
Scientific Highlight: AI-guided smart manufacturing of structural composites

Manufacturing in the EU is crucial, given that it is one of the main drivers in innovation, job creation and sustainable growth. It involves almost 2,000,000 companies that provide approximately 28.5 million jobs. Therefore, its impact is significant in terms of economic share, with it being ~18% of

Our alumna Jingya Wang obtains the University award to the best doctoral thesis

The doctoral thesis of Jingya Wang, entitled “High throughput investigation of diffusion and solid solution hardening of HCP Mg alloys”, has obtained the Award of the Technical University of Madrid to the best doctoral thesis. The thesis was advised by Prof. J. LLorca and Prof. Y. Cui and it was

ENTENTE project starts

The project ENTENTE (European Database for Multiscale Modelling of Radiation Damage) has started on the 1st of September 2020 and it will last 48 months. The aim of this project is to design a new European experimental/modelling materials database to collect and store highly-relevant data on

Helping industry to speed up the design of composites for impact applications

The current design of composite materials follows a trial and error approach based on an expensive and time consuming testing pyramid that costs industry millions of euros and years of development each time a new composite material is introduced in an aircraft. In this video, you can watch how we

Scientific Highlight: Hierarchical Strategy for Simultaneous Improvement of Mechanical and Fire-Safety Properties of Polymer Composites with Phosphonate-Loaded MOF Additives

Flame retardant (FR) additives are commonly used to improve fire-safety of synthetic polymers, which are widely employed in manufactured consumer goods. The incorporation of a FR in a polymer typically leads to deterioration of its mechanical properties. It also manifests itself in a non-negligible

IMDEA Materials coordinates the new project DELIGHTED

The aim of the DELIGHTED project is to gain fundamental understanding of principles of microstructural design for engineering of perspective austenitic lightweight steels to reach the combination of mechanical and performance properties suitable for applications. To read more about the scientific

IMDEA Materials opens a Technology Transfer and Innovation Unit

As part of our strategic plan 2020-2025, we have recently opened a Technology Transfer and Innovation Unit (TTIU) to promote and support the commercial exploitation of the R&D results obtained within our projects. The head of the TTIU, Dr. Javier Rubio, joined the Institute on the 1st of March

The conference EMMC17 has been canceled

In the light of the last events related to the COVID-19 situation in both Spain and Europe we are very sorry to inform you that we have decided to cancel the EMMC17 meeting in Madrid. It is a very sad situation since the conference pointed to be a great success!

Miguel Herráez, extraordinary doctoral award 2017 – 2018 by the UPM

Our alumny Miguel Herráez has received the extraordinary doctoral award of the course 2017-2018 by the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) for the thesis entitled ‘Computational Micromechanics Models for Damage and Fracture of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers’. Miguel received the award from the Rector

Open PhD day

Do you want to pursue a career in science and innovation? Are you interested in doing a PhD in an applied, close to market topic? Come and get to know the projects where you could work on!

Word experts on 3D printing of metals meet at our Institute

Our Institute hosted past January 14th and 15th a workshop devoted to 3D printing of metals. The first day focused on the fundamentals, while the second day covered the many applications of this technology. World-renowned experts on the field participated in the event, such as Iain Todd (Director

Kick-off of the María de Maeztu programme

The recognition of our Institute as a ‘María de Maeztu’ unit of excellence started past December 16th and will run for an initial period of 4 years. The Spanish Excellence Programmes of ‘Severo Ochoa’ Centres and ‘María de Maeztu’ Units identify and promote excellence in scientific research.

Making plastics less flammable

Our research group on High Performance Polymers and Fire Retardants, headed by De-Yi Wang, has found that a polystyrene that incorporates ultrafine particles of iron in a mesoporous silica matrix is much less likely to burst into flames or emit smoke when heated. This technique, which also slightly

Experimentation Conference of ITP Aero

Last Friday 15th of November we hosted one of the Technological Knowledge Conferences of ITP aero. These events are organized by the engines and turbines manufacturer in collaboration with its network of research and development centres. The day focused on experimentation and testing technologies

Chasing new water treatment technologies

Cleis Santos explains in this article for RETEMA magazine the prototype of water purification based on carbon nanotube fibers we have developed in collaboration with IMDEA Energy (page 26 onwards).

Winter School 3D Printing of Metals

Next 14th and 15th of January 2020, a Winter School on 3D Printing of Metals and Additive Manufacturing will be held at IMDEA Materials’ facilities. The program is divided in two parts: one focused on the Fundamentals and other on Applications. Get the program, all the information about the

María de Maeztu excellence award

Our Institute has been recognized as a ‘María de Maeztu’ unit of excellence. The Spanish Excellence Programmes of ‘Severo Ochoa’ Centres and ‘María de Maeztu’ Units identify and promote excellence in scientific research. They seek to boost Spanish science by recognising existing cutting-edge

MUVITCAPCOM project starts

The project MUVITCAPCOM (Multiscale Virtual Testing Capability for Composites) has started. The project is funded by de the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), through the U.S. Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program. This program seek to foster revolutionary scientific

Rubén costa receives the FEMS Materials Science & Technology prize 2019

Rubén Costa has been honored with the FEMS Materials Science & Technology prize 2019, which will be delivered during the EUROMAT2019 conference. The FEMS Materials Science and Technology prize is awarded to young European materials scientists or engineers in recognition of a significant

Miguel Herráez receives the AEMAC best PhD Thesis award

Our alumny Miguel Herráez has received the best PhD Thesis award by the Spanish Association of Composite Materials (AEMAC). His work was supervised by Carlos González and Claudio Lopes. Miguel is now working at the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Reliability Analysis (LMAF-EPFL) in Switzerland,

HexaGB project starts

The project HexaGB (Grain Boundaries in Hexagonal microstructures: Linking processing and properties in lightweight structural alloys) has started. The project is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities within the call Retos Investigación 2018. The project is a

QPINOX project starts

QPINOX is our third project within the European RFCS programme. The project will develop new martensitic stainless steels for lightweight structural applications in the automotive sector. More details about the QPINOX project here.

Great success in the last call of FET open!

Two new collaborative European projects have just been awarded to our Institute in the last call of FET open. FET open is a funding instrument for breakthrough ideas requiring multidisciplinary research that can enable new technologies in the long run. Ruben Costa will coordinate a € 2.7 million

8th edition of the scientific imaging contest

We already know the winners of the 8th edition of the IMDEA Materials´ scientific imaging contest. This year the best images were: Category of charaterization Joule Heated Baobab, Anastasiia Mikhalchan and María Vélez Category of simulation:Dislocation going through a distribution of theta'

IMDEA Materials in the annual meeting of ITP Aero´s research centres network

IMDEA Materials participated in the V Annual Meeting of ITP Aero´s research centres that was held on the 28th of May in Lerma. The participants in this meeting, besides ITP Aero as organiser, were Fundación CTA, Ceit-IK4, UPV/EHU, Mondragon Unibersitatea, UPM and IMDEA Materials Institute. During

Annual report 2018

Our latest annual report is availabe. Check here our outcomes and activities during the past year!

Rubén Costa awarded the Young Researcher ChemPubSoc Prize by the RSEQ

Our colleague Rubén D. Costa, Senior Researcher of IMDEA Materials, has been awarded the Young Researcher ChemPubSoc Prize by the Real Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) for his advances in the field of thin-film electroluminescent devices based on sustainable materials such as copper complexes

Additive manufacturing at IMDEA Materials

Our new lab for alloy design for additive manufacturing is now in full operation. Including facilities for powder production, laser melting, post-processing and microstructure characterization at all length scales, and staffed with highly experienced metallurgy researchers.

Collaboration agreement with Waseda University

Our Institute has just signed a reseach collaboration agreement with Waseda University related to new material development for energy production and storage. This agreement will allow exchange of research staff between both institutions.

IV Edition of the Young Talent Awards

Our colleague Andrea Fernández Gorgojo, has been awarded one of the Young Talent Awards (premio Talento Joven-Carné Joven ) from the regional government of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) in the environmental category due to her innovative project focused in the application of new materials to obtain

Women who design the future

In this opinion article in "El País" journal, our researcher Andrea García-Junceda claims the role of women in research centers, Universities and laboratories around the world. In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender

New grant from the European Research Council

Ruben Costa, head of the research group on Hybrid Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, has been awarded a Consolidator grant by the European Research Council. These grants allow ambitious top scientists to establish or strengthen their teams in Europe and be truly creative in their research. Ruben

The bests in China, also the bests in Spain

Dr. Xiaomin Zhao and Dr. Lingwei Yang have received the award to the best Doctoral Thesis at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in the academic year 2016-2017. The Doctoral Thesis of Dr. Zhao was defended in the Chemical Engineering Program and was co-supervised by Dr. D.-Y. Wang and Prof. J.

Sino-Spanish Joint Research Center of Advanced Materials

On 15th September 2018, nine units from China and Spain (Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beihang University, The Going Global Confederation of China Petroleum & Chemical Industry from China, the Technical University of Madrid, IMDEA Materials Institute, the Department of Innovation,

Prof. Javier Llorca awarded by SOCIEMAT

Prof. Javier Llorca, Scientific Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, has received the award to the best scientific career by SOCIEMAT Javier Llorca receiving the SOCIEMAT award to the best scientific career during the CNMAT 2018 conference

Clean Sky 2 visit

Past tuesday 5th of June, representatives of the Clean Sky 2 visit our Institute as part of the Engine Integrated Technology Demonstrator (ITD) annual meeting, organized by ITP Aero. Our Instutute is currently participating in 3 Clean Sky 2 projects: REDISH, (CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding.

Summer School & Industry Day: Additive Manufacturing

On July 23rd and 24th IMDEA Materials Institute organizes a Summer School on Additive Manufacturing and an Industry Day where prominent companies (Siemens, ITP, Renishaw, HP, LPW Technologies, Mizar Additive) will discuss the progress of the field as well as the challenges ahead. This event is

MINIMAL project

MINIMAL is a research endeavour which will contribute significantly towards improving analysis/predictive tools for dislocation-interface interactions in metallic nanolaminates, which have attracted application as mechanical parts in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). It is funded by the

Jon Molina awarded best young researcher by UC3M

Dr. Jon Molina has been awarded as one of the best young researchers by Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). The full information of this award can be found in this link (in Spanish only)

Large surface area lends superpowers to ultra-porous materials

Some materials are special not for what they contain, but for what they don’t contain. Such is the case with metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) – ultra-porous structures that are being developed for a variety of future applications from fire-proofing to drug-delivery. Read the whole article in HORIZON

Optoelectronics special issue

A special issue organized by our colleague Rubén Costa on new materials and approaches for optoelectronics is free to read in ChemPlusChem through May! Check it out under this link:

CIMNE – IMDEA Materials Workshop

On April 13, a bilateral technical meeting was held between the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) and the IMDEA Materials Institute. Twelve researchers from both institutions attended the workshop, which took place at IMDEA Materials’ facilities in Tecnogetafe, with

Is ultra-fast processing the next revolution for steel production?

Researchers of our Institute collaborate with an international consortia to develop an ultra-fast processing process for steels. This approach is energetically more efficient than current methods. You can learn more about this technique in this article (Spanish only)

2nd IMDEA Materials Innovation Awards

On 28th of November took place the 2nd IMDEA Materials Innovation Award.  The Director of the Institute, Prof. Ignacio Romero, gave the award to Miguel Angel Valdes on his winner project entitle ““Ultra-rapid processing of advanced high strength steels”. The 2nd edition started with the last year´s

Francisca Martínez-Hergueta receives the award to the best PhD thesis

Francisca Martínez-Hergueta has received the award to the best doctoral thesis in the academic year 2015-2016 from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). The thesis was entitled "Multiscale analysis of the mechanical behaviour of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics " and was carried out at IMDEA

New efficiency record in TiO2 solar cells

Researchers from IMDEA Materials, University of La Rioja and University of Alicante have set a new record in the energy efficiency of TiO2 solar cells (8.75 %). TiO2 is an affordable compound that makes these solar cells less expensive than traditional silicon solar cells. The research at IMDEA

Modelling superalloy behaviour to improve aircraft engine design

The MICROMECH project, part of the Sustainable and Green Engines (SAGE) Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITD) of Clean Sky, has successfully developed a multi-scale computational tool to predict the mechanical behaviour of the Ni-based superalloys used in the hottest parts of aircraft engines.

Rubén Costa awarded as European young innovator by the MIT

Rubén Costa, head of the research group on hybrid optoelectronic materials and devices at IMDEA Materials, has been awarded talented young innovator by the MIT Technology Review. Rubén Costa is leveraging his educational background to guide his work developing a lower-cost, more

Future bulbs will be made of proteins

LED lights are the true heir to Edison’s electric bulb. They are a major breakthrough in lightning, but still require advances related to their manufacture using cheaper sustainable materials. In this interview (in Spanish), Rubén Costa (senior researher at IMDEA Materials) explains his vision of

Quantum Dots, Fluorescent Proteins Vie for Supremacy

Since the mid-50s the full-color display technology began its rise to success. The origins of this technology was the old-fashioned cathode ray tubes, which were displaced from the top about a decade ago by liquid crystal displays (LCDs) using a back-lighting system based on white inorganic

Rubén Costa selected top Spanish talent by the MIT

Rubén Costa, head of the research group on hybrid optoelectronic materials and devices at IMDEA Materials, has been selected as one of the Top Spanish Talents by the MIT Technology Review. He will be competing for a spot among the final list of Innovators Under 35 Europe 2017. Rubén

Carlos González appointed Full Professor at UPM

Prof. Carlos González, head of the research program on the "Next Generation of Composite Materials" at IMDEA Materials Institute, has been appointed Full Professor at the Department of Materials Science of Polytechnic University Madrid (UPM), in which he was an Associate Professor. Our

Winners of the 2016 Imaging Contest

Last Friday, June 30th, the Director and Deputy Director of the Institute gave the awards to the winners of the 2016 edition of the IMDEA Materials Imaging Contest. From left to right: Jose Luis Jimenez, Miguel Ángel Valdés, Daniel del Pozo and Miguel Monclús. The winners of this year in the

Poster Awarded at the conference CALPHAD 2017

Jingya Wang, Research Assistant at IMDEA Materials Institute, received the award to the best poster entitled “Computational Study of Atomic Mobility in HCP Mg-Al-Zn Ternary Alloys and Anisotropic diffusion in hcp Mg-Al alloys” at the International CALPHAD Conference. This Conference was first held


The MICROMECH II project is the follow up of the Clean Sky MICROMECH project and is focused on the development of more elaborated micromechanical models for Inconel 718 alloy (casted and forged). Check the whole description of the project.

Celebrating 10 years of the ERC

Back in 2007, the European Commission established the European Research Council (ERC) with the mission to encourage excellent frontier research in Europe through competitive funding, supporting top researchers across all fields and of any nationality. Since then, the ERC has had a considerable

Prof. Ignacio Romero, appointed new Director

On April 28th, Javier LLorca stepped down as Director of IMDEA Materials Institute, after 10 years in this position. The newly appointed Director is Ignacio Romero, formerly Deputy Director of the Institute, and head of the Computational Solid Mechanics Group. Dr. Romero is Full Professor at the

Annual report 2016 is out

The outcome of the research activities performed during year 2016 is summarized in this document. The personnel, current research projects, research infrastructures as well as disseminations activities (publications, conferences and seminars, patents, theses, etc.) can be found in this annual report


The CRASHING II project is the follow up of the Clean Sky CRASHING project and is focused on the modelling and simulation of the crashworthiness of and aircraft front fuselage using numerical composite material models developed in the initial project. The cabin model will be simulated in different

Juan José Vilatela joins the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports

Dr. Juan José Vilatela, Senior Researcher at IMDEA Materials, joins the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports. Scientific Reports is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. It publishes scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

A yarn like sensor for composites

J. Carlos Fernández-Toribio There is a clear evidence that composites are an increasing field of interest. Thus, the demand for composites end products has reached 22.2$ billion in 2015 . This is due to their low weight and high mechanical resistance. Therefore, lighter structural parts can be

SORCERER project starts

Clean Sky Joint Undertaking 2 This project will develop revolutionary lightweight electrical energy storing composite materials for future electric and hybridelectric aircraft. Building on previous research in novel lightweight supercapacitor composites, structural battery and structural energy

ACERCOM project starts

Source(s): IMDEA Materials, Arcelor Mittal Within the framework of the coordinated project ACERCOM, coordinated by Arcelor Mittal, IMDEA Materials Institute will mainly carry out the modeling, fabrication and characterization of fiber metal laminates for application in marine wind energy. See the

Symposium on New steels for applications under extreme conditions

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A A. García-Junceda, M.J. Santofimia. Symposium on New steels for applications under extreme conditions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 5271–5271, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11661-016-3766-2


FUTURALVE is a national R&D collaborative program carried out by a consortium of companies and led by ITP. The goal of the project is to create new materials and advanced fabrication technologies for the new generation of high speed turbines. Check FUTURALVE project description Check related

Gel permeation chromatographer available

A Gel Permeation Chromatographer (GPC) is now available at IMDEA Materials Institute. The system (Waters) consists of a Waters 2414 refractive index detector, a Waters 2489 UV/Visible detector, a Waters 1500 column heater, and a series of Waters polystyrene GPC columns. It is used to determine

2015 APMI fellow award for Prof. José Manuel Torralba

AMPI International (non-profit professional society which promotes the advancement of powder metallurgy (PM) and particulate materials as a science) recognizes the work of Prof. José Manuel Torralba (Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials). The 2015 AMPI fellow award recipients will receive

Open position – Researcher

IMDEA Materials institute has an opening for a Researcher (tenure-track position) in the area of X-ray characterization of materials. More details and application process

New incorporation – Dr. Carmine Coluccini

Position: Research Associate PhD: Università di Bologna, Italy Research: Organic synthesis and multifunctional polymers Contact: carmine.coluccini(AT)

New incorporation – Dr. Belén Alemán

Position: Research Associate PhD: Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Research: Synthesis of advanced materials based on carbon nanotube fibres Contact: belen.aleman(AT)

Inauguration of IMDEA Materials Insitute building

Link to the complete new in Media  Speech of the IMDEA Materials Institute Director (54.8 KB) Enlaces a otros medios: Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte

Seeing is believing: X-Ray computed tomography

Polymer matrix composites are currently used in many structural applications that require a significant reduction in weight for energy and/or environmental reasons. However, despite all existing information and actual knowledge about these materials, their complex mechanical behaviour (highly

New Incorporation: Dr. Anna Hynowska

Research Associate: Novel processing of Fe-Al intermetallics. PhD: Autonomy University of Barcelona, Spain Contact:

REDISH project starts, coordinated by IMDEA Materials

REDISH is an European project funded by the Clean Sky Joint Technology Undertaking 2 within the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. The goal of the REDISH project is the development and maturation of innovative shielding able to sustain impacts from high and low energy debris caused by

Raúl Muñoz awarded best PhD Thesis by AEMAC

The PhD Thesis entitled "Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid 3D Woven Composites", carried out by Dr. Raúl Muñoz at IMDEA Materials Institute under the supervision of Dr. Carlos González and Prof. Javier Llorca, has been awarded by the Spanish Association of Composite

New incorporation – Dr. Juan Pablo Balbuena

Position: Research Associate PhD.: Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain Research: Monte Carlo simulation of epitaxial growth for semiconductors Contact: juanpablo.balbuena(AT)

Recognition of the European Mechanics Society

The status of Fellow is awarded to members who have contributed significantly to the advancement of mechanics and related fields and it was granted to Prof. LLorca in recognition for his contributions to understand the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of materials by

Digital Image Correlation

IMDEA Materials Institute has installed a Digital Image Correlation System (DCI) to perform non-contact full-field displacement mapping by means of images acquired by an optical system of stereographic cameras.

NABISCO project

NABISCO project, funded by the China Scholarship Council, deals with the development of strategies to integrate macroscopic fibres and films of CNTs into structural laminate composites. The aim is to improve the mechanical properties of traditional fibre-reinforced polymer composites, while

TK-COBALT project

The objective of this investigation, with a focus on the Co-base high temperature alloys and funded by the China Scholarship Council, aims at developing a robust high throughput diffusion couple technique. The new technique will enable fast mapping of such information as phase

Dr. De-Yi Wang selected as Associated Editor of RSC Advances

Dr. De-Yi Wang, head of the High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites group at IMDEA Materials Institute, has been selected as Associate Editor of "RSC Advances" since October 2015. RSC Advances is a high impact journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Advances is an international,

New incorporation – Raquel García

Position: Project Manager Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering, University of León, Spain MBA: International University of La Rioja, Spain

New incorporation – Evgeny Senokos

Position: Research Asistant MSc.: Lomonosov Moscow University, Russia Research: Nanostructured supercapacitors Contact: evgeny.senokos(AT)

New incorporation – Dr. Andrey Sarikov

Position: Research Associate PhD: V. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Ukraine Research: Epitaxial growth of SiGe and III-V materials Contact: andrey.sarikov(AT)

Research collaboration with Eurocopter España S.A.

The goal of this research collaboration is to identify and select new material concepts for possible use and incorporation into the future rear fuselages which operate at high temperature. See Pre-HITMAAS project description

Defense of the first doctoral thesis entirely carried out at IMDEA Materials

The thesis entitled "Micromechanical Characterization and Simulation of the Effect of Environmental Aging in Structural Composite Materials” represents the first doctoral thesis fully developed at the IMDEA Materials facilities since its research activities started at the beginning of

Miguel Angel Valdés

Research Assistant: High-strength steels. Contact:

New incorporation – Dr. Sarra Haouala

Position: Postdoctoral Researcher Phd:  Engineering  Sciences Polytechnic school of Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium Research "Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials"

New incorporation – Dr. David Portillo

Position:Visiting Research Associate PhD.: Polytechnic University of Madrid Research: Computational solid mechanics Contact: david.portillo(AT)

IMDEA researchers participate in COST action FLARETEX

The High Performance Nanocomposites group lead by Dr. De-Yi Wang participates in COST action MP1105: Sustainable flame retardancy for textiles and related materials based on nanoparticles substituting conventional chemicals (FLARETEX). Dr. De-Yi Wang was appointed as the National Representative from

Multifunctional Fibre Nanocomposites

The Multifunctional Nanocomposites group of IMDEA Materials Institute, led by Dr. Juan José Vilatela, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie Action Grant (CIG) to carry out a four-year research project on design and processing of Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Fibre Nanocomposites. See MUFIN

Dr. Hong Liu

PhD: University of Monash, Australia. Contact:

Phd Defense -Francisca Martínez Hergueta

The defense of the PhD thesis of Francisca Martínez " "Multiscale analysis of the mechanical behaviour of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics"   will take place on Friday, February 5th at 12 noon at the E. T. S. de Ingenieros de Caminos of the Polytechnic

PhD defense – Mehdi Rahimian

Mr. Mehdi Rahimian will defend his PhD thesis entitled "Physical simulation of investment casting of Mar-M247 Ni-based superalloy" next Monday 13th  of July, at 12:00 h in Carlos III University,  (aula de Grados), Leganés Campus  (Madrid).

New incorporation – Zhi Li

Position: Research Assistant MSc.: Shanghai Jiang Tong University, China Research: New Generation Fire Retardant Materials Contact:

PhD defense – Rafael Soler

Size effect in LiF plasticity: new insights into the lattice resistance contribution - 16 Jun 2014

Prof. Javier LLorca elected to the Academia Europaea

Javier LLorca, director of IMDEA Materials Institute and professor of Materials Science at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, has been elected to the Academia Europaea in the Physics and Engineering section. The election took place during the Academy Council held in Wroclaw on September, 16th.

R&D agreement with Pennsylvania State University

IMDEA Materials Institute y Pennsylvania State University has signed a two years colaboration agreement to promote joint research and development activities in the areas of processing, charaterization and simulation of advanced materials. In addition, this agreement opens a new range of

New horizons for continuum materials simulations

Dr. Jerusalem, head of the Computational Mechanics of Materials group, analyze the current situation of the continuum simulations in the materials field. Link to the complete text: Madri+d

NANOLAM project

NANOLAM project is part of a collaborative research effort between IMDEA Materials and Arizona State University in order to study the high temperature nanoindentation and micropillar compression behavior of Al/SiC nanolaminates. Check the whole description of the NANOLAM project

HIPREP project

The objective of this investigation, funded by the China Scholarship Council, is to develop high performance reinforced fire-retardant polymers via special molecular design, chemical functionalization of the reinforced fibers and advanced polymer processing. The fire behaviours, mechanical