Nanocomposites group lead by Dr. De-Yi Wang participates in COST action MP1105: Sustainable flame retardancy for textiles and related materials based on nanoparticles substituting conventional chemicals (FLARETEX). Dr. De-Yi Wang was appointed as the National Representative from

Multifunctional Fibre Nanocomposites

The Multifunctional Nanocomposites group of IMDEA Materials Institute, led by Dr. Juan José Vilatela, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie Action Grant (CIG) to carry out a four-year research project on design and processing of Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Fibre Nanocomposites. See MUFIN

Dr. Hong Liu

PhD: University of Monash, Australia. Contact:

Phd Defense -Francisca Martínez Hergueta

The defense of the PhD thesis of Francisca Martínez " "Multiscale analysis of the mechanical behaviour of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics"   will take place on Friday, February 5th at 12 noon at the E. T. S. de Ingenieros de Caminos of the Polytechnic

PhD defense – Mehdi Rahimian

Mr. Mehdi Rahimian will defend his PhD thesis entitled "Physical simulation of investment casting of Mar-M247 Ni-based superalloy" next Monday 13th  of July, at 12:00 h in Carlos III University,  (aula de Grados), Leganés Campus  (Madrid).

New incorporation – Zhi Li

Position: Research Assistant MSc.: Shanghai Jiang Tong University, China Research: New Generation Fire Retardant Materials Contact:

PhD defense – Rafael Soler

Size effect in LiF plasticity: new insights into the lattice resistance contribution - 16 Jun 2014

Prof. Javier LLorca elected to the Academia Europaea

Javier LLorca, director of IMDEA Materials Institute and professor of Materials Science at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, has been elected to the Academia Europaea in the Physics and Engineering section. The election took place during the Academy Council held in Wroclaw on September, 16th.

R&D agreement with Pennsylvania State University

IMDEA Materials Institute y Pennsylvania State University has signed a two years colaboration agreement to promote joint research and development activities in the areas of processing, charaterization and simulation of advanced materials. In addition, this agreement opens a new range of

New horizons for continuum materials simulations

Dr. Jerusalem, head of the Computational Mechanics of Materials group, analyze the current situation of the continuum simulations in the materials field. Link to the complete text: Madri+d

NANOLAM project

NANOLAM project is part of a collaborative research effort between IMDEA Materials and Arizona State University in order to study the high temperature nanoindentation and micropillar compression behavior of Al/SiC nanolaminates. Check the whole description of the NANOLAM project

HIPREP project

The objective of this investigation, funded by the China Scholarship Council, is to develop high performance reinforced fire-retardant polymers via special molecular design, chemical functionalization of the reinforced fibers and advanced polymer processing. The fire behaviours, mechanical

Exporting excellent science

Our internationalization strategy, based on mid-long term partnerships with key companies, highlighted in madri+d website. Read the whole story (ES)

Fatigue testing system available

A fatigue testing system is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (INSTRON 8802, INSTRON) allows a broad range of static and dynamic test applications from basic metals to larger scale component testing. Typical applications of this servohydraulic machines include fracture

Interview to IMDEA Materials Director, Prof. Javier Llorca

"Only enterprises investing in technology will survive" Link to the complete text: Madridiario El profesor Javier Llorca, doctor ingeniero de Caminos, es catedrático y responsable del grupo de investigación en “Materiales Estructurales Avanzados y Nanomateriales” de la Universidad

Dr. De-Yi Wang elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Dr. De-Yi Wang has been recently elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). Founded in 1841, RSC is the largest organization in Europe for chemical scientists and advancing the chemical sciences. RSC partners with industry and academia, advises governments on policy, and promotes the

MicroTest project

MicroTest is an industrial contract with the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) to study the mechanical properties and the fracture behavior in correlation with the microstructure using real parts and specimens produced in industrial conditions. See MicroTest project description.

Best doctoral theses from the Carlos III University of Madrid

The PhD Thesis entitled "High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al/SiC Nanoscale Multilayers" and “In-situ analysis of the high temperature deformation and fracture mechanisms of a ɣ-TiAl alloy", carried out by Drs. Saeid Lotfian and Rocío Muñoz at IMDEA

Dr. Ilchat Sabirov awarded at NanoSPD6 conference

Dr. Ilchat Sabirov, head of the Physical Simulation group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has received the Young Researcher Award for outstanding contribution to nano-severe plastic deformation research at the NanoSPD6 conference held past June 30 – July 4 2014 in Metz (France). 

Dr. Yuwen Cui elected as ASM committee member

During the past TMS2014 annual meeting and exhibition (San Diego, USA, 16-20/02/2014), Dr. Yuwen Cui was appointed as committee member of the ASM Alloy Phase Diagram (APD) for the next three years. ASM International is a materials science and engineering society where materials users,

Success in the final FP7 calls

IMDEA Materials Institute is achieving great success in the last calls of the 7th Framework Programme. To date, our researchers have secured 6 R&D projects belonging to different lines of this programme: MICROMECH project (Clean Sky I JTI (Joint Technology Initiative)) MODENA, ICMEG and

MultiComp network

Our Institute participates in COST action MultiComp, which is designed to bring together theorists, experimentalists and industrialists in the field of nano-carbon materials technology. See the whole description of the MultiComp network.

New incorporation – Dr. Jun-Hao Zhang

Position: Research Associate PhD.: University of Science and Technology of China, China, USA Research: Environmentally friendly fire retardant nanocomposites Contact: junhao.zhang(AT)

New incorporation – Daniel del Pozo

Position: Research Assistant BEng: Technical University of Madrid, Spain Research: Modeling of ice impact on jet turbines Contact: daniel.pozo(AT)

New incorporation – Dr. Bin Gan

Position: Research Associate PhD: Illinois Institute of Technology, EEUU Research: Micromechanics of superalloys Contact: bin.gan(AT)

Madrid, world hub of light metals

In order to significantly reduce environmental burdens, lightweight metals and alloys play an increasingly important role because of their high specific strength and stiffness, corrosion resistance, and recyclability. Among them, magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), and titanium (Ti) alloys are widely

Dr. Daniel Cíntora-Juárez

Research Associate: Electrochemical Energy Storage, Nanomaterials. Contact:

New incorporation – Rodrigo Santos

Position: Predoctoral Researcher Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Research "Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials"