Andrew Johnston

Post-doctoral Research Associate in bio-hybrid optoelectronics

IMDEA Materials seeks a full-time Post-doc researcher with a priority to candidates with experience in i) engineering and preparation of fluorescent proteins, ii) spectroscopic characterization of fluorescent proteins (denaturation/renaturation), and iii) bio-materials based on bio-degradable

OptiQPAP consortium members participated in the Workshop OpTOMuST

Consortiums of three RFCS-funded projects (OptiQPAP, TOOLKIT and MuSTMeF) have actively participated in the cross-project Workshop OpTOMuST organized by Dr. Piet Kok (TATA Steel) and Prof. Leo Kestens (University of Ghent) on February 11-13, 2019 in Ghent. The participants had an opportunity to

IV Edition of the Young Talent Awards

Our colleague Andrea Fernández Gorgojo, has been awarded one of the Young Talent Awards (premio Talento Joven-Carné Joven ) from the regional government of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) in the environmental category due to her innovative project focused in the application of new materials to obtain

IMDEA Materials Institute Interview – Rocío Muñoz Moreno

Rocío Muñoz Moreno finished her joint PhD (IMDEA Materials and UCM III) in 2014. Then she joined the Cambridge University's Rolls-Royce UTC (University Technology Centre) as postdoc and currently, she is working in the HP 3D printing team in Barcelona as an R&D Materials System Integration

IMDEA Materials Institute Alumni Interview – Arcadio Varona​

Arcadio Varona finished his PhD at IMDEA Materials in 2016, under the supervision of Ilchat Sabirov and Teresa Pérez Prado. Later on, he joined GRUPO ANTOLIN-EUROTRIM as quality engineer. Starting this interview, would you explain us how your scientific vocation born? When and why did you take the

OptiQPAP participation at THERMEC 2018

The OptiQPAP consortium members have participated at the THERMEC 2018 Conference, which was held on July 8-13 in Paris. THERMEC Conference is the main international event in the area of thermo-mechanical processing of steels. The recent outcomes of the OptiQPAP project were presented in oral talks

The 4th review meeting

The 4th OptiQPAP progress meeting was hosted by the University of Gent (Gent, Belgium) on 15th of June, 2018. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last 6 months. The future research plans and dissemination activities were updated.

Mid-term report

The OptiQPAP project has successfully undergone mid-term review by the Research Fund for Coal Steel. The mid-term report of the OptiQPAP project was approved by the Committee after the evaluation that took place on April 27 at the CSM headquarters (Rome).

3rd review meeting

The 3rd OptiQPAP progress meeting was held on 24th of January, 2018, at the CTM headquarters (Manresa, Spain). The meeting was organized by Toni Lara. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last 6 months, as well as

ALFORAMA 1st consortium meeting in Ordizia

The First ALFORAMA Technical Committee Meeting took place on the 18th of January 2018 and was hosted by the Coordinator of the Consortium IK4-LORTEK in Ordizia, Spain The ALFORAMA partners reviewed the progress made across the different work packages addressing topics such as definition of

ALFORAMA at Strategic Workshop on Additive Manufacturing

ALFORAMA participated in the European Strategic Approach on Additive Manufacturing that took place on 15th November 2017 in Oeiras, Portugal. The workshop was organised by the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting and AM-motion project. The event

ALFORAMA Kick-off Meeting

The ALFORAMA Kick of Meeting took place on the 4rd of July 2017 in Naples (Italy). The event was host by LEONARDO S.p.A. (Topic Manager Company). Leonardo is a founding member of the Clean Sky JTI (Joint Technology Initiative) started in 2008 to develop breakthrough technologies

2nd review meeting

TU Delft (Delft, The Netherlands) has hosted the 2nd OptiQPAP progress meeting on 26th of June, 2017, at the headquarters (Manresa, Spain). The meeting was organized by Dr. Carola Celada. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last

1st review meeting

The 1st OptiQPAP progress meeting was held on 24th of January at the CSM headquarters (Rome, Italy). The meeting was organized by Dr. Ali Smith. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within first 6 months. The research plans for the next

Recruitment process is closed

The recruitment process to cover 2 research assistants positions (Early Stage Researchers) within the DYNACOMP project is now closed. The selected candidates are Maria Azzurra (Master’s degree in Materials Engineering by the University of Salento in Italy) and Mario Rueda (Master of

Summer school on composite materials

Composite materials are nowadays extensively used in applications where outstanding mechanical properties are necessary in combination with weight savings.Their increased use has presented new challenges to engineers, largely due to the highly complex failure mechanisms of composite materials but

ITN 2016 – Coordinators Info Day

IMDEA Materials, as coordinator of the DYNACOMP network, attended an information day for ITN actions organized by the Research Executive Agency (REA) past 12/12/2012 in Brussels (Belgium). During the event, the REA (funding agency of the DYNACOMP project) provided detailed

DYNACOMP to be presented as a success story

DYNACOMP has been selected by the Spanish National Contact Points (NCP) for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) to be showcased as a success story in an info day related to call 2017 of MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITNs). This event will be celebrated next November

Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting for the project will take place next 18th of October 2016 at IMDEA Materials Institute headquarters. The main goal of this meeting will be to align partners understandings of project objectives, work procedures, timelines, roles and responsibilities. A detailed

Job vacancies available

We are still looking for 2 research assistants (Early Stage Researchers) to join the DYNACOMP project. Attractive job conditions and a really interesting research project in collaboration with top European companies!. See the job description and apply via Euraxess, Academic

Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting for the OptiQPAP project will take place next 5th of July 2016 at IMDEA Materials Institute headquarters. The main goal of the kick-off meeting will be to align partners understandings of project objectives, work procedures and timelines, roles and responsibilities. A